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Clam Words: “acclamation” to “unclaimed”

Words that include: clam- [cla-] clamat-, claim-
(Latin: talk, call out, speak, say, shout)

1. The act of acclaiming; acclamation, applause; a shout of applause.
2. To applaud, extol; welcome with acclamation.
3. To name with acclamation as; to proclaim or announce with applause.
4. To shout; to call out; specifically, to utter an acclamation.
One who acclaims, or applauds; an applauder.
Loudly approving or applauding.
1. Loud or eager expression of assent or approval, as to vote a motion by acclamation. Also, to elect a candidate by (also with) acclamation: unanimously (or overwhelmingly) and without a ballot.
2. An act of acclaiming; an exclamation, or phrase addressed to anyone in a loud voice.
3. Loud applause or approbation however expressed.
One who joins in acclamation; an acclaimer, an applauder.
Relating to or expressing acclamation.
1. A demand for something as due; an assertion of a right to something. To lay claim to, to assert one’s right to, claim.
2. An application for the compensation guaranteed by an insurance company; especially, for loss of or damage to property, etc.
3. Right of claiming; right or title (to something or to have, be, or do something; also on, upon the person, etc., that the thing is claimed from).
4. To demand as one’s own or one’s due; to seek or ask for on the ground of right.
5. To make a claim for (indemnity); especially, upon an insurance company.
6. To assert and demand recognition of (an alleged right, title, possession, attribute, acquirement, or the like); to assert as one’s own, to affirm one’s possession of.
That which may be claimed.
1. One who makes or enters a claim; one who has a claim upon anything.
2. One who claims state benefits; especially, for unemployment.
1. Loud shouting or outcry, vociferation; especially, the excited outcry of vehement appeal, complaint, or opposition: commonly, but not always, implying a mingling of voices.
2. General vehement expression of feeling, especially of discontent or disapprobation (often including noisy manifestation); popular outcry.
3. Loud noise of musical instruments; and, more generally, of a storm, waterfall, etc.
4. To make a clamour; to shout, or utter loud and continued cries or calls; to raise an outcry, make a noise or din of speech. Said of persons, animals, and instruments of noise.
Uttering loud and persistent cries or shouts; noisy, vociferous; loudly urgent. Said of persons and other agents, or instruments.
Calling out together.
1. A loud calling out of many together; especially, of loud lamentation for the dead.
2. A shout of approval or disapproval.
A claim set up against another; a claim set up by the defendant in a suit.
One who sets up a counterclaim.
1. To speak aloud with studied rhetorical force and expression; to make a speech on a set subject or theme as an exercise in public oratory or disputation.
2. To speak in an impassioned oratorical manner in reprobation or condemnation of; to inveigh against.
3. To speak aloud in an impassioned oratorical manner, with appeals to the emotions rather than the reason of the audience; to harangue.
One who declaims; one who speaks with rhetorical expression, or as an exercise in elocution; one who harangues, or speaks with impassioned force.
1. The action or art of declaiming; the repeating or uttering of a speech, etc. with studied intonation and gesture.
2. A public speech or address of rhetorical character; a set speech in rhetorical elocution.
3. Declaiming or speaking in an impassioned oratorical manner; fervid denunciation with appeals to the audience.
4. A speech of a rhetorical kind expressing strong feeling and addressed to the passions of the hearers; a declamatory speech, a harangue.
5. Renunciation, repudiation, disclaimer.
Of or pertaining to rhetorical declaiming; of the nature of, or characterized by, declamation.
1. To renounce, relinquish, or repudiate a legal claim; to make a formal disclaimer.
2. To renounce a legal claim to; to repudiate a connexion with or concern in.
3. To disavow any claim to or connexion with; to renounce or reject as not belonging to oneself; to disown formally or emphatically.
4. To refuse to admit (something claimed by another); to reject the claims or authority of, to renounce.
1. The action of disclaiming in reference to the feudal relationship; especially, on the part of the vassal or tenant; repudiation of a legal claim.
2. An act of renouncing or relinquishing a legal claim; a formal refusal to accept an estate, trust, duty, etc.
3. A disavowal of claims or pretensions; a renunciation, denial, or rejection.
1. Exclamation, outcry.
2. To cry out suddenly and vehemently; to cry out from pain, anger, delight, surprise, etc.
3. To exclaim against; to cry out loudly and suddenly against, accuse loudly, blame (persons, their actions and attributes); to make an outcry against, protest against, rail at (a thing).
1. The action of exclaiming or crying out; the loud articulate expression of pain, anger, surprise, etc.; clamour, vociferation.
2. The action of loudly complaining or protesting; a loud complaint or protest; a derogatory outcry; a vociferous reproach.
1. That which exclaims or cries out loudly; that which utters exclamations. Of a feeling, etc. that vents itself in exclamation; noisy, outspoken.
2. Of or pertaining to exclamation; of the nature of or resembling an exclamation; containing, expressing, or marking an exclamation.
1. That which cannot be reclaimed, reformed, or called back to right ways.
2. Of land that cannot be reclaimed or brought into cultivation.
3. That which cannot be called back or revoked; irrevocable.
A wrong or mistaken claim.
1. To make an official announcement of (something), by word of mouth in some public place; also, to cause this to be done by officers or agents.
2. To make a public declaration of war against another power; to declare war.
3. To make an official announcement of or concerning (a person or thing).
4. To give public notice of (something) as lost or found; to give public notice of a marriage between parties.
5. To declare publicly; to make known aloud or openly; to publish.
1. Publicly and officially announced; publicly declared; designated in a proclamation.
2. Of a district, placed by proclamation under special legal restrictions; of a meeting, etc.; prohibited by proclamation.
1. The action of proclaiming; the official giving of public notice.
2. The public and formal announcement of the accession of a king or ruler; the fact of being proclaimed king.
3. The action of denouncing by a public notice, or of declaring a person to be outlawed, a thing to be illegal, a district to be under legal restriction, etc.; the fact of being so proclaimed; proscription.
4. That which is proclaimed, either as to its substance or its form; a formal order or intimation issued by the sovereign or other legal authority, and made public either by being announced by a herald, or by being posted up in public places.
One who proclaims or makes a public announcement.
1. That which proclaims or makes a public announcement.
2. Of, pertaining to, like, or of the nature of a proclamation.
3. The making (of land) fit for cultivation.
1. The act of recalling, or state of being recalled, to a proper conduct.
2. The reclamation of land.
3. To bring (waste land, or land formerly covered by water) under, or into a fit state for, cultivation.
4. To recover (rubber) for reuse by freeing it from impurities and rendering it plastic again; more widely, to make (re)usable (what has been used or rendered unusable).
That which may be reclaimed.
1. The action of protesting; a protest.
2. The action of calling or bringing back from wrong-doing, reformation.
3. The action or process of reclaiming used or unusable objects or materials.
4. The action of claiming the return of something taken away; a claim for something.
1. Incapable of being reclaimed or reformed; incorrigible.
2. Not liable to be claimed back.
1. Not reclaimed from error or wrong-doing; not reduced to order or good ways; unreformed.
2. Untamed; unsubdued.
3. Uncultivated, wild.