Clepto Words: “biblioklept” to “myrmecoclepty”
Words that include: klepto-, klept-, -kleptic; clepto-, clept-, -clepty, -cleptic
(Greek: theft, thief, steal).
biblioklept, biblioclept:
1. A book thief; someone who steals books.
2. Besides the direct biblioklept there is the indirect thief who borrows and never returns books to their proper owners (including a library).
bibliokleptomania, bibliocleptomania:
A book thief who is regarded as someone who has a mental problem.
A "sand" or "hour glass" that measures the trickling flow of sand. It is defined by some to mean: an "hourglass" that measures a period of time other than an hour.
The sand glass was one of the earliest methods by which man measured time. The invention of the hourglass is credited to a monk by the name of Luitprand from Chartres, France; sometime around the turn of 8th century. Charlemagne is said to have had one that was so large that it had to be turned just once every twelve hours. He had divisions marked on the outside in order to measure the passage of the hours. Now, when people speak of the "sands of time passing", you should have a better idea of what is behind that statement.
clepsydra, singular; clepsydrae, plural :
1. An ancient
device that measured time by marking the regulated flow of water through a small opening. Also called
water glass.
2. The word is compounded with a Greek stem that means "to steal", and "water"; with the allusion that the water is
flowing stealthily (flowing secretly) from it.
It is said that clepsydras were used in Egypt c.2000 BC; from Egypt they were introduced into Greece and later from there into Rome.
cleptobiosis [also see kleptobiosis]:
1. An association whereby one species regularly forages upon the food stores of another species, but otherwise does not associate with it.
2. Stealing, or robbing, food from other life species.
cleptomania, kleptomania:
The individual experiences a rising subjective sense of tension before the theft and feels pleasure, gratification, or relief when committing the theft. The objects are stolen despite the fact that they are typically of little value to the individual, who could have afforded to pay for them and often gives them away or discards them.
Occasionally the person may hoard the stolen objects or even secretly return them. Although individuals with this disorder will generally avoid stealing when immediate arrest is probable (e.g., in full view of a police officer), they usually don't preplan the thefts or fully take into account the chances of apprehension.
The stealing is done without assistance from, or collaboration with, others. Kleptomania is a rare condition that appears to occur in fewer than 5% of identified shoplifters. It is reported to be much more common in females.

Additional definitions:
Impulsive stealing, the motive not being in the intrinsic value of the article to the individual. In almost all cases, the individual has enough money to pay for the stolen goods. The stealing is done without prior planning and without the assistance of others. There is increased tension before the theft and a sense of gratification while committing the act.
—Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 18th edition.
An irresistible compulsion to steal, motivated by a neurotic impulse rather than some material need. No specific cause is known. The condition is considered generally as a result of a special underlying emotional disturbance rather than as a form of neurosis in itself. Legally kleptomania is not classified as insanity, and individuals are held responsible except when a complete lack of control over their actions can be definitely established.
A legal definition: "kleptomania. In medical jurisprudence, a species (or symptom) of mania, consisting of an irresistible propensity to steal."
—Black's Law Dictionary
As produced in other languages: Dutch, kleptomanie; French, cleptomanie; German, Kleptomanie, Stehltrieb; Italian, cleptomania; Portuguese, cleptomania; Spanish, cleptomania; Swedish, kleptomani.
cleptoparasite, kleptoparasite:
A hidden or unrecognized parasite.
cleptoparasitism, kleptoparasitism:
A relationship between two parasitic species; such as, with some parasitoid wasps, whereby the female of one species regularly usurps the prey of the other species for purposes of rearing her own offspring.
cynoclept, cynoklept:
Dog-stealing, a dog-stealer.
kleptic, cleptic:
Thievish; strong tendencies to steal.
kleptistic, cleptistic:
Related to or consisting of stealing.
klepto, clepto:
A slang term for "kleptomaniac".
kleptobiosis, kleptobiotic; cleptobiosis, cleptobiotic:
1. An interspecific association found in some social organisms in which one species steals food from the stores of another species but does not live or nest in close proximity to it.
2. Among ants and certain other social insects, an association in which a small species feeds on the refuse of a neighbouring nest inhabited by a larger species, or robs returning workers of the host species of the food they are carrying.
kleptocracy, cleptocracy:
1. A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption.
2. A ruling body or order of thieves; a government run by thieves; a nation ruled by this kind of government.
A behavior pattern in which males from outside a group, or lacking in status within the group, attempt to mate with females from the group, often by means of some deceptive behavior.
kleptolagnia, cleptolagnia:
A morbid desire, associated with fetishism, to achieve sexual gratification through theft.
kleptomaniac, kleptomanist; cleptomaniac, cleptomanist:
Someone affected with kleptomania (see "cleptomania" above).
kleptoparasitism, kleptoparasite; cleptoparasitism,
1. A form of parasitism found in some social organisms in which a member of one species steals the prey or food stores of another species to feed its own progeny.
2. An animal that obtains its food mainly by scavenging the food supplies of another species, especially one with which it habitually lives in close proximity.
kleptophobia, kleptophobic, kleptophobiac; cleptophobia,
cleptophobic, cleptophobiac:
1. An excessive fear of thieves or of loss through thievery.
2. Also, in psychiatry, an abnormal fear of becoming a
kleptomaniac, cleptomaniac.
In many cities around the world, crime is so rampant that many people are justly harpaxophobic or kleptophobic; that is, excessively fearful that their homes will be invaded by thieves. As a result, extreme precautions may be taken to keep unwelcome intruders from trespassing.
myrmecoclepty, myrmecoklepty:
A symbiosis between ant species in which the guest species steals food directly from the host species.
philokleptic, philocleptic:
A fondness for, or attraction to, thieves or robbers.