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ultim- (Latin: end, last, final).

The third from the last syllable of a word; such as, The antepenult is stressed in the word "superfluous" or in the word "antediluvian". It may also be considered the syllable of a word that precedes the penult.
Anything that is the third from the end; an antepenult.
penult, penultima:
The second to the last item in a series of things, especially the second to the last syllable of a word [from Latin paene, "almost" + ultimus, "last"].
Second to the last in a series or sequence; relating to a penult.
The last or final syllable of a word.
The quality or state of being ultimate.
ultima forsan:
It's later than you think. These words, literally "perhaps the last”, are sometimes inscribed on the face of a clock, to convey the thought that the moment of death—indeed, the moment of eternal judgment—may be at hand. The prudent person treats every hour as though it were his/her last.
ultima ratio:
1. The final argument. This phrase has literal applications, for example, "Your fourth drunk-driving citation is the ultima ratio for suspension of your driver's license."
2. The final sanction; the last argument; the last resort; the means last to be resorted to.
ultima ratio regum:
The final argument of kings. Louis XIV of France, recognized that force is the final argument, so he directed that his cannons carry the engraving "ultima ratio regum" (1650). As a result, this phrase usually signifies "war" or "the use of military weapons; force". The phrase was adopted in the form of "Ultima ratio regis" for the same purpose which appears on cannon cast for Frederick the Great, king of Prussia, c. 1742.
Ultima semper expectanda dies homini, dicique beatus ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet. Man's last day must ever be awaited, and none to be counted happy until his death, until his last funeral rites are paid.

ultima Thule:
The end of the world. Ancient Greek mariners believed that the northern end of the world was an island called Thule, said to be six days' sailing distance from Britain. The precise location of Thule is not known today, but ultima Thule, mentioned in Virgil's Georgics, survives as a useful expression for describing any place whose appearance gives one the feeling of standing at the end of the world perhaps one of the Shetland Islands. Figuratively any distant frontier or remote goal. It may be of interest to note that the current list of Chemical Elements is named for this unknown "end of the world" : thulium; symbol, Tm; atomic number, 69; which was discovered by Per Teodor Cleve in 1879.
1. At last, finally, or at the end. The last in the train of progression or sequence tended toward by all that precedes; arrived at as the last result; final; farthest; utmost; extreme; conclusion.
2. Existing as an underlying reality, when all other things are disregarded; as, the ultimate truth.
3. Informal usage: the greatest, most nearly perfect, or highest in quality.
1. In the end, as the culmination of a process or event.
2. Finally; at last; in the end.
The action or process of bringing something to an ultimate result; final issue or development.
Having the character of an ultimatum.
ultimatum (singular); ultimata (plural):
1. A final offer or demand, especially by one of the parties engaged in negotiations, the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relations and unilateral action, the use of force, etc. by the party issuing the ultimatum.
2. A demand accompanied by a threat to inflict some penalty if the demand is not met.
3. Used in law, a final statement of terms, the rejection of which will lead to the severing of diplomatic relations and a state of hostility.
4. The result of a negotiation that comprises the final determination of a party concerned in the matter in dispute.
ultima vale:
Farewell for the last time.
Ultima voluntas testatoris est perimplenda secundum veram intentionem suam. Used in law: the last will of a testator is to be fulfilled according to his true intention.

ultimo (mense); ult., ulto.: A reference to the preceding (month); of last month.

Applied to a gland in the neck which in many lower vertebrates regulates the calcium level in the body but in man and several higher vertebrates is absorbed into the thyroid during embryonic life.
1. Inheritance or succession by the youngest son of the family.
2. The mode of succession by which the right of inheritance pertains to the youngest member of a family.
The final point or limit.
ultimum supplicium:
Extreme punishment or penalty; the punishment of death.
Ultimum supplicium esse mortem solam interpretamur. Used in law: the most extreme punishment we consider to be death alone.

In the preceding month: an old-fashioned usage; such as, "Yours of the 13th (day) ultimo received."
ultimum moriens:
1. The last thing dying, the last to die.
2. In medicine, a reference to the right atrium (chamber of the heart); said to be the last part of the body to stop moving in the process of dying.
3. The right atrium of the heart, believed to contract after the rest of the heart is still.
ultimus heres (or haeres):
In law, the last (or final) heir.
ultimus regum:
The last of the kings. A reference to the seventh and last king of Rome, Tarquin the Proud, exiled 510 B.C.
ultimus Romanorum:
The last of the Romans, a title given to a number of historical personages and literary men, e.g., Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus, the famed Roman senator and leader in the assassination of Julius Caesar), Julius Caesar, Stilicho, William Congreve, Horace Walpole, and Dr. Samuel Johnson. This title, whether in Latin or in English, has fallen into disuse.