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Words with the suffix -agogue, etc.: “agogic” to “xenagogy”

-agogue, -agog, -agogic, -agoguery, -agogy
(Greek: usually a suffix meaning one of the following; lead, leading, leading forth, guide, guiding; bring, take; promoting, stimulating)

agogic, agogical:
1. Of or pertaining to modelling in wax.
2. Applied to a kind of accent consisting in a lengthening of the time-value of the note.
The use of agogic accents.
1. Spiritual elevation or enlightenment, esp., to understand mysteries.
2. Mystical or spiritual interpretation; an Old Testament typification of something in the New Testament.
Of or pertaining to anagoge; mystical, spiritualized.
Of words and their sense: mystical, spiritual, having a secondary spiritual sense, allegorical.
1. Psychic content of an idealistic or spiritual nature.
2. A mystical interpretation of a word passage , or text, especially
scriptural exegesis that discovers allusions to heaven or the afterlife.
andragogy, androgogy:
A theory of adult education.
Another coined term referring to adult education.
An agent for suppressing lactation.
An agent that diminishes or arrests the flow of saliva (e.g., atropine).
apagoge, apagogic, apagogical:
A demonstration that does not prove a thing directly, but shows the absurdity or impossibility of denying it; a reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity); disproof of a principle or proposition by showing that it leads to an absurdity when followed to its logical conclusion.
The use or practice of apagogical reasoning.
archisynagogue, archsynagogue:
The ruler of a synagogue.
An ointment made of alum and honey that is used to promote stool.
cholagogue, cholagog:
1. An agent that promotes the flow of bile into the intestine, especially as a result of contraction of the gallbladder.
2. A medicine that carries off bile.
Stimulating activity of the gallbladder.
A purging medicine.
demagogic, demagogical:
Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a demagogue; characteristic of a demagogue.
demagogue, demagog:
1. In ancient times, a leader of the people; a popular leader or orator who espoused the cause of the people against any other party in the state.
2. In a bad sense: A leader of a popular faction, or of the mob; a political agitator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of the mob in order to obtain power or further his own interests; an unprincipled or factious popular orator.
demagogy, demagoguery:
The methods or practices of a demagogue.
A means of expelling a demon.
To punish by casting out of the synagogue.
An agent that induces or increases menstrual flow.
emmenagogic, emmenagogical:
Having the property of, or related to, an emmenagogue.
A treatise on emmenagogues.
epagoge, epagogic:
The method of bringing forward a number of particular instances to lead to a general conclusion; argument by induction.
A leader of a nation.
An agent that promotes the secretion and flow of milk.
A recently coined term that refers to the education of the elderly.
haemagogue, hemagogue:
Promoting a menstrual or hemorrhoidal discharge of blood.
1. Having the power to expel intestinal worms; anthelmintic.
2. A medicine for expelling intestinal worms.
3. Helminthagogues, or Helminthicks, medicines that drive out worms or cause them to be voided.
Promoting the flow of blood.
An agent that promotes the flow of blood.
A medicine reputed to expel all morbid humors.
Of medicines: Having the property of removing accumulations of water or serum, or of causing watery evacuations.
1. Having the property of removing accumulations of water or serum, or of causing watery evacuations.
2. Producing a discharge of watery fluid; denoting a class of cathartics that retain fluids in the intestine and aid in the removal of edematous fluids; such as, saline cathartics.
hypnagogic, hypnagogia:
Denoting a transitional state, related to the hypnoidal, preceding sleep; applied also to various hallucinations that may manifest themselves at that time.
Denoting a condition similar to the hypnagogic, through which the mind passes in coming out of sleep; denoting also hallucinations experienced at such time.
An agent that induces sleep.
isagoge, isagogic:
1. Introductory to any branch of study.
2. Introductory studies; especially, that department of theology that is introductory to exegesis, and is concerned with the literary and external history of the books of the Bible.
Adapted to produce a flow of milk.
Having the power to expel calculi (“stones”) from the kidneys or bladder.
An agent that increases the formatin and flow of lymph.
melanagogue, melanagogal:
Having the property of expelling black bile.
1. In Ancient Greece, one who gave preparatory instruction to candidates for initiation into the Eleusinian or other mysteries.; hence, one who introduces someone to religious mysteries, a hierophant; a teacher of mystical doctrines.
2. One who keeps church relics and shows them to strangers.
Pertaining to a mystagogue or mystagogy; relating to instruction in mysteries.
Initiation, or instruction preparatory to initiation into mysteries.
Driving forth everything, a medicine that expels all morbid matter.
pedagog, pedagogue:
A teacher of children.
pedagogic, pedagogics, pedagogical, paedagogic:
1. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a pedagogue or pedagogy; having the office or character of a pedagogue.
2. The science, art, or principles of pedagogy.
It is a pity that so many children and young people go to school without getting an education.
—John Rayoa

pedagogism, paedagogism, pedagoguery:
The system, character, spirit, manner, or office of a pedagogue (teacher); the system of pedagogy (teaching).
A teacher of children.
pedagogue, pedagog:
1. A man having the oversight of a child or youth; an attendant who led a boy to school (now obsolete, once used exclusively in reference to ancient times).
2. A man whose occupation is the instruction of children or youths; a schoolmaster, teacher, preceptor; (now usually in a more or less hostile or contemptuous sense, with the implication of pedantry, dogmatism, or severity).
A school mistress.
Characteristic of, or befitting, a pedagogue.
1. The profession or function of a teacher; teaching.
2. The art or science of teaching; especially, instruction in teaching methods.
Stimulating the production of protective antibodies.
phlegmagogue, phlegmagogic:
A medicine for expelling phlegm.
Expelling flatus.
1. Influencing or leading the mind or soul; persuasive, attractive.
2. Conjuring up or evoking the spirits of the dead.
psychagogue, psychagogic:
1. One who directs or leads the mind.
2. One who calls up departed spirits; a necromancer.
Rarely used term for psychotherapeutic re-education stressing the social adjustment of the individual.
ptyalagogue, ptyalagogic:
1. Promoting the flow of saliva.
2. An agent having this action (e.g., anticholinesterase agents); also sialogogue.
Spittle, expectoration.
An agent that promotes secretion; also secretogogue.
An agent that promotes secretion. Also sebiagogic.
sialagogue, sialogogue, sialagogic:
Any substance that stimulates the flow of saliva; also ptyalagogue.
Stimulating the flow of juice or an agent that has such an effect.
synagogue, synagog:
1. The regular assembly or congregation of the Jews for religious instruction and worship apart from the service of the temple, constituting, since the destruction of the temple, their sole form of public worship; hence, the religious organization of the Jews as typified by this, the Jewish communion.
2. The Great Synagogue: a Jewish council of 120 members, said to have been founded and presided over by Ezra after the return from the Babylonian captivity.
synergagogist, synergogist:
An educator who motivates learners to work together to use what they have learned for solving real problems and for enriching their own experiences.
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
—Mark Twain

synergagogy, synergogy:
1. Promoting cooperation.
2. The process and leadership that encourages or influences
collaboration. 3. Working together for shared teaching.
xenagogue, xenogogic:
From Greek, to lead, leading; bring, take; plus a “guest” or stranger. A reference to someone who conducts strangers or foreigners; a tour guide.
Conduction of strangers; such as, a tour guide, and refers to the title of a guide-book for foreigners.