Mort Words: abmortal to postmortemWords that include: mort-, mor-, mori- (Latin: death, dead)abmortal:
Situated or directed away from a dead or injured part; applied especially to electric currents set up in injured tissue.
Moving toward damaged tissue; applied to an electric current.
amort, amortality:
In the state or act of death; lifeless, inanimate; figuratively spiritless, dejected.
The reduction of a debt by making payments with regular transfers or installments, or the money used for this.
1. To deaden, render as if dead, destroy.
2. To droop, hand as if dead. 3. To reduce a debt by making payments against the principal balance in installments or regular transfers. 4. To write off the cost of an asset over a period of time in a statement of accounts . ante mortem:
Made or done just before ones death; before death.
1. From Latin, bene mori, to die well or a good death. Coined in the early 1970s by A.J. Dyck, of Harvard University and essentially refers to passive euthanasia as opposed to the generally accepted active implications of euthanasia.
biomort, biomortia:
The dying of a living organism.
Having the capacity to live after death.
1. Not mortal; not liable or subject to death; deathless, undying; living for ever.
2. In a wider sense, not liable to perish or decay; everlasting, imperishable, unfading, incorruptible. 3. Of fame, or of famous works or their authors: Lasting through an unlimited succession of ages; that will not fade from the memory of men; remembered or celebrated through all time. immortality:
1. The quality or condition of being immortal; exemption from death or annihilation; endless life or existence; eternity; perpetuity.
2. The condition of being celebrated through all time; enduring fame or remembrance. immortalizable:
Capable of being immortalized, or of becoming immortal.
1. To endow with endless life; to exempt from death.
2. To make (a thing) everlasting, to confer endless existence upon; to perpetuate. 3. To cause to be remembered or celebrated through all time; to confer enduring fame upon. moratia, moratic:
Cause of death or a reference to death.
moribund, moribundity, moribundly:
1. At the point of death or dying.
2. Having lost all sense of purpose or vitality. 3. Becoming obsolescent. mortal:
1. Subject to death or destined to die.
2. Fatal or causing death. 3. Of this world; fleeting; destined to die. 4. To the death; as, mortal combat; or a mortal wound. 5. Causing death; fatal. Attributed to Somerset Maugham Preface to Appointment in Samarra, by John OHara There was a merchant in Baghdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the market place I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go on to Samarra and there Death will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market-place and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra. mortality:
1. The quality of being mortal.
2. The mortality or death rate. 3. In life insurance, the ratio of actual deaths to expected deaths. 4. Frequency in the number of deaths in proportion to a population. mortally:
So as to cause death; (to fight) to the death so as To be mortally wounded.
1. The total amount of money lent to a borrower by a money-lending organization, with some of the borrowers property being given as security.
2. Historically, when the oldest son of a nobleman needed large sums of money which his father refused to give him, he often turned to borrowing. In arranging the loan, he would gage or pledge to repay the debt when his father died (at which time the son expected to receive his inheritance). Thus, mortgage originally meant a pledge to repay upon the death of ones father. Now the word is used when someone pledges property as a guarantee; such as a house, to a creditor as security or a guarantee for the repayment of a loan or other debt; as shown in the illustration below. ![]() mortician:
One who arranges and manages funerals; an undertaker who is trained to care for the dead.
A dead person; especially, one who died recently.
Bringing or producing death; deadly, a cause of death.
1. The death of a part of the body while the rest is living; gangrene, necrosis.
2. In religious use, the action of mortifying the flesh or its lusts. The subjection of one146;s appetites and passions by the practice of austere living, especially by the self-infliction of bodily pain or discomfort. 3. Something that causes a feeling of shame and humiliation caused by a disappointment, a rebuff or slight, or an untoward accident; the sense of disappointment or vexation. mortific:
Death-producing; deadly.
In a religious use, of persons, their actions or occupations: Dead to sin or the world; having the appetites and passions in full control; ascetic.
1. To decay and to die.
2. To make someone feel ashamed and humiliated. 3. To use self-imposed discipline, hardship, abstinence from pleasure, and especially self-inflicted pain in an attempt to conrol or put an end to desires and passions; especially, for religious purposes. mortinality:
Still-birth or the death of a baby at birth.
Seemingly or apparently dead.
1. Pertaining to death or funerals.
2. A place where dead bodies are kept until burial or cremation. neomort, neomortia:
A corpse immediately after death.
Death as a result of natural causes, I.e., a natural death.
A sudden or unexpected death.
1. Taking place, formed, or done after death; extended to include a detailed examination of a body, or evaluation of some event or activity just ended.
2. A searching (and frequently recriminatory) analysis or discussion of a some past event. premortal:
Taking place or performed before death: opposed of post-mortem.
Someone who is about to die; just before death.
Occurring, or pertaining to what may occur, before (some ones) death.
rigor mortis:
1. Stiffness of death; the stiffening of the muscles that occurs several hours after someone dies.
2. Stiffening of the body, from 1 to 7 hours after death, from hardening of the muscular tissues as a result of the coagulation of the myosinogen and paramyosinogen. It disappears after 1 to 5 or 6 days, or when decomposition begins. tychemortia:
An accidental death.