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Bio Words referring to “life, living,” :
“abiocoen” to “Amphibion”
Part 1 of 20

bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical, -biotic (Greek: life; living, live, alive).

Don’t confuse this element with another bi- that means “two”.

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The sum total of the non-living components of an environment.
The (supposed) origin or evolution of living organisms from lifeless matter without the action of living parents; “spontaneous generation” (introduced by Professor Thomas H. Huxley in addressing the British Association at Liverpool, September, 1870).
Of or pertaining to abiogenesis.
In an abiogenetic manner; by way of abiogenesis.
abiogenic, abiogenically:
Not derived from living organisms; occurring independently of life or life processes, but perhaps preceding or leading to them. Antonymous to biogenic.
One who holds or advocates the hypothesis of abiogenesis.
abiogenous, abiogeny:
Coming into existence without springing from antecedent living beings; produced by “spontaneous generation”.
Not pertaining to biology; pertaining to the study of inanimate things. Also: abiotic, inanimate.
abiology, abiologic, abiological:
The study of inanimate or non-living things.
The study of inorganic processes in living organisms.
The non-living component of the total particulate matter suspended in water.
1. Devoid of life; non-living.
2. Absence or deficiency of life; abiotrophy.
abiotic, abiotically:
1. Characterized by the absence of life; inanimate.
2. That which is harmful to or destructive of living organisms.
3. Incompatible with life.
abiotrophy, abiatrophy, abionergy:
The progressive loss of vitality of certain tissues or organs leading to disorders or loss of function; applied especially to degenerative hereditary diseases of late onset.
A noncombustible rock that is organic or formed by organic accumulation of minerals; the category includes diatomite, radiolarite, phosphorite, and some limestones.
The study of the effects of radiation on living organisms.
aerobic, aerobiosis, aerobiotic:
1. Growing or occurring only in the presence of molecular oxygen.
2. An environment in which the partial pressure of oxygen is similar to normal atmospheric levels.
aerobiology, aerobiological:
1. The study of airborne micro-organisms or spores and their distribution, especially as agents of infection.
2. That branch of biology that deals with the distribution of living organisms by air, either the exterior or outdoor air (extramural aerobiology) or the indoor air (intramural aerobiology).
Someone who studies or specializes in the study of airborne microorganisms or spores.
Either an organism living in air as distinct from water or soil or an organism requiring oxygen.
An apparatus for determining the bacterial content of the air.
aerobiosis, aerobiotic:
Existence in an atmosphere containing oxygen.
A tumor formed by air filling an adventitious pouch, such as laryngocele and trachecele.
That part of the biosphere in which heterotrophic organisms occur but into which organic food material must be transported as primary production does not take place.
The remains of an amphibious animal found in the fossil state.
amphibiology, amphibiological:
That part of zoology that deals with amphibious animals.
Amphibion (singular), Amphibia (plural): A class of quadruped vertebrates containing frogs, newts, salamanders, toads, cecilians (caecilians) and many fossil groups.

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