Ven, Vent Words: “advene” to “eventuate”,
Part 1 of 2
Words that include: ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-
(Latin: come).
1. To accede or come (to); to be superadded, as part of something, though not essential.
2. To come to; reach.
That which comes or happens; an event, incident.
Coming (to anything) from without; additional, superadded; adventitious.
From Latin, adventus, arrival. 1. In the ecclesiastical calendar, the season immediately preceding the festival of the Nativity, now including the four preceding Sundays.
2. The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world; the Incarnation. Hence his expected Second Coming as Judge, and the Coming of the Holy Spirit as at Pentecost.
3. By extension, any important or epoch-making arrival. In modern usage applied poetically or grandiloquently to any arrival.
1. Of the nature of an addition from without; extrinsically added, not essentially inherent; supervenient, accidental, casual.
2. Appearing casually, or out of the normal or usual place; especially, in botany of roots, shoots, buds, etc. produced in unusual parts of the plant.
1. That which comes to us, or happens without design; chance, hap, fortune, luck.
2. A chance occurrence, an event or issue, an accident.
3. A hazardous or perilous enterprise or performance; a daring feat; hence a prodigy, a marvel.
4. Any novel or unexpected event in which one shares; an exciting or remarkable incident befalling any one.
5. The encountering of risks or participation in novel and exciting events; adventurous activity, enterprise.
1. One who seeks adventures, or who engages in hazardous enterprises.
2. One who engages in warlike adventures, attaching himself to no party; a soldier of fortune; also, a volunteer, one who makes war at his own risk.
3. One who is on the look-out for chances of personal advancement; one who lives by his wits.
Given to adventures, or to running risks; adventurous, venturesome.
aventurous, adventurously, adventurousness:
1. Prone to incur risk, venturesome, rashly daring, rash.
2. Given to, or having many adventures, enterprising, daring (without the idea of rashness).
1. A way of access or approach; a passage or path of entrance or exit.
3. The chief approach to a country-house, usually bordered by trees; hence, any broad roadway bordered or marked by trees or other objects at regular intervals. Sometimes used of the trees alone, with tacit disregard of the road they overshadow.
4. A fine wide street. (Used especially in the U.S.).
1. To find a way of avoiding restrictions imposed by a rule or law without actually breaking it.
2. To anticipate an counter someone’s plans.
3. To encompass; literally, to enclose.
The action of circumventing; overreaching, outwitting, or getting the better of any one by craft or artifice.
contravene, contravening:
1. To go counter to; to transgress, infringe (a law, provision, etc.); to act in defiance or disregard of.
2. To run counter to, be contrary to, come in conflict with.
3. To go counter to or oppose in argument; to contradict, dispute, deny (a proposition, etc.).
I. To come or bring together; to come together; to assemble, or meet, especially for a common purpose.
2. To assemble for united action; to meet in a convention.
3. To come together in harmony; to harmonize, fit each other.
1. Useful or suitable, because it makes things easier, is close by, or does not involve much effort or trouble.
2. Within easy reach; easily accessible; handy.
1. In a way that fits one’s purpose or desire.
2. With personal ease, facility, or comfort; readily; without trouble or difficulty.
1. The quality of being easy, useful, or of increasing comfort.
2. Personal comfort, or circumstances that promote someone’s personal comfort.
3. Something that makes life easier or more comfortable, especially a labor-saving device.
3. In the U.K., a lavatory, a euphemism for a public toilet.
A company of men or women living together in the discipline of a religious order and under one superior; a body of monks, friars, or nuns forming one local community. Also applied to a Buddhist or other non-Christian monastic institution.
A religious meeting or assembly of a private, clandestine, or illegal kind; a meeting for the exercise of religion otherwise than as sanctioned by the law.
1. The action of summoning an assembly.
2. An assembly or gathering of persons for some common object; especially, a formal assembly met for deliberation or legislation on important matters, ecclesiastical, political, or social.
Relating to convention or general agreement; established by social convention; having its origin or sanction merely in an artificial convention of any kind; arbitrarily or artificially determined.
1. A mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts; a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge, or promise of one of the parties.
2. Applied to the engagement with God which is entered into by believers at their baptism, or admission into the visible church.
1. An occurrence, especially one that is particularly significant, interesting, exciting, or unusual.
2. An organized occasion such as a social function or sports competition.
3. Any of the races or other competitions that form part of a larger sports occasion, e.g., the Olympic Games.
1. Happening in the course of time or events, usually much later; ultimately resulting.
2. Depending on circumstances or unknown future events.
A possible occurrence or result, especially something undesirable or unexpected.
1. After a long time, especially after many problems or setbacks.
2. At some later time after a series of events.
1. To happen as a final result.
2. To be the issue; to result, come about.