Phobia Words: febriphobia to hypsiphobia,
Part 7 of 13
Words that include: phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias,
-phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone)
An excessive fear of having a fever.
An abnormal fear of cats.
femiphobia, femiphobic:
An irrational fear, or obsession, that a man has of being considered feminine or of being accused of displaying the characteristics of a sissy.
An abnormal or intense fear of women .
fibriphobia, fibriophobia:
An irrational dread of having a fever.
A morbid fear of ants.
A strong dislike or hatred of the French people, French language, or French customs, influences, etc.
A fear of forgetting a password.
A fear of being cold or freezing, or of cold things.
An intense fear of cats (polecats, skunks, weasels); also of sharks. These come from two different Greek sources with the same spelling.
An excessive fear of France or anything having to do with France including its language and its culture.
gametophobia, gamophobia:
An exaggerated fear of marriage.
An irrational dread of cats.
gelophobia, geliophobia:
An abnormal fear of laughter.
An excessive fear of chins.
An abnormal aversion to sexual intercourse.
A fear of servility or submissiveness (kneeling because of its reference to the knees).
gephydrophobia, gephyrophobia:
A fear of
crossing a bridge or passing under a bridge.
An example of this rare condition is illustrated in the following news item in the October 3, 1987, The Times (London) newsletter.
Bridge too Far Stops Driver
By Thomson Prentice, Science Correspondent
Gephyrophobia a terror of crossing bridges brought traffic to a halt for 45 minutes on the A45 yesterday.
The prospect of crossing the three-quarters of a mile long Orwell Bridge, near Ipswich, Suffolk, was too much for a middle-aged woman driver. She came to a halt in the middle of the A45 approach road and refused to budge.
The woman told police that she was terrified of crossing bridges and had planned her route to avoid them, but had taken a wrong turning on her 100 mile journey from Felixstowe to London.
Rush-hour traffic built up into a long tailback while police tried to find a solution.
Eventually PC Ian Lankester took over at the wheel and the woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, crouched in the back seat with her hands over her eyes during the fearful crossing.
The bridge is Britains longest single-span concrete bridge and has a drop of 150 feet. However, the womans problem was not caused by a fear of height, but by gephyrophobia, one expert said.
gerascophobia, gerontophobia:
A fear of growing old that is based on anxieties of being left alone, of being without resources, and of being incapable of caring for oneself both physically and intellectually.
A fear of Germany, its people, its culture, its language, or of German ideas.
geumaphobia, geumatophobia, geumophobia:
A fear of unfamiliar tastes or flavors. There is a disorder known as gustatory agnosia, in which food becomes tasteless or even has a disgusting taste. People who have this condition may also lose their ability to smell or may find that formerly pleasant odors have become offensive. With an inability to smell, such phobics may fear that they are unaware that they are eating or drinking something that formerly caused them anxieties.
The fear of sticking your neck out. [From Holiday Folklore, Phobias and Fun by Donald E. Dossey].
An abnormal fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak (often associated with stuttering).
An aversion to writing or a morbid fear of having to write, especially hand writing.
In Spain or Latin America, an intense dislike of North Americans or white strangers.
An excessive fear of nudity or the sight of a naked person or of an uncovered part of the body.
gynephobia, gynophobia:
An abnormal fear or hatred of women or any association with them.
An abnormal fear of hell with the idea that one may go there after death and judgement day.
haematophobia, hematophobia, hemophobia:
A morbid fear of seeing blood.
An excessive fear or intense dislike of saints or of holy objects or concepts.
In botany, the inability of some plants to grow in salt-rich soil.
A fear of committing errors or sins or of doing the wrong thing and being condemned for it. This word is often misspelled as harmatophobia.
haphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia,
haptophobia, and aphephobia:
An exaggerated fear or hatred of touching or of being touched.
A fear of robbers or thieves or of being attacked by a robber or a thief. Such a fear motivates many to have elaborate burglar-alarm systems at their homes and businesses and several locks on their doors; too often with justification.
hedenophobia, hedonophobia:
An illogical or exaggerated fear of having pleasure.
1. An abnormal sensitivity to the effects of sunlight; a strong aversion to sunlight. In some cases, it may be based on the many warnings that one may get skin cancer from exposure to the sun.
2. In biology, intolerant of high light intensity; shade-loving.
Hellenophobia, Hellenologophobia:
An irrational fear or hatred of Greek (and Latin) words or of complex scientific or pseudo-scientific terminology.
A morbid fear of worm infestations.
hemaphobia, hematophobia, hemophobia:
An abnormal fear of the sight of blood or of transfusions.
heresyphobia, heresophobia:
An excessive fear of challenges to official doctrine, or a fear of radical deviations from the orthodox view.
herpetophobia, herptophobia:
An abnormal fear of reptiles or snakes. Also an intense fear of catching the herpes disease via sexual activity.
An abnormal fear of the opposite sex, considered sometimes by some psychoanalysts to be a partial explanation for homosexual behavior.
A fear of sacred or religious objects or clergymen.
An excessive fear of horses.
A fear or hatred of traveling.
An abnormal fear of fog or humidity.
A hatred for sermons or a fear of being preached to.
An excessive hatred of or fear of monotony [doing the same thing over and over]; also said to be a fear of or intense apprehension or hatred of homosexuality or homosexuals in general (this really should be written as homosexualphobia).
1. An abnormal fear of, an intense apprehension regarding, or hatred of homosexuals or homosexuality.
2. A dread or fear of becoming a homosexual.
An irrational dread of shock, both electrical shock and the shock one receives, for example, at hearing extremely bad news.
An excessive fear of glass bottoms.
hyalophobia, hyelophobia; crystallophobia:
A fear of crystal or glass.
A fear of mercurial medicines.
1. What is thought to be a fear of water, especially by those who have rabies; the inability to drink (swallow liquids) because of throat constrictions, not a fear of water itself, gives the impression that the rabies victim is afraid of water.
2. In biology, intolerant of water or wet conditions; water-repellent.
An intense fear of having rabies or with symptoms similar to the disease, sometimes resulting in hysterical conditions resembling hydrophobia.
An irrational terror of glass.
1. A fear or strong dislike of liquids in any form, especially wine and water; also an aversion to dampness or moisture.
2. In biology, intolerant of moist conditions.
hylephobia, hylophobia:
An excessive fear or hatred of forests, woods, or of materialism (matter). Also, a term for the fear of epilepsy in oneself or in others. After a seizure, an epileptic may become phobic about going to the place where the seizure occurred.
hypengiaphobia, hypengyophobia:
An abnormal fear of being in a position of responsibility.
An abnormal fear of excessive hair on the body.
An excessive fear of being, or falling, asleep or of being hypnotized.
A lack of normal fear; not being afraid enough.
hypsiphobia, hypsophobia:
An abnormal fear of high places.