Phobia Words: daemonophobia to eurotophobia,
Part 6 of 13
Words that include: phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias,
-phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone)
daemonophobia, demonomania:
An intensive fear of demons (spirits, goblins, etc.).
A fear of making decisions which may be related to feelings of self-confidence.
An abnormal fear of having painful defecation (bowel movements).
An abnormal fear of dining, dinner conversation, and of carrying on a conversation while eating. Individuals who have this fear usually eat their meals in silence and request silence from their companions at the table.
A fear of being insane.
An excessive fear of evil spirits.
A fear or intense dislike of crowds of people. Fear of crowds may also be related to a fear of being confined, because in a crowd there may be no quick way for the anxious individual to get to a place he or she regards as safe.
An excessive fear of trees. This fear may be related to a phobia of forests or of landscapes.
An abnormal fear of being around a dentist.
dermatopathophobia, dermatosiophobia:
An excessive fear of skin disease and skin lesions or injury. They also have fears of contamination and germs because such conditions may be uncomfortable as sell as disfiguring.
An excessive fear of skin disease, lesions, or cracks of the skin.
An excessive fear of things on the right side of the body.
A fear of having diabetes.
An abnormal or intense fear of going to school or of leaving the security of home and parents.
An excessive fear of justice which involves concepts of moral rightness, honor, and fairness.
A fear of whirlpools and of dizziness. Dizziness may also be part of a combination of anxiety induced gastrointestinal effects, that include nausea and possibly diarrhea and vomiting. Dizziness may be related to a disturbance of the inner ear.
An exaggerated fear of having double vision. This phobia may be based on feeling of losing control of one's environment. Double vision may be due to a muscle imbalance or to paralysis of certain eye muscles.
diplychiphobia or dystychiphobia:
An excessive fear of accidents. Based on
Greek tycho, fortunate, luck, chance, accident.
Those who fear having accidents are afraid to behave in any way that might result in injury to themselves or to others, or in damage to property or the environment.
Accident phobics associate certain factors with accidents and tend to avoid them. The situations they might avoid include risky jobs, atmospheric conditions, a tiring work schedule, and equipment failure. They also are afraid of personal factors such as inattention, errors of perception, risk-taking, and decision-making.
dipsomanophobia, dipsophobia:
An intense fear or hatred of drinking, especially alcoholic beverages.
An exaggerated or abnormal fear of undressing in front of someone and includes the fear of being seen in a less than fully clothed condition.
An excessive fear of one's home or of being confined in a house.
An exaggerated fear of fur or the skin of animals. An abnormal aversion to touching the hair or fur of animals.
An irrational fear of being confined in a house or in ones home.
An abnormal fear of crossing streets or of wandering (roaming).
The fear of accidents with such people who suffer this anxiety is that they might injure themselves or other people or damage property or the environment. Accident phobics try to avoid risky jobs, atmospheric conditions, a tiring work schedule, and equipment failure. The fear of accidents is related to a phobia of decision-making and a fear of making errors.
An excessive fear of deformity, usually in others. A phobic may try to conceal the body part about which he or she is self-conscious.
ecclesiaphobia, ecclesiophobia:
An irrational fear of a church, of churches in general, or of organized religion.
A fear of home life or surroundings , including house-hold appliances, equipment, electricity, bathtubs, household chemicals, and other common objects in the home.
An abnormal fear of mirrors or termites.
An abnormal fear of electricity.
An irrational dread of freedom.
An abnormal dread of being in an elevator, of being trapped in an elevator, or of being harmed by a free-falling elevator.
An excessive fear of vomiting. Some people with this phobia avoid situations that might remotely provoke vomiting in themselves or in others; such as, going on a boat, riding in a car, flying in an aircraft, riding in a roller-coaster, etc.
An obsessive fear of being reproached or criticized.
enetephobia, enetophobia, enosiophobia:
An abnormal fear of pins or needles.
A fear of criticism or committing a sin.
An abnormal fear of crowds.
An excessive hatred of wine or fear of what it might do to a person if he/she drinks it.
An excessive fear of sin or of being reproached for ones behavior.
An irrational dread of insects.
An overly anxious fear of ticks.
An abnormal fear of the dawn; a depression caused by a fear of the dawn; in some cases, because some people are afraid of being seen by others.
A phobia of having a nosebleed for fear of bleeding to death or an anxiety when seeing others with a bleeding nose. When seeing anyone with a nose bleed, they may have a lowering of blood pressure, a reduction of breathing rate, and a feeling of weakness or even a fainting spell.
An abnormal fear of horses, perhaps resulting from the sight of such a powerful animal up close.
eremiophobia, eremitophobia, eremophobia, ermitopobia,
An abnormal fear of solitude, of being alone, of quiet places, or of being in deserted places.
An excessive fear of blushing.
ergasiophobia, ergasophobia:
An excessive fear or hatred of work. It is also sometimes a reference to the fear of surgical operations.
A fear of work related to anxieties about perfectionism, and anxiety about possible failure in ones efforts to perform a task properly.
An excessive fear of sexual feelings and their physical expressions.
erythrophobia, erytophobia, ereuthophobia:
An excessive fear of the color red or of blushing.
A fear of losing ones virginity or its loss by some other person.
An abnormal fear of hearing good news which may be related to the fear of gaiety, laughter, or of having success.
An abnormal fear of female genitals which may have an adverse affect on both women and men.