Psych- words: allopsychic to neuropsychosis,
Part 1 of 7
Words that include: psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic,
-psychical, -psychically
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes;
the human soul; breath of life)
A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.
Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness; and literally, "that which breathes".
Denoting the mental processes in their relation to the outer world.
Effective in the treatment of psychosis or an agent that has such actions. Antipsychotic agents are a chemically diverse but pharmacologically similar class of drugs used to treat schizophrenic, paranoid, schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders; such as, acute delirium, dementia, and manic episodes.
anthropopsychism, anthropopsychic:
The ascription of mental faculties or characteristics like those of man to the Divine Being or the agencies at work in nature. A reference to the mind and spirit of man, including his reason, his intelligence, and his will. Anthropopsychism is believed to be more appropriate when referring to the mental characteristics described above rather than the term anthropomorphism.
1. Unspiritual.
2. Not connected with or controlled by the mind.
Of or pertaining to self-consciousness or awareness of oneself.
An interdisciplinary area of study involving psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, the neural sciences, and related fields.
Involving the interplay of biological, psychological, and social influences.
Slowness of mental reactions.
That which is within the mind.
ethnopsychology, ethnopsychological:
The investigation of the psychology of races and peoples.
Excessive mental activity beyond one's control.
Relating to ideas developed from outside one's own mind or derived from another's consciousness.
Relating to ideas developed within one's own mind, independent of any suggestions from external sources.
idiopsychology, idiopsychological:
The psychology of one's own mind.
Denoting ideas or actions originating below the level of consciousness.
Denoting the psychological dynamics that occur inside the mind without reference to the individual's exchanges with other people or events. Synonym: intrapersonal.
Psychology in its relation to medicine.
That which is beyond the sphere of ordinary psychology; pertaining to metapsychics.
A name applied to a science or study of certain phenomena that are beyond the scheme of orthodox psychology.
metapsychology, metapsychological:
1. A systematic attempt to discern and describe what lies beyond the empirical facts and laws of psychology; such as, the relations
between body and mind, or concerning the place of the mind in the universe.
2. In psychoanalysis, or psychoanalytic metapsychology, psychology concerning the fundamental assumptions of the freudian theory of the mind, that entail five points of view:
a. Dynamic, concerning psychologic forces.
b. Economic, concerning psychologic energy.
c. Structural, concerning psychologic configurations.
d. Genetic, concerning psychologic origins.
e. Adaptive, concerning psychologic relations with the environment.
3. A name given to speculative inquiry regarding the ultimate nature of the mind and its functions which cannot be studied experimentally.
4. A term applied to theories about the origin, structure, and functions of the mind that extend beyond the empirical laws of psychology.
The supposed psychic action of one mind upon another.
Transmigration of the soul; passage of the soul from one body to another; chiefly, the transmigration of the soul of a human being or animal at or after death into a new body (whether of the same or a different species), a tenet of the Pythagoreans and certain Eastern religions; especially, Buddhism.
One who believes in metempsychosis.
The theory that all souls (or the souls of all mankind) are one; the unity of souls asserted by this theory.
Synonymous with monomania:
partial insanity, in which the morbid mental state is restricted to one subject, the patient being of sound judgment and appropriate affect on all other subjects; an impulsive act without an apparent motive.
1. Psychiatry that relates mental or emotional disturbance to disordered brain function; neurology and psychiatry as a single discipline.
2. The specialty dealing with both organic and psychic disorders of the nervous system; this is an earlier term for psychiatry.
neuropsychology, neuropsychologic, neuropsychological:
1. The field of study concerned with the relationship between behavior and the mind on the one hand, and the nervous system; especially, the brain, on the other; neurological psychology.
2. A specialty of psychology concerned with the study of the relationships between the brain and behavior, including the use of psychological tests and assessment techniques to diagnose specific cognitive and behavioral deficits and to prescribe rehabilitation strategies for their remediation.
Pertaining to diseased states of the nervous and mental functions.
An emotional illness of neurologic and/or functional origin.
A neurotic condition in which certain features characteristic of a psychosis can be recognized.