Bio Words referring to life, living, :
amphibiosis to autobiosphere
Part 2 of 20
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical, -biotic (Greek: life; living, live, alive).
Dont confuse this element with another bi- that means two.

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The condition of an organism that spends part of its life on land and part in water.
Animals that can live on both land and in water.
In an amphibious manner; like an amphibious being.
The quality of being amphibious; life in, or connection with, two elements.
Perennial (constantly recurring or lasting for an indefinite time).
1. Restoration of vital processes after their apparent cessation.
2. A revival or resuscitation of life; returning to life.
3. The condition of an organism that has passed into a resting stage, that is cyclic or seasonal, but produced by a change in the environment; such as, the loss of moisture.
1. Apparently lifeless, but still capable of living.
2. Acting as a stimulant or tonic.
3. A revivifying remedy, a powerful stimulan; resuscitating or restorative.
Any organism that can live in the absence of oxygen, obligate anaerobes being unable even to live in low oxygen concentrations.
An organism capable of anaerobic existence.
anaerobiosis, anaerobiotic, anaerobiosis:
Life in a medium devoid or empty of free oxygen; existence in an oxygen-free atmosphere.
An organism incapable of using oxygen as distinct from one that is aerobic.
The study of the biologic relationships of humans as a species.
Obsolete term for a record of the resistance of microbes to various antibiotics.
A microorganism producing antimicrobial substances; antipathetic organisms.
1. A condition of antagonism between organisms, especially micro-organisms (antonym of symbiosis).
2. The antagonistic association between two organisms in which one species adversely affects the other, often by production of a toxin.
3. An association of two organisms which is detrimental to one of them, in contrast to probiosis.
4. Production of an antibiotic by bacteria or other organisms inhibitory to other living things, especially among soil microbes.
1. Related to antibiosis.
2. Destructive of life.
3. A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that has the capacity, in dilute solutions, to inhibit the growth of or to kill other microorganisms.
4. Opposed to a belief in the presence or the possibility of life.
Substances that are sufficiently nontoxic to the host are used as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases of man, animals, and plants.
Death, especially local death of a part of an organism.
The original development or origin of life.
1. A period of reduced metabolic activity (chemical and physical processes involved in the maintenance of life).
2. Either the condition of an inactive larva not yet metamorphosed to a pupa or autointoxication, particularly among insects.
A branch of biology concerned with the discovery or study of life on the celestial bodies or in outer space.
Dormancy induced by low temperatures.
The writing of ones own history; the story of ones life written by that person.
An autobiography is a book that reveals nothing bad about its writer except his/her memory.
—Attributed to E. C. McKenzie
autobiographic, autobiographical:
Of the nature or character of an autobiography.
autobiographist, autobiographer:
Someone who writes the story of her/his own life.
That part of the biosphere in which energy is fixed by photosynthesis in green plants.

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