pimelo-, pimel-, pimele- (Greek: [soft] fat).pimelitis:
Inflammation of adipose tissue.
Lipoma, a benign, soft rubbery, encapsulated tumor of adipose tissue, usually composed of mature fat cells.
A fatty outgrowth upon the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and is reflected onto the eyeball).
Passage of fat in large amounts in the feces.
1. Dyspnea while lying down, due to obesity.
2. Difficulty breathing in any but the erect posture, due to obesity. Also known as piorthopnea. pimelosis:
1. conversion into fat.
2. Obesity. 3. Fatty degeneration of any tissue. 4. Any fatty substance. pimeluria:
Lipuria, the presence of oil or fat in the urine.