nepot-, nepo- (Latin: nephew; grandson, grandchild; descendant [family member]; nepotism, et al.).Said to be used in the Middle Ages by Catholic popes to show favoritism to their illegitimate children for positions of power. The use of "nephew" was a euphemism for their "out-of-wedlock" offspring. nepotal:
Of the nature of, belonging to or pertaining to, a nephew or nephews.
1. Inclined to, of the nature of, nepotism.
2. Holding the position of a nephew. nepotious:
Excessively fond of one's nephews.
1. Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in appointments to desirable [good-paying] positions.
2. The practice, on the part of the Popes or other ecclesiastics (and hence of other persons), of showing special favor to nephews or other relatives in conferring offices; unfair preference for nephews or relatives instead of others who are better qualified for the positions. nepotist:
One who practices nepotism or one who gives his relatives good jobs, or positions, usually only because they are relatives and not for their skills or merits.