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Hetero Words: “heterolysis” to “heterozoic”,
Part 2 of 2.

Words that includce: hetero-, heter- (Greek: different, other, another, unlike; irregular, abnormal; used as a prefix).

This Greek element forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to homo-. Sometimes it is also the opposite of auto-, homoeo-, iso-, ortho-, and syn-.

In biology, destruction by an outside agent, especially of cells by enzymes or lysins from another organism.
In botany, of a flower, having whorls that vary in number of members from other whorls (an arrangement of three or more parts radiating from a single organ or node).
Having a pattern of development exhibiting an incomplete metamorphosis.
1. A tissue transformation resulting in the development of tissue from cells that normally produce a different type of tissue.
2. Development of tissue into a variety foreign to the part where it is produced.
Involving or depending upon a change in size.
The state in which there are differences in degree of refraction in the two eyes.
Sexual reproduction in fungi involving the union of nuclei with different genetic constitutions, each from a different fungal thallus.
heteromorphic, heteromorphism:
1. Of different or dissimilar forms.
2. Existing in different forms at different stages of life; said of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis.
3. A situation in which there is a replacing of lost parts by new parts which are different from those that have been lost.
4. Having different forms at different times or at different stages of the life cycle; a reference to a plant having an alternation of vegetatively dissimilar generations.
1. Regeneration of a part following injury, with a structurally different replacement part.
2. The development of one tissue from a tissue of another type.
Differing from the normal form.
heteronomous, heteronomy:
1. Subject to different laws, involving different principles.
2. In biology, having different laws or modes of growth; applied to parts or members differentiated from the same primitive type.
3. Subject to different modes of growth or specialization, as organs or parts.
4. Subject to the direction or control of another; not self-governing.
heteronym, heteronymous, heteronymy:
1. A word having the same spelling as another, but a different sound and meaning; opposite of homonym and synonym.
2. Having different names, as a pair of correlatives, e.g. husband, wife.
3. In ophthalmology, a reference to the noncorresponding vertical halves of the visual fields of both eyes, i.e., the nasal half of the left eye and the nasal of the right, or the temporal half of the left eye and the temporal of the right.
The grafting of bone from an individual of one species to an individual of another.
Pertaining to or derived from different ova.
1. Unequal conjoined twins in which the imperfectly developed parasite is attached to the ventral portion of the autosite.
2. Asymmetrical conjoined twins.
1. Antipathy or aversion excited by suffering; the opposite of sympathy.
2. Hyperesthesia, abnormal sensitivity to stimuli.
3. Also allopathy, a term applied to that system of therapeutics in which diseases are treated by producing a condition incompatible with or antagonistic to the condition to be cured or alleviated.
Having dissimilar or unequal petals.
heterophage, heterophagous, heterophagy:
Feeding on a wide variety of food items; a reference to a parasite utilizing a wide variety of hosts.
heterophasia, heterophasis:
The uttering of words other than those intended by the speaker; also, heterolalia and heterophemia.
heterophobia, heterophobe, heterophobiac:
An abnormal or irrational fear of doing something differently or of not being able to do things in the usual way or manner. It does not mean a hatred or fear of heterosexuals or their cultures!
heterophony, heterophonic, heterophonous:
Simultaneous performance by two or more singers or instrumentalists of different versions of the same melody.
1. The change of voice at puberty.
2. Any abnormality of voice sounds.
A tendency for deviation of the eyes from parallelism, prevented by binocular vision.
heterophthalmy, heterophthalmia:
A condition in which the eyes are different in color or direction.
A plant that depends on other living or dead plants for its nutrients; a parasite or saprophyte.
1. Bearing leaves of different forms upon the same plant.
2. A plant occurring in a wide range of habitats.
3. A parasitic plant devoid of chlorophyll.
The replacement of normal tissue with abnormal tissue; malposition of normal cells.
A tissue formed in a part where it does not normally occur.
In neurology, of nerve cells, having various branches or processes.
Unequal vision in the two eyes.
heterosexual, heterosexuality:
1. Characterized by a sexual interest in members of the opposite sex.
2. Pertaining to sexual relations between people of the opposite sex.
heterosomatous, heterosome, heterosomous:
In zoology, having a body deviating from the normal type; said especially of flat fishes, that have the two sides of the body asymmetrical.
In meteorology, the upper of two portions of the atmosphere as distinguished by the general homogeneity of their composition (the other portion is the homosphere); it begins at 80 to 100 kilometers above the earth, closely coinciding with the ionosphere and the thermosphere, and is characterized by variation in composition and mean molecular weight of constituent gases.
heterosporous, heterospory:
Producing two different kinds of spores.
In botany, the presence of more than one type of stamen in the same flower.
Suggestion (some call it hypnosis) received from another person; opposite of autosuggestion.
Incorrect recognition of odors.
heterotaxia, heterotaxis, heterotaxy:
1. Abnormal arrangement of organs or parts of the body in relation to each other.
2. Anomalous (abnormal) placement or transposition of viscera or parts.
Abnormally placed or arranged.
heterothallic, heterothallism:
Of algae and fungi, describing the condition in which there are two mating types that act as male and female, as opposed to one self-fertile individual.
Treatment of disease by remedies that are antagonistic to the principal symptoms of the disease; nonspecific therapy.
heterothermy, heterothermal:
1. Having a temperature which varies with that of the surroundings, as plants and cold-blooded animals; cold-blooded.
2. The exhibition of widely different body temperatures at different times or under different conditions, as certain species of birds, marsupials, or hibernating species.
heterotonous, heterotonously, heterotonia, heterotonic:
1. Having different or unlike tones.
2. A state characterized by variations in tension or tone; as in neurology.
heterotopia, heterotopic, heterotopy:
1. Occurring at an abnormal place or upon the wrong part of the body.
2. Malposition, especially if congenital (present at birth).
3. In biology, occurring in a wide variety of habitats.
4. In neuropathology, displacement of gray matter, typically into deep cerebral white matter.
Poisonous only to species that are different from the organism producing the poison.
A toxin (poison) introduced into, but formed outside of, the body.
heterotransplant, heterotransplantation:
Xenogeneic transplantation; xenograft.
1. Growth of hair of different colors on the body.
2. A condition characterized by hair growth of variegated color.
heterotroph, heterotrophic:
1. Referring to plants occurring in a wide range of habitats on a wide variety of soil types, and of protistans (algae, fungi, and protozoans, et al.) utilizing a wide variety of food materials.
2. An organism, such as any animal or fungus or almost any bacterium, that is unable to synthesize organic compounds from inorganic substances for food and so must consume other organisms or their organic products for survival.
heteroxeny, heteroxenous:
1. Requiring more than one host in the life cycle, said of certain parasites.
2. Infecting more than one kind of host during a life cycle.
Pertaining to another animal or species of animal.