Words: abdicant to vindictive
Words that include: dic-, dict-
(Latin: talk, speak, say, tell, declare)
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One who abdicates.
1. To proclaim or declare to be no longer ones own, to disclaim, disown, cast off; especially, to disown or disinherit children. Now only as a technical term of Roman Law (L. abdicare filium, also patrem).
2. To formally give up (a right, trust, office, or dignity); to renounce, lay down, surrender, abandon; at first implying voluntary renunciation, but now including the idea of abandonment by default.
3. To renounce or relinquish sovereignty, or its equivalent.
1. The action of formally renouncing, disowning, or casting off. Now only applied to the disowning of a son in Roman Law.
2. Resignation, surrender, renunciation (generally).
3. Resignation or abandonment, either formal or virtual, of sovereignty or other high trust.
4. Formal renunciation or relinquishment of the ownership of goods by an insurer to the underwriters; abandonment.
One who abdicates.
1. Attached by ones own inclination, self-addicted to (a practice); devoted, given, inclined to.
2. To devote, give up, or apply habitually to a practice.
3. Formally made over or bound (to another); attached by restraint or obligation; obliged, bound, devoted, consecrated.
4. One who is addicted to the habitual and excessive use of a drug.
1. The state of being addicted (self-addicted) or given to a habit or pursuit; a devotion to a cause or to special objectives.
2. A state of being addicted to a drug; a compulsion and need to continue taking a drug as a result of taking it in the past.
3. In Roman Law, a formal giving over or delivery by sentence of court; hence, a surrender, or dedication, of any one to a master.
A specialist in the study and treatment of addictions.
The study and treatment of addictions.
A reference to a drug, etc.: to which one may become addicted; causing dependence, habit-forming.
Kindliness in speech.
1. To praise, commend; then later, to bless, wish well to.
2. As when expressing a wish: Bless you!
1. The utterance of a blessing; solemn invocation of blessedness upon a person; devout expression of a wish for the happiness, prosperity, or success of a person or enterprise.
2. Blessing carried into practical effect, blessedness; kindly favor, grace.
1. To affirm the contrary of; to declare untrue or erroneous; to deny categorically.
2. To deny the words or statement of (a person).
3. Of a statement, action, etc.: to be contrary to in effect, character, etc.; to be directly opposed to; to go counter to, go against.
1. The action of speaking against or in opposition to (an action, proposal, etc.); gainsaying; opposition.
2. The action of contradicting or declaring to be untrue or erroneous; affirming the contrary; assertion of the direct opposite; denial.
3. A state or condition of opposition in things compared; variance; inconsistency, contrariety.
4. A statement or phrase which is self-contradictory on the face of it; more fully, a contradiction in terms.
1. Having the quality or character of contradicting; denying that a thing stated is completely true.
2. Inconsistent in itself; containing elements opposed to each other.
3. The opposite, the contrary.
1. From de- (utterly, completely) and dicare, (to proclaim, to tell, to say).
2. To give up earnestly, seriously, or wholly, to a particular person or specific purpose; to assign or appropriate; to devote.
3. To inscribe or address (a book, engraving, piece of music, etc.) to a patron or friend, as a compliment, mark of honor, regard, or affection.
4. To devote or throw open to the use of the public (a highway or other open space).
5. To open formally to the public; to inaugurate, make public.
1. The giving up or devoting (of oneself, ones time, labor, etc.) to the service of a person or to the pursuit of a purpose.
2. The dedicating of a book, etc.; the form of words in which a writing, engraving, etc., is dedicated to some person.
3. The action of dedicating (a highway, etc.) to the public use.
A trademark for a small hand-held tape recorder used for dictation.
1. To put into words that are to be written down; to utter, pronounce, or read aloud to a person (something which he/she is to write).
2. To prescribe (a course or object of action); to lay down authoritatively; to order, or command in express terms.
3. To use or practise dictation; to lay down the law, give orders.
1. The pronunciation of words that are to be written down.
2. Arbitrary command; the exercise of dictatorship.
1. A person exercising absolute authority of any kind or in any sphere; one who authoritatively prescribes a course of action or dictates what is to be done.
