Theo Words: theonomy to zootheology,
Part 4 of 4
Words that include: theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic
(Greek: God, god, deity, divine).

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following theo-, -theist words.
The state of being governed by God, a god, or by priests.
The doctrine that God is all that exists.
Characterized by theopathy.
The mystic of the theopathetic species is content to contemplate, to feel, or to act, suffering under Deity, in his sublime passivity.
1. An intense or abnormal absorption in matters pertaining to God.
2. Sympathetic passive feeling excited by the contemplation of God; susceptibility to this feeling; sensitiveness or responsiveness to divine influence; pious sentiment.
A god eater.
The practice of ingesting the god. It probably stemmed from the ancient habit of eating the sacred animal to secure blessing, grace, and identity with the deity.
1. The practice or ritual eating god, or of the thing symbolizing god, such as a sacrament.
2. The eating of God (in the mass or communion rite); the communion.
3. In anthropology, the eating of meals at which the participants believe that they ingest a deity with the consecrated food.
theophany, theophanic:
1. The appearance of a god in a visible form to a human being.
2. A manifestation or appearance of God, or a god, to man.
Someone who loves both God and mankind.
theophilanthropy, theophilanthropic:
A belief that expresses a love for God and mankind.
One who is beloved of God or one who loves God.
A love of God.
A masculine name meaning, Loved of God or Loving God.
The love of God or loving God.
1. The fear or dislike of gods or religion.
2. An abnormal fear of the wrath of God.
theophorous, theophoric:
1. Having the name of a god or a name that is derived for a gods name.
2. Bearing (carrying) or containing the name of a god.
theopneustic, theopneusty, theopneustia, theopneustian:
Divine inspiration, especially that which enables a person to receive and reveal divine truth.
Politics based on the law of God.
One who bases his/her politics on conformity to the will of God or the divine law.
A polity (policy) based on the law of God.
Ascription (declaration) of a divine nature to the soul.
A reference to theosophy.
A person who studies theosophy.
Any religious philosophy based on intuitive insight into the nature of god.
Of or pertaining to a god in the form of a bull (Zeus had the title of the god-bull).
theoteleology, theoteleological:
The doctrine of the divine direction of nature to an appointed end.
The treatment of disease by prayer and religious exercises.
One who practices the art of securing the intervention of supernatural powers in human affairs.
1. Intervention of supernatural or divine powers in human affairs.
2. The art of securing the intervention of supernatural or divine powers in human affairs.
3. Magic with the help of benevolent spirits, as practiced by Neo-Platonists.
Belief in three gods, especially the belief or doctrine that the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit consist of three distinct divinities.
A person who believes in tritheism.
The attribution of a deity to animals.
One who believes a god is in the form of an animal.
The study of god-animals or the study of animal deities and their worship.

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