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Hypno Words: “ahypnia” to “hypnology”
Part 1 of 2.

Words that include: hypno-, hypn- (Greek: sleep)

A state of profound insomnia or the inability to sleep; ahypnosis.
A state of profound insomnia or the inability to sleep; sleeplessness; ahypnia.
Another term for insomnia; anhypnosis.
antihypnotic, anhypnotic:
Tending to prevent sleep; such as, a medicine, etc. that is used for this purpose.
Occurring at the beginning of sleep.
autohypnosis, autohypnotic:
1. The act or process of hypnotizing oneself.
2. A self-induced hypnotic state, often employed as a way to enhance the suggestions given the subject by the therapist; self-hypnosis and idiohypnotism.
3. The intelligent use of self-hypnosis offers much to the individual in whom increased efficiency in concentration, relaxation, self-control, and learning capacity is important. —Duncan A. Holbert, M.D.
To awaken out of the hypnotic state.
1. A sleeping disorder.
2. Difficult or restless sleep.
A condition of restful and easy sleep.
A pathological state of prolonged sleep, from which the patient can be roused only partly and very briefly; hypersomnia, lethargy.
hypnagogic, hypnogogic:
1. Sleep-producing; hypnotic.
2. Preceding sleep: a reference to images or dreams that are perceived during the transition between the waking state and sleep.
1. A hypnotic agent.
2. An agent causing sleepiness or drowsiness.
Pain that occurs during sleep.
1. Inducing sleep or induced by sleep.
2. In psychology, pertaining to hallucinations or dreams that occur just before the loss of consciousness.
A disorder consisting of partial arousal from sleep during which the subject may walk for relatively long distances, return to bed, go back to sleep, and awake the next morning with no memory of having wandered around; somnambulism.
hypnesthesia, hypnaesthesia:
Sleepiness; sleepy feeling; dulled sensibility; drowsiness.
Ease of going to sleep.
Inducing or pertaining to sleep.
hypnoanalysis, hypnoanalytic:
A method of pshychotherapy in which psychoanalysis is employed in conjunction with hypnosis.
Induction of the anesthetic state with hypnosis.
A special sensitivity while sleeping.
The reliving of repressed thoughts and experiences with their affective associations that have been brought out during hypnoanalysis.
An unconscious defecation during sleep.
An instrument for recording movements made during sleep.
The study of hypnosis in dentistry.
The application of controlled suggestion and hypnosis to the practice of dentistry.
hypnody, hypnodic:
1. In biology, a prolonged resting period (diapause) during development.
2. A long resting period passed through by the larvae or pupae of certain insects.
The process of inducing or entering sleep or a hypnotic state.
hypnogenic, hypnogenic:
1. Producing sleep.
2. Productive of hypnosis or sleep, as a spot that, upon being touched by a subject, puts him/her into a hypnotic state.
Arising from a state of hypnosis, such as unconscious material uncovered during the course of hypnoanalysis.
Resembling a state of hypnosis or sleep.
A reference to a condition between sleep and waking; resembling sleep.
The induction of hypnosis.
A chronic ailment that consists of recurrent attacks of drowsiness and sleep during daytime; narcolepsy. The patient is unable to control these spells of sleep but is easily awakened. These attacks may be distinguished from ordinary drowsiness following a meal by the frequency of the occurrence of such attacks, their irresistibility, and their happening in unusual circumstances; such as, while eating, standing, or conversing.
A specialist in the phenomena of sleep and/or hypnosis.
The science or study of or that part of physiological science that deals with the phenomena of sleep and hypnosis.