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Hedonistic Words: “anhedonia” to “nikhedonia”

Words from hedone (Greek: pleasure); including such elements as: hedono-, hedon-, -hedonia, -hedonic

The inability to feel pleasure.
1. Of relating to, or marked by pleasure.
2. In wider use, chiefly in Psychol.: of, pertaining to, or involving pleasurable or painful sensations or feelings, considered as affects. Spec. hedonic tone, the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness associated with an experience or state, esp. considered as a single quantity that can range from extreme pleasure to extreme pain.
3. Zool. Of or pertaining to sexual activity; hedonic gland, any of various specialized glands found in many reptiles and amphibia that serve, apparently by secreting an attractive-smelling substance, to attract members of the opposite sex.
4. One who maintains that pleasure is the proper end of action; applied to the ancient Greek school of philosophers; otherwise called cyrenaics. Of, or relating to hedonism or hedonists.

In pursuit of money, working ever harder, we are, on a "hedonic treadmill"; a phrase that resonates with most of us. Right across Europe people report more stress, harder work, greater fear of insecurity, chasing elusive gains. The seven key factors now scientifically established to affect happiness most are: mental health, satisfying and secure work, a secure and loving private life, a safe community, freedom and moral values.

—Lord (Richard) Layard, the director of the Center
for Economic Performance in England.

For some people, the only way to maintain permanent satisfaction with one's income is to do the impossible: to continually increase income without limit; or to be on a "hedonic treadmill".
A reference to anything that brings pleasure.
hedonics (used with a singular verb):
1. The branch of psychology that studies pleasant and unpleasant sensations and states of mind.
2. In philosophy, the branch of ethics that deals with the relation of pleasure to duty.
1. The doctrine or theory of ethics in which pleasure is regarded as the chief good, or the proper end of action.
2. Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
3. In philosophy, the ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
4. In psychology, the doctrine that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
5. Hedonism is also said to be the thesis that pleasure is the highest good: that only pleasure has value in itself. Among philosophers said to have advocated this view are Aristippus, Epicurus, and Bentham. It is sometimes called "ethical hedonism", to distinguish it from what is known as "psychological hedonism".
6. Pleasure is not the same as happiness, so hedonism is not the same as eudaimonism, the thesis that happiness is the highest good.

There is more information about hedonism for you, if you want it.

hedonistic, hedonistically:
Pertaining to hedonists, or of the nature of hedonism.
The science of human pleasure.
An irresistible craving for pleasure.
A hedonist is a person of low taste, more interested in pleasure than with me.
Used humorously, an apparatus for measuring pleasure.
In psychiatry, a fear of having pleasure.
"Some individuals who have guilt feelings about themselves fear enjoying themselves and hence fear pleasure. Some cannot enjoy an activity or event themselves because others less fortunate than they cannot do what they are doing."
The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties
by Ronald M. Doctor, Ph.D., and Ada P. Kahn;
pulbished by Facts On File, New York, 1989.
1. An abnormal pleasure in anything.
2. An abnormal sexual excitement.
—From Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 18th ed.
3. The feeling of an abnormally great pleasure in any act or from any happening; hyperhedonism.
—From Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th ed.
1. An abnormal diminution of pleasure in acts that should normally give pleasure.
—From Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 18th ed.

2. A habitually lessened or attenuated degree of pleasure from that which should normally give great pleasure.
—From Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th ed.
The pleasure of anticipating victory or success. Etymologically from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory; plus hedone, pleasure.