Bio Words referring to life :
i-biology to myrmecosymbiosis
Part 18 of 20
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical, -biotic (Greek: life; living, live, alive).
Dont confuse this element with another bi- that means two.

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The use of information technology to make new biological discoveries and to improve collaboration among scientists. The i-biology approach represents the consolidation of the many diverse data in life science research into refined information. In contrast to bioinformatics, which represents solely computational biology, i-biology stands for an integrated approach, bringing applied scientists and bioinformaticians together."
kleptobiosis, kleptobiotic, kleptobiotic, cleptobiosis, cleptobiotic, cleptobiotic:
1. Among ants and certain other social insects, an association in which a small species feeds on the refuse of a neighbouring nest inhabited by a larger species, or robs returning workers of the host species of the food they are carrying.
2. An interspecific association found in some social organisms in which one species steals food from the stores of another species but does not live or nest in close proximity to it. Also known as lestobiosis.
An extract from peach kernels, the composition of which has not been fully described but which gained notoriety in the 1960s and 1970s as a dubious but exploited remedy for cancer; currently not regarded as effective.
The same as cleptobiosis.
limnobiology, limnobiologic:
1. The biology (study of life forms) of lakes and ponds.
2. The study of organisms living in lakes, ponds, and other standing freshwater bodies.
An association of organisms in a lake.
limnobiont, limnobiontic:
A freshwater organism.
The total life of fresh waters; that part of the Earths surface occupied by freshwater organisms.
1. The population of organisms of a size larger than a few centimeters in any habitat or ecosystem (especially applied to soil).
2. Large soil organisms, exceeding about 40-50 mm in length.
macrobiote, macrobiotic:
1. Tending to prolong life; relating to the prolongation of life.
2. The science of prolonging life.
macrobiotics, macrobiotic:
The study of the prolongation or extension of life; long-lived.
The larger of two symbionts.
medicobiologic, medicobiological:
Pertaining to the biologic aspects of medicine.
Soil organisms of intermediate size, from about 40-50 mm in length to a size just visible with the aid of a hand lens (magnifier).
A many-celled organism (metaphyte and metazoon).
Either a condition of symbiosis in which one symbiont sets the stage for the arrival of the other or a mutual association of two organisms of which one is thought to benefit without detriment to the other.
1. Dependence of one organism on another for its existence.
2. A relationship between two organisms in which only one of the partners benefits.
A microaerophilic micro-organism.
Any micro-organism; especially, a bacterium. Also: a micro-organism.
Caused by micro-organisms.
A microbe.
One who specializes in the science of microbiology.
microbiology, microbiologic:
The science concerned with micro-organisms, including fungi, protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.
Destruction or lysis of micro-organisms by a phage.
microbiota, microbiotic:
1. Microscopic soil organisms not visible with the aid of a hand lens (magnifier).
2. Flora and fauna composed of microscopical organisms.
Applied to one symbiont that is noticeably smaller than the other.
The fungal partner of a lichen (algal, fungal symbiosis).
The fungal flora of an area or habitat.
myrmecosymbiosis, myrmecosymbiotic:
A symbiosis between an ant and its host plant.

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