2. One who dictates to a writer.
Pertaining to or characteristic of dictation; inclined to dictate or prescribe the actions of others; imperious; overbearing in tone.
A dictatorial practice, mode of action, or system.
The manner in which anything is expressed in words; choice or selection of words and phrases; wording; verbal style of writings, speech, or oratory.
1. A book dealing with the individual words of a language (or certain specified classes of them), so as to set forth their orthography, pronunciation, signification, and use, their synonyms, derivation, and history, or at least some of these facts: for convenience of reference, the words are arranged in some stated order, now, in most languages, alphabetical; and in larger dictionaries the information given is illustrated by quotations from literature; a word-book, vocabulary, or lexicon.
2. An ordered list stored in and used by a computer; specifically, (a) a list of contents, e.g. of a database; (b) a list of words acceptable to a word-processing program, against which each word of text is checked.
When one word leads to another, it generally ends up in a quarrel, a speech, or a dictionary.
—E.C. McKenzie
One who makes it his business to criticize diction or style in language.
1. A saying or utterance: sometimes used with emphasis upon the fact that it is a mere saying; but oftener with the implication of a formal pronouncement claiming or carrying some authority.
2. In Law, an expression of opinion by a judge on matter of law, which is not the formal resolution or determination of a court.
3. A thing that is generally said; a current saying; a maxim.
1. That which is proclaimed by authority as a rule of action; an order issued by a sovereign to his subjects; an ordinance or proclamation having the force of law; especially, the edicts of the Roman praetors, and subsequently of the emperors, and of the French monarchs. Edict of Nantes, an edict issued by Henry IV of France, granting toleration to the Protestants; revoked by Louis XIV.
2. The name of a writ whereby all concerned were called by proclamation at the market cross or church-door, to appear for their interest in some cause. The term is used in ecclesiastical law for certain notices made to a congregation from the pulpit.
Edict, command.
1. To point out, point to, make known, show (more or less distinctly).
2. In medicine, to point out as a remedy or course of treatment.
3. Of a course of action, treatment, etc.: to be pointed out or suggested as desirable or necessary.
4. To point to or towards the presence, existence, or reality of; to be a sign or symptom of, to betoken.
5. To point out, direct attention to; in a literal sense, to point to with the hand or by gesture.
6. To state or express, especially, to express briefly, lightly, or without detail or development; to give an indication of.
1. The action of indicating, pointing out, or making known; that in which this is embodied; a hint, suggestion, or piece of information from which more may be inferred.
2. In medicine, a suggestion or direction as to the treatment of a disease, derived from the symptoms observed.
3. The degree of some physical state, as pressure, temperature, etc., indicated by an instrument, as a barometer, anemometer, thermometer, etc.; the reading of a graduated instrument.
1. That which points out, states, or declares: applied to that mood of a verb of which the essential function is to state a relation of objective fact between the subject and predicate (as opposed to a relation merely conceived, thought of, or wished, by the speaker).
2. Of the form of a statement: having the verb in the indicative mood; assertive of objective fact.
3. That which indicates, points out, or directs; that hints or suggests.
1. One who or that which points out, or directs attention to, something.
2. That which serves to indicate or give a suggestion of something; an indication of.
3. A mechanical device or recording instrument that indicates the condition of the apparatus, etc., to which it is attached.
To bring a charge against; to accuse (a person) for a crime, as a culprit, especially, by a legal process.
1. The action of ordaining or announcing authoritatively and publicly; an appointment, declaration, proclamation.
2. The decree or proclamation of the Roman Emperors fixing the valuation on which the property-tax was assessed at the beginning of each period of fifteen years; hence, the tax or subsidy paid on the basis of this assessment.
1. A formal accusation of a serious crime, presented to a grand jury.
2. The action of indicting or accusing, a formal accusation; specifically, in English Law, the legal process in which a formal accusation is preferred to and presented by a Grand Jury. Hence the phrases to bring in or lay an indictment, and (of the Grand Jury) to find an indictment.
