Lipo- (fat) Words: adenolipoma to lipodology,
Part 1 of 2.
Words that include: lipo-, lip-, -lipid, -lipoid, -lipoma,
-lipomatous (Greek: fat, fatty).
A benign neoplasm composed of glandular and adipose tissues.
A condition characterized by development of multiple adenolipomas.
Not forming fat.
alipoid, alipoidic:
Characterized by the absence of lipoids.
Having no effect upon fat metabolism, nor upon the movement of fat to the liver.
A benign tumor composed of blood vessel, adipose tissue, and smooth muscle elements, such as that which occurs in the kidney in association with tuberous sclerosis, where it is usually called angiomyolipoma.
A lipoma containing clusters of thin-walled proliferating blood vessels; it is frequently painful.
A benign tumor containing vascular, adipose, and muscle elements; it occurs most often as a renal tumor with smooth muscle elements (more correctly called angiolipoleiomyoma) usually in association with tuberous sclerosis, and is considered to be a hamartoma (a benign tumor-like nodule composed of an overgrowth of mature cells and tissues that normally occur in the affected part but with disorganization and often with one element predominating).
Any of the protein constituents of lipoproteins; grouped by function in four classes.
fibrolipoma, fibrolipomatous:
Lipoma containing an excess of fibrous tissue.
A lipid containing carbohydrate groups, usually galactose but also glucose, inositol, or others.
hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemic, lipemia:
General terms for elevated concentrations of any or all of the lipids in the plasma.
An excess of lipoproteins in the blood, due to a disorder of lipoprotein metabolism; it may be an acquired or familial condition or some combination.
1. Excessive adiposity. 2. An extreme degree of fatty degeneration. 3. An excess of fat in the blood serum or tissues.
Decreased levels of a lipoprotein in the serum.
Presence of an abnormally small amount of fat in the tissues.
The presence of an excess of fatty acids in the blood, as in diabetes mellitus.
1. The presence of fatty acids in the urine. 2. Urinary excretion of fatty acids, which is increased in ketoacidosis.
A British spelling for lipemia.
A condition of excess fat; obesity.
A hernia containing adipose tissue, such as an omental hernia [omental refers to the double layer of peritoneum that connects the stomach to another abdominal organ].
The dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing) of the obese.
A lipoma (tumor) of the umbilicus.
Fat; obese.
Any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a fat.
The presence of lipase in the urine. Increased lipasuria reflects pancreatic disease, although it also may be present in diffuse renal diseases. It is said that it is not a practical diagnostic test.
1. Surgical removal of fatty tissue, as in cases of adiposity. 2. The excision of a mass of subcutaneous adipose tissue, as from the abdominal wall; also called adipectomy.
1. An accumulation of excess fat and fluid in subcutaneous tissues. 2. Chronic swelling, usually of the lower extremities, particularly in middle-aged women, caused by the widespread even distribution of subcutaneous fat and fluid.
lipemia, lipemic; lipaemia [ British spelling]:
1. The presence of an abnormally large amount of lipids in the circulating blood. 2. Having a cloudy or milky appearance used in reference to a plasma or serum specimen.
Also: hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoidemia, lipidemia,
1. Any of a heterogeneous group of fats and fatlike substances characterized by being water-insoluble and being extractable by nonpolar (or fat) solvents such as alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, etc.
2. Fat-soluble, an operational term used to describe a solubility characteristic, not a chemical substance, i.e., denoting substances extracted from animal or vegetable cells by nonpolar or fat solvents; included in the heterogeneous collection of materials thus extractable are fatty acids, glycerides and glyceryl ethers, phospholipids, sphingolipids, alcohols and waxes, terpenes, steroids, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E.
Pertaining to or containing lipids.
lipidolysis, lipidolytic:
1. The splitting of lipids. 2. Causing the breakdown of lipid.
lipidosis, singular; lipidoses, plural:
1. Lipid storage disease. 2. Hereditary abnormality of lipid metabolism that results in abnormal amounts of lipid deposition.
The presence of lipids in the urine, as neutral fat bodies floating in the urine, oval fat bodies which appear yellow or black under reduced light and which may be single or aggregated, casts with inclusion fat or fatty cells.
1. Inflammation of the fatty tissue of a joint. 2. Inflammation of the periarticular fatty tissues of the knees.
Atrophy of subcutaneous fat (loss of subcutaneous fat).
1. A specialized connective tissue cell which develops into a fat cell. 2. A cell, originating in connective tissue, which becomes a fat cell. The cell usually has a polyhedral shape and contains numerous small lipid droplets.
Pertaining to or containing lipoblasts.
A benign fatty tumor composed of a mixture of embryonal lipoblastic cells in a myxoid stroma and mature fat cells; the tumor cells are arranged in lobules and occur most often in children.
A benign lobulated tumor of fetal fat cells seen primarily in infants. It may be localized or diffuse.
1. A reference to a fatty heart. 2. Denoting a person suffering from fatty degeneration of the heart.
1. Pertaining to or effecting the destructive metabolism of fat. 2. Relating to the breakdown (catabolism) of fat.
A hernia containing fatty tissue.
lipocere, lipoceratous:
Adipocere (adipoceratous), a fatty substance of waxy consistency into which dead animal tissues (as those of a corpse) are sometimes converted when kept from the air under certain favoring conditions of temperature.
Any of a group of fat soluble pigments, including carotene, lutein, lycopene, and xanthophyll, that are synthesized in plants and on ingestion impart a yellow, yello-orange, or orange-red color to lipid-containing tissues.
The presence of an excess of lipochrome in the blood.
A substance that becomes converted into lipochrome.
1. An apparatus and procedure for separating and volumetrically analyzing the amount of lipid in blood or other body fluids. 2. A device for determining the proportion of lipid in a fluid.
1. A fat cell. 2. A fat-storing cell of the liver.
Congenital, yellowish-white, fatty, benign tumor located subconjunctivally.
A specialist in the effects of fat.
The study of fat and its effects on the body.