Fidel Words: affidation to unconfident
Words including: fid-, fidel- (Latin: believe, belief; trust, faith, true).
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A solemn promise of fidelity.
A statement made in writing, confirmed by the makers oath, and intended to be used as judicial proof. In legal phrase, the deponent swears an affidavit, the judge takes it; but in popular usage the deponent makes or takes it.
bona fide:
1. In good faith, with sincerity; genuinely.
2. Acting or done in good faith; sincere, genuine.
A person trusted with private affairs, commonly with affairs of love. Now used somewhat more widely, so as to take the place of confident.
2. Entrusted with secrets; privy to a secret matter.
A female confidant.
1. To have faith or trust; to have confidence; to be assured or confident.
2. To impart as a secret, to communicate in confidence (to a person).
3. To entrust (an object of care, a task, etc.) to a person, with reliance on his/her fidelity or competence.
4. To reveal, impart, divulge, and confess, usually secrets or inside information passed on to someone.
Some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them.
—Louis B. Nizer
1. The mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing; firm trust, reliance, faith.
2. Feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation.
3. Assurance, boldness, fearlessness, arising from reliance (on oneself, on circumstances, on divine support, etc.).
4. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy.
Confidence is the feeling that you have just
before you fully understand the situation. Belief in yourself is a fine thing, but you should see to it that you are not too easily convinced; because confidence is that quiet, absolutely assured feeling you have just
before you fall flat on your rear end.
—John Rayoa
1. Having strong belief, firm trust, or sure expectation; feeling certain, fully assured, sure.
2. Full of assurance, self-reliant, bold; sure of oneself, ones cause, etc.; having no fear of failure.
Of the nature of confidence; spoken or written in confidence; characterized by the communication of secrets or private matters.
1. Renunciation of faith, allegiance, or amity; declaration of hostilities.
2. The act of defying or challenging to fight; a challenge or summons to a combat or contest; a challenge to make good or maintain a cause, assertion, etc. cartel of defiance.
Showing a disposition to defy; manifesting a spirit of defiance; feeling distrust.
1. Lacking confidence or faith; mistrust, distrust, misgiving, doubt; timid, shy, unsure, and self-effacing.
2. Distrust of oneself; lacking confidence in ones own ability, worth, or fitness; modesty, shyness of disposition.
A diffident man is one who has finally discovered that there are some problems for which no one has a solution. It seems that when someone thinks he knows all the solutions to a problem, some fool comes along and asks the wrong questions.
—John Rayoa
Lacking self-confidence; distrustful of oneself; not confident in disposition; timid, shy, modest, bashful.
In a diffident manner, with distrust or self-distrust.
A reliance, in a search for religious truth, on faith alone.
The obligation of fidelity on the part of a feudal tenant or vassal to his lord.
1. The quality of being faithful; faithfulness, loyalty, unswerving allegiance to a person, party, bond, etc.
2. Strict conformity to truth or fact.
3. Faithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a husband or wife.
4. The degree to which a sound or picture reproduced or transmitted by any device resembles the original; especially, in high fidelity.
A persons loyalty is determined by observing what one stands for, falls for, and lies for.
—John Rayoa
1. Of or pertaining to, or of the nature of, trust or reliance.
2. Relating to a legal trust:fiduciary.
3. Regarded or used as a standard of reference, as in surveying.
1. In trust of a person or thing; holding something in trust.
2. Of or pertaining to a trustee; pertaining to or of the nature of a trusteeship; held in trust.
3. Relating to or depending on confidence in a government for the value of fiat money (paper money decreed to be legal tender, not backed by gold or silver and not necessarily redeemable in coin).
infidel, infidelic:
1. One who does not believe in what the speaker or writer holds to be the true religion; an unbeliever; applied especially to Christianity or Islam.
2. A disbeliever in religion or divine revelation generally; especially one in a Christian land who professedly rejects or denies the divine origin and authority of Christianity; a professed unbeliever.
Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.
—Arabian proverb
Unfaithfulness or disloyalty to a person, e.g. to a sovereign, lord, master, friend, lover; especially, in modern use, to a husband or wife, called more fully conjugal infidelity.
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
—Jackie Mason, American comedian
Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a fury like a woman scornd.
—William Congreve
mala fide:
1. In bad faith.
2. Acting in bad faith; pretended, not genuine, sham.
One who has the least possible faith in something.
Characterized by perfidy; guilty of breaking faith or violating confidence; deliberately faithless; basely treacherous.
The deceitful violation of faith or promise; base breach of faith or betrayal of the trust reposed in one; treachery; often, the profession of faith or friendship in order to deceive or betray.
semper fidelis:
Always faithful.
Lacking in confidence; unsure, not certain.