Philo Words: philology to pyroxylophilous,
Part 8 of 10
Words that include: philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic,
-philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
(Greek: love, loving, friendly to, fondness for, attraction to, strong tendency toward, affinity for).
philology, philologer, philologist; philological, philologic,
1. Literary study or classical scholarship; such as, historical linguistics. A special fondness for literature and languages. [Middle English philologie, from Latin philologia, love of learning, from Greek, philologos, a fondness of learning or of words].
2. Philology is an older name for linguists, especially comparative or historical linguistics.
3. The study of language, its use in written records and literature, and its historical development, or of the role of speech in culture; historical or comparative linguistics; formerly, love of learning and letters; classical literary scholarship.
philomath, philomathy:
A lover of learning; specifically, a devotee of mathematics and science.
From Greek Mythology, a princess of Athens who, after being raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus, was avenged by her sister, Procne, and was later turned into a swallow or nightingale while fleeing Tereus. We now have the word philomel, a nightingale.
A person who loves myths, symbols, and legends.
One who loves or who is an obsessed follower of trends and fads.
A fondness for or a seeker of knowledge.
philopatric, philopatry:
1. In biology, exhibiting a tendency to remain in a native locality; a reference to species or groups that show little capacity to spread or to disperse.
2. The tendency of an organism to stay in, or return to, its home area.
An obsolete term for nostalgia.
A shallow philosophical dabbler or poseur (one who assumes an attitude, character, or manner to impress others); a pseudothinker.
A collector of words for collectors (coined by Paul Dickson).
One who is abnormally afraid of falling in love or of being loved.
philopolemicist, philopolemic:
A person who loves to argue or who is particularly fond of controversy.
One who loves or has a special fondness for prostitutes.
1. Procreative, producing offspring; prolific.
2. Loving ones own offspring or children in general.
3. In psychiatry, manifesting an erotic or abnormal love for children.
A fondness for or attraction to ideas, cultural qualities, etc. that originate with Jews, pro-Jewish; the opposite of antiSemitism.
philosophaster, philosophunculist:
A person who pretends to know more about something than he actually knows as a way of impressing or manipulating others. Someone who claims to be a philosopher, but who actually has only superficial knowledge of the subject.
Resorting to gentle speech or humble submission in order to mitigate anger or to mollify.
1. A student of or specialist in philosophy.
2. A person who lives and thinks according to a particular philosophy.
3. A person who is
calm and rational under any circumstances.
[Middle English philosophre, from Old French philosophe, from Latin philosophus, from Greek philosophos, a love of, or fondness for, wisdom].
philosophical, philosophic, philosophically:
1. Of, relating to, or based on a system of philosophy.
2. Characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity, enlightenment, and wisdom.
philosophize, philosophizing, philosophizer:
1. To speculate in a philosophical manner.
2. To set forth or express a moralistic, often superficial philosophy.
3. To consider (a matter) from a philosophical standpoint.
philosophy, philosophies:
1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline; the investigation of causes and laws underlying reality; a system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.
2. Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
3. The critique and analysis of fundamental beliefs as they come to be conceptualized and formulated.
4. The synthesis of all learning.
5. All learning except technical precepts and practical arts.
6. All the disciplines presented in university curricula of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology.
7. The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
8. A system of motivating concepts or principles: the philosophy of a culture.
9. A basic theory; a viewpoint: an original philosophy of advertising. 10. The system of values by which one lives; such as, He has an unusual philosophy of life..
philotheist, philotheism:
A love of or devotion to God.
One who has a special love for animals.
philothermic, philotherm, philothermy:
1. In biology, thriving in a warm climate.
2. A plant that completes its life cycle only in a warm environment.
One who is fond of or who is happiest when entertaining strangers.
philtrum [singular], philtra [plural]:
1. A philter or love potion.
2. The infranasal depression; the vertical groove in the midline of the upper lip.
phonophilist, phonophily:
A collector of gramophones or old disks (records) that are played on gramophones.
photophilic, photophile, photophily:
In biology, thriving in conditions where there is full light. Loving light, tending towards a lighted region; thriving best in abundant light.
phreatophilous, phreatophile, phreatophily:
In biology, thriving in ground-water habitats.
phretophilous, phretophile, phretophily:
In biology, thriving in water tanks.
phycophilic, phycophile, phycophily:
In biology, thriving in algae-rich habitats or living on algae.
physiokallophilist, physiokallophily:
A collector of male pinup pictures.
phytophilist, phytophily:
A collector of plants (flowers, etc.).
In psychiatry, a sexual perversion in which sexual arousal and satisfaction are dependent upon viewing erotic or obscene graphics or films (pornographic), whether alone or in the presence of a sexual partner.
pirinophilist, pirinophily:
A collector of cotton reels.
planktophilous, planktophile, planktophily:
In biology, living or thriving in plankton.
pluviophilous, pluviophile, pluviophily:
In biology, thriving in conditions of abundant rainfall.
One who is fond of or who loves beards.
poleophilous, poleophile, poleophily:
In biology, thriving in urban habitats.
pontophilous, pontophile, pontophily:
In biology, thriving in deep-sea areas (deep waters).
poophilous, poophile, poophily:
In biology, dwelling and thriving in meadows.
pornophile, pornophily:
A lover of or attraction to pornography.
potamophilous, potamophile, potamophily:
In biology, dwelling and thriving in rivers.
potruspytophilist, potruspytophily:
A collector of teapots or collections of teapots.
proliferophilist, proliferophile:
A collector of miscellaneous items.
A fondness for collecting ammunition.
protozoophilous, protozoophily:
In biology, pollinated by Protozoa or other microscopic animals, as in some aquatic plants.
psamathophilous, psamathophile, psamathophily:
In biology, thriving in the strandline of a sandy seashore.
psammophilous, psammophile, psammophily:
In biology, thriving best in sandy soil; frequenting or growing in sandy soil, as an insect or a plant.
In psychiatry, masturbation with phantasies of corpses as the sexual object.
psilophilous, psilophile, psilophily:
In biology, thriving in prairie or savannah habitats.
psychophilous, psychophile, psychophily:
In biology, pollinated by diurnal Lepidoptera [butterflies and moths].
psychrophilic, psychrophile, psychrophily:
In biology, thriving at low temperatures. An organism that grows best at a low temperature of 0 to 15 degrees Celsius [32 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit], with optimum growth occurring at 15 to 20 degrees Celsius [60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit]. Used especially in reference to certain bacteria.
In biology, living in deciduous forests [trees that lose their leaves in autumn and grow new ones in the spring].
In biology, dwelling in deciduous thickets (plants that lose their leaves in autumn and grow new ones in the spring).
An erotic interest in pubic hair.
In psychiatry, one who has a special love for young girls and might include a sexual desire for them.
A strong fondness for buttocks or rumps.
pyrophilous, pyrophile, pyrophily:
In biology, thriving on ground that has recently been scorched or burned by fire.
pyroxylophilous, pyroxylophile, pyroxylophily:
In biology, thriving on burnt wood.