3. The legal document containing the charge; a written accusation of one or more persons of a crime or misdemeanor, preferred to, and presented upon oath by, a grand jury.
interdict, enterdict:
1. An authoritative prohibition; an act of forbidding peremptorily.
2. In the Roman Catholic Curch, an authoritative sentence debarring a particular place or person (especially, the former) from ecclesiastical functions and privileges.
3. To declare authoritatively against the doing of (an action) or the use of (a thing); to forbid, prohibit; to debar or preclude by or as by a command.
4. To restrain (a person) by authority from the doing or use of something; to forbid to do something; to debar or preclude from something.
1. The action of forbidding by or as by authority; authoritative or peremptory prohibition.
2. The interruption of supply operations by aerial bombing.
jurisdiction, jurisdictional:
1. Administration of justice; exercise of judicial authority, or of the functions of a judge or legal tribunal; power of declaring and administering law or justice; legal authority or power.
2. The extent or range of judicial or administrative power; the territory over which such power extends.
1. To address with maledictions or curses.
2. To utter a curse against someone or somethng.
Spoken of in an evil manner, accursed.
1. A curse.
2. Slander or evil talk about someone.
Of the nature of, or resembling a malediction.
obiter dictum:
1. In law, an expression of opinion on a matter of law, given by a judge in court in the course of either argument or judgement, but not forming an essential part of the reasons determining the decision, and therefore not of binding authority; hence generally, anything said by the way, an incidental statement or remark.
2. Something said, done, or occurring by the way; an incidental matter.
State of being; condition, situation, position; esp. an unpleasant, trying, or dangerous situation.
1. The statement made about a subject, including the logical copula (which in a verb is expressed by the personal suffix). Sometimes restricted to the main verb and its object or complement, to the exclusion of any adjunct. Also in logic and math; frequently in a wider use, an assertion or relation having one or more terms unspecified.
2. An appellation or title that asserts something.
3. To assert, affirm; to make a statement.
4. To state or assert (something) about the subject of a proposition; also, to make (a term) the predicate in a proposition.
One who or that which predicates.
1. To foretell, prophesy, announce beforehand (an event, etc.).
2. To utter a prediction; to prophesy.
1. The action of predicting or foretelling future events; also, an instance of this, a prophecy.
2. A statement made beforehand.
One who (or that which) predicts or foretells.
1. The act of saying goodbye or an instance of leave taking.
2. The action of bidding or saying farewell (to a person, etc.); an instance of this; a farewell or leave-taking.
3. An utterance, discourse, etc., made at (or by way of) leave-taking or bidding farewell.
In colleges, academies, etc., the student (male or female) appointed on grounds of merit to deliver the valedictory oration on commencement day as part of graduation ceremonies.
1. Uttered or bestowed in bidding or on taking farewell; of the nature of a valediction.
2. A statement or speech made by way of valediction on leaving a position, person, etc.; a farewell speech.
1. The decision of a jury in a civil or criminal cause upon an issue which has been submitted to their judgement.
2. A judgement given by some body or authority acting as, or likened to, a jury.
3. A decision or opinion pronounced or expressed about some matter or subject; a finding, conclusion, or judgement.
1. To clear someone or something, or the condition of being vindicated.
2. To clear someone or something of blame, guilt, suspicion, or doubt.
3. To show that someone or something is justified or correct.
4. To claim, to set free, to punish, etc. 5 To clear from censure, criticism, suspicion, or doubt, by means of demonstration; to justify or uphold by evidence or argument.
6. To assert, maintain, make good, by means of action; especially, in ones own interest; to defend against encroachment or interference.
1. The action of vindicating or defending against censure, calumny, etc.; justification by proof or explanation.
2. A justifying fact or circumstance.
Providing something such as facts or an argument that justifies a belief, conclusion, or action.
1. Looking for revenge or done with a desire for revenge.
2. Spiteful feeling, showing, or done with a desire to hurt someone.
3. In law, used to describe damages awarded by a court that are set higher than the amount necessary to compensate the victim, in order to punish the defendant.