Chrono Words: dendrochronology to tephrochronology,
Part 2 of 2.
Words based on chrono-, chron- (Greek: time)
Lost time is never found again.
—John H. Aughey
dendrochronology, dendrochronological:
The science of arranging events in the order of time by the comparative study of the annual growth rings in (ancient) timber.
The opposite or reverse of synchronize.
Lack of synchrony, as in brain waves.
1. Lasting through time, or during the existing period.
2. In medicine, systematically observed over time in the same subjects throughout as opposed to synchronic or cross-sectional; the inferences are equivalent only where there is strict stability of all elements.
3. Pertaining to or designating a method of linguistic study concerned with the historical development of a language; historical, as opposed to descriptive or synchronic.
diachronism, diachronous:
1. The existence of a geological feature that transgresses palaeontological zones; for example, there is a great divergence between the lithological and chronological classification.
2. In botany, having two periods of growth in the year.
A disturbance in the consciousness of time.
Not agreeing as to time; separate as to time.
Excessive continuous gastric secretion.
geochronology, geochronological:
1. The chronology of the earth; the measurement of geological time and the ordering of past geological events.
2. The time sequence of the earths history as governed by geological events.
1. An extension of geometry conceived as taking time into account as the fourth dimension; the geometry of space-time.
2. Absolute geochronology, in which events are assigned (approximate) dates in relation to the present instead of to other events.
3. Measurement of geologic time, as through isotopic-radioactive decay.
Any equatorial satellite with an orbital velocity equal to the rotational velocity of the earth resulting in a satellite that is apparently motionless for any observer on the earth.
The application of statistics to vocabulary to determine the degree of relationship between two or more languages and the time of their splitting off from a common ancestor.
Having varying chronaxies.
heterochronia, heterochronism, heterochronous, heterochrony:
The occurrence of a process, or development of a tissue, organ, or organic form, at an abnormal time or out of a regular sequence.
1. Occurring at different times; irregular; intermittent: applied to the pulse.
2. Occurring or developed at an abnormal time.
Occurring at the same age in each genertion.
1. A line (imaginary or on a map) connecting points at which a particular event occurs or occurred at the same time.
2. A line (imaginary or on a map) connecting points on the sea-floor formed at the same time.
1. Of a line: connecting points at which a particular event occurs or occurred at the same time; of a diagram, depicting such lines.
2. Equal in duration or marked by or occurring at equal time intervals.
1. The state of having the same chronaxie.
2. Agreement, with respect to time, rate, or frequency, between processes.
isochronous, isochronism, isochrony:
1. Taking place in or occupying equal times; equal in metrical length; equal in duration, or in intervals of occurrence, as the vibrations of a pendulum; characterized by or relating to vibrations or motions of equal duration; vibrating uniformly, as a pendulum.
2. Taking place (vibrating, etc.) in the same time, or at the same intervals of time, as something else; equal in duration (vibration-period, etc.) to or with something.
Time is like money; the less we have of it to spare the
further we make it go.
—Josh Billings
1. An error in chronology consisting in placing an event later than its real date.
2. In biology, the co-ordination of the movement of parts; especially, cilia, into a progressive wave.
Not synchronous; multiple separate occurrences, such as multiple primary cancers developing at intervals.
Relating to a single period of time.
Consisting of one time or mora.
An instrument for timing a muscular impulse, i.e., the interval between the application of the stimulus and the muscular movement in response.
Pertaining to or designating linguistic study applied to all languages at all stages of their development.
parachronism, parachronistic:
An error in chronology; usually taken as one in which an event, etc., is referred to a later date than the true one.
A geochronology based on fossils that either supplement or take the place of biostratigraphically significant fossils.
1. An instrument for taking a series of instantaneous photographs at regular short intervals of time; also, each of the photographs so taken.
2. An instrument by which a beam of light is caused to produce a photographic image at some precise instant of time, e.g. so as to show the exact time at which a star crosses the meridian.
The interval of time between consecutive formations of leaf primordia (or of pairs of such primordia) in a growing shoot apex of a plant.
A chronicle of many events or periods.
The addition of a sound recording to the corresponding images of a film or video recording after the latter has been made.
prochronic, prochronism:
1. Pertaining to a period before time began.
2. The dating of an event as earlier than its actual occurrence.
A false dating, an error in date.
An automotive gear shift system in which the gears are synchronized at the same speeds before engaging to effect a smooth change.
Occurring at the same time or rate, synchronous.
1. Happening at the same time.
2. In medicine, referring to the study of the natural history of a disease by its state and distribution in a population at one time. The inferences about longitudinal course from such a study are warranted only under special conditions, notably that the longitudinal course of the disease is itself unchanging and that subjects in the sample are a representative sample of the survivors.
The phenomenon of events which coincide in time and appear meaningfully related but have no discoverable causal connection.
synchronism, synchrony, synchronistic:
1. The quality of being synchronous; occurrence of two or more events at the same time; the condition of being simultaneous; concurrence of two or more events in time; contemporary existence or occurrence.
2. Arrangement or treatment of synchronous events, etc. together or in conjunction, as in a history; agreement in relation to the time of the events described.
3. Representation of events of different times together, e.g. in the same picture.
4. Recurrence at the same successive instances of time; the fact of keeping time, i.e. proceeding at the same rate and exactly together; coincidence of period, as of two sets of movements, vibrations, or alternations of electric current.
One who lives at the same time with another; a contemporary.
Belonging to synchronism; relating to or exhibiting the concurrence of events in time; also loosely, involving synchronism, synchronous, simultaneous.
synchronize, synchronization:
1. To occur at the same time; to coincide in point of time; to be contemporary or simultaneous.
2. To cause to be, or represent as, synchronous; to assign the same date to; to bring together events, etc. belonging to the same time.
3. To occur at the same successive instants of time; to keep time with; to go on at the same rate and exactly together; to have coincident periods, as two sets of movements or vibrations.
4. To cause to go at the same rate; specifically, to cause (a timepiece) to indicate the same time as another.
5. In technical senses: to cause to coincide in time; to operate simultaneously or in synchronization.
1. In computer science, a storage device that serves as a buffer to maintain synchronization between devices transmitting at different rates.
2. In electronics, the component of a radar set that produces the timing voltage for the complete set.
An automatic recording telegraph worked by an alternating electric current, with a synchronously moving strip of perforated paper.
Combined or comparative chronology; arrangement of events according to dates, those of the same date being placed or treated together; a comparative chronology.
1. Existing or happening at the same time, simultaneously; coincident in time; belonging to the same period, or occurring at the same moment, of time; contemporary; simultaneous.
2. Relating to or treating of different events or things belonging to the same time or period; involving or indicating contemporaneous or simultaneous occurrence.
3. Recurring at the same successive instants of time; keeping time with; going on at the same rate and exactly together; having coincident periods, as two sets of vibrations or the like.
4. Of a satellite: rotating round the parent planet at the same rate as the planet rotates. Of an orbit: such that a satellite in it is synchronous.
One who lives at the same time with another; a contemporary.
The simultaneous appearance of two separate events.
In nucleonics, a machine that accelerates charged particles in circular orbits by varying the frequency of the accelerating voltage and also magnetic field so as to maintain a circular orbit.
That curve upon which a particle moving under the action of gravity (or any given force) will reach the lowest (or some fixed) point in the same time, from whatever point it starts.
The dating of volcanic eruptions and other events by studying layers of tephra.