Ped Words: aliped to octoped,
Part 1 of 2
Words that include: ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (Latin: foot, feet)
Remember that this Latin ped- means foot while the Greek ped- [paed] means child.
If you want to leave
footprints in the sands of time,
dont drag your feet.
1. Wing-footed, having wings on the feet, like the figures of Mercury; hence, swift-footed.
2. In zoology, having the toes connected by a membrane that serves as a wing, as with bats; a cheiropterous animal.
anguiped, anguipede:
Having feet or legs in the form of serpents, serpent-footed: an epithet of certain giants of ancient mythology.
1. A two-footed animal.
2. Having two feet; two-footed.
bipedal, bipedaling, bipedalism, bipedality:
1. Having two feet, two-footed, biped; specifically designating a reptile that uses its two hind feet for walking or running; also denoting this method of movement.
2. Capable of locomotion on two feet; e.g., an iguana and some other lizards have this capability.
3. Sometimes used humorously as a reference to a human who is a bipedaling monoglot (a two-footed person who speaks one language) or a bipedaling polyglot (a two-footed person who speaks many languages).
A biped is in pursuit of a polyped in hopes of having a snack.
Having short feet (or legs); such as, a short-legged bird.
Relating to the head and the feet.
Relating to the wrist and the foot, or the hands and feet; denoting especially carpopedal spasm.
Relating to the hand and the foot (in carpopedal spasm, a term applied to the local convulsions which affect the hands and feet of children).
A swift footman.
Of one hundred (metrical) feet.
1. A venomous predatory arthropod of the order Chilopoda, characterized by one pair of legs per leg-bearing segment. The venom is injected through the first pair of leg-like appendages, modified into piercing claws; the bites may be painful and locally necrotic, but seldom are dangerous, except to very young children. Genera found in the U.S. include Scutigera, Lithobius, Scolopendra, and Geophilus.
2. A name given to wingless vermiform articulated animals having many feet, constituting the order Cheilopoda of the class Myriapoda. Those of tropical countries are very venomous.
cheiropod, cheiroped:
A name applied to the mammals possessed of hands, including the Bimana (man), and Quadrumana (monkeys, lemurs).
One of a pair of limbs bearing large claws, or chelae, found in decapod crustacea.
decempede, decempedal:
1. Ten feet in length.
2. Having ten feet.
A decempede (on each side) demonstrates
his multipedal co-ordination.
To deprive of ones feet (or the use of them).
Amputation of the foot.
Denoting someone who uses the right leg in preference to the left; right-footed.
Having equal feet, said of the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle or having the pairs of feet equal.
Having legs of equal length.
1. The Latin word etymologically means to free (a persons) feet from fetters (the contrary of impede); hence, to free from difficulties, to help forward, to get (a work) out of hand, to dispatch, send off, etc.
2. To help forward, hasten the progress of.
1. A journey, voyage, or excursion made for some definite purpose.
2. A body of persons, also a fleet, etc., sent out for a warlike or other definite purpose.
3. From the Latin verb expedire, which originally had the meaning free ones feet from a snare, for example.
1. Of action, a voyage, etc.; speedily performed.
2. Of a method, leading to a speedy performance.
3. Of an answer, quickly given, ready.
fissiped, fissipede:
1. Having the toes separated.
2. An animal having its toes divided.
Measuring a hundred feet in length and breadth; a hundred feet square.
1. A measure of six feet.
2. A creature with six feet, a hexapod.
Burning pain in the soles of the feet, in multiple neuritis; hotfoot or hotfeet.
1. To retard in progress or action by putting obstacles in the way; to obstruct; to hinder; to stand in the way of.
2. The act of impeding; hindrance; impediment.
The woman impedes the mans efforts to escape from her control.
1. That which impedes or hinders; obstructive, hindering.
2. An impeding or hindering agent.
1. The fact of impeding or condition of being impeded; hindrance, obstruction; or something that impedes, hinders, or obstructs; a hindrance, an obstruction.
2. Something that impedes the functions or health of the body; a (physical) defect; an affection or malady.
Things which impede or encumber progress; baggage; travelling equipment (of an army, etc.).
That which impedes or obstructs; hindering.
The quality of being inexpedient; disadvantageousness, unadvisableness.
An eight-footed animal or thing.