Bio Words referring to life :
biorational to biosomes
Part 13 of 20
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical, -biotic (Greek: life; living, live, alive).
Dont confuse this element with another bi- that means two.

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Based on biological principles; having an effect by natural means; said, for example of such pesticidal agents as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, or naturally occurring biochemicals.
1. A microorganism that, through its biochemical reactions, can produce medically or commercially useful materials, e.g., beer from fermentation of yeast or insulin from genetically altered bacteria.
2. A large tank for growing microorganisms used in industrial production.
A unique area with distinctive soils, landforms, climates, and indigenous plants and animals.
1. The study of the physical and chemical properties of a drug, and its dosage form, as related to the onset, duration, and intensity of drug action.
2. The use of biological means to restore or clean up contaminated land, e.g., by adding bacteria and other organisms that consume or neutralize contaminants in the soil.
Research in the biological sciences.
1. The science concerned with deformation (process of adapting in shape or form) and flow in biological systems.
2. The study of the deformation and flow of matter in living systems and in materials directly derived from them.
biorhythm, biorhythms, biorhythmic:
1. Supposed regular cycles in human physiological processes that affect emotions and behavior.
2. A biologically inherent cyclic variation or recurrence of an event or state, such as the sleep cycle, circadian rhythms, or periodic diseases.
3. An endogenous cyclic variation in some aspect of an organisms bodily functioning, as the daily cycle of sleeping and waking, or the annual cycle of dormancy and activity in some animals; specifically each of three alleged cycles of different periods involving a persons physical, emotional, and intellectual activity, as used to explain or predict behavior.
One who advocates or employs biorhythmics.
Obsolete term for the making of x-ray pictures of subjects in motion.
A reference to systems suitable for making deserts economically useful.
An artificial satellite containing living organisms, or even humans, for experimental purposes.
1. A collective term for the biological sciences including physics, chemistry, etc. wherein all are applicable.
2. A science that studies structures, functions, interactions, or other aspects of living organisms.
A specialist in any of the life sciences, e.g. biology, ecology, physiology, or molecular biology.
1. A view or survey of life.
2. An earlier form of cinematograph.
1. Device to monitor and to transmit information about biological processes; such as, the effect of motion on an animal in space.
2. An apparatus for detecting chemical or physical signals that provide information about specific biological activities. Blood pressure or heart monitors and systems that use live organisms are types of biosensors.
A succession of changes of any single heritable character.
Plankton, nekton, and suspended organic particulate matter derived from living organisms; the biological component of seston (the total particulate matter or separate particles that are suspended in water).
Life, in a general sense; vitality.
Osmosis through a living membrane.
Of or pertaining to the interaction of biological and social factors; relating to both biology and sociology.
Structural and functional units in cytoplasm; such as, chondriosomes, chromidia and plastids.

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