Ichthyo- Words: “ichthyarchy” to “ichthytaxidermy”Words that include: ichthyo-, ichthy-, -ichth- (Greek: fish)ichthyarchy:
The domain of fishes; the fish-world in all its orders.
Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fishes; having the zoological characters of a fish; piscine.
ichthism, ichthismus:
Poisoning due to any toxin produced by a fish. Also, ichthyotoxism.
ichthus, ichthys:
1. A representation of a fish, common as a talisman or amulet, and regarded in ancient times as a symbol of fertility.
2. The Greek word for fish was also an acronym for Iesous CHristos, THeou Yios, Soter (Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Saviour) and it is said to be the secret symbol used by early Christians to communicate with each other. They did this by drawing a fish-like sign or symbol: This symbol is found on many seals, rings, urns, and tombstones from the early Christian period; and for some, it was a mystical charm. ichthyoacanthotoxin, ichthyoacanthotoxism:
1. The venom secreted by venomous fishes, in connection with stings, spines. or “teeth”.
2. Any poison produced by the spines, stings, or teeth of a fish. ichthyocolia:
A gelatinous substance obtained from the swim-bladder of the fish, Acipenser huso. It is used as an adhesive as well as a clarifying agent. Also known as “isinglass”.
The fossilized excrement of a fish.
In paleontology, a family of neopterygian teleost fishes in the extinct order Ichthyodectiformes; large predaceous fish closely related to the Osteoglossomorpha, which generally preferred a marine environment; upper Jurassic and Cretaceous.
A fossil tooth of a fish.
ichthyofauna, ichthyofaunal:
All the fish that live in a particular area.
A written description about fish.
ichthyography, ichthyographia:
An article or report written about fish.
A poison found in the blood of certain fish.
Intoxication caused by the ingestion of ichthyohemotoxin, characterized by gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances.
ichthyoid, ichthyoidal:
1. Similar to a fish, especially in structure or appearance.
2. A vertebrate such as a lamprey or hagfish that is similar to a fish. ichthyolatry, ichthyolatrous:
Fish-worship; the worship of a fish-god or an icon in the shape of a fish.
A fossil fish, or fragment of a fish.
One who specializes in the scientific study of fish.
ichthyology, ichthyologic, ichthyological, ichthyologically:
1. The branch of zoology that deals with the scientific study of fish.
2. The study of fish and fishlike vertebrates. ichthyomancy, ichthyomantic:
Divination by means of the heads or entrails of fishes.
A person who uses fish or their parts to foretell or divine the present, past, or future.
ichthyomorphous, ichthyomorphic, ichthyomorphs:
Fish-shaped, fishlike; as, ichthyomorphic idols
ichthyoneuston, ichthyoneustont:
The ichthyological component of the neuston, typically fish eggs or fry. A neuston refers to small to medium-size organisms that live on or under the surface film of water bodies.
The arrangement or classification of fishes.
An allergy resulting from fish; a fish allergy.
A poison found in the roe of certain fish.
Intoxication caused by the ingestion of toxic fish roe, characterized by gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances.
The paleontology of fishes.
An ichthyophagist.
ichthyophagi, ichthyophagian:
Fisheaters; coast-dwelling people living on sea food.
That which (human, animal, etc.) eats or consumes fish.
To eat fish.
ichthyophagous, ichthyophagus, ichthyophagia, ichthyophagy:
1. Eating or feeding on fish.
2. The practice of subsisting on fish. ichthyophile, ichthyophilist:
A fondness or love of fish or fishes.
1. An irrational fear of fish.
2. Avoidance of fish because of some taboo. ichthyophonus:
In mycology, a genus of fungi perhaps belonging to the order Entomophthorales; its species are fish parasites.
In veterinary medicine, a common, fatal infection of fish that causes chronic inflammation of the skin and gills in the form of spotty, white lesions, due to invasion by the protozoan fish parasite Ichthyophthirius multifilis.
Parasites causing the often fatal fresh-water fish-skin disease called “ich”.
Fish that maintain their position or distribution as a result of the movement of water.
The sale of fish.
A seller of fish; a fishmonger.
In paleontology, a proposed extinct subclass of diapsid marine reptiles, including ichthyosaurs and some related forms.
A prehistoric toothed bird, similar to a gull, that lived during the Cretaceous period; literally, a “fish-bird”.
In paleontology, an order of early flying birds in the extinct superorder Odontognathae; Cretaceous.
A poison found in the muscles or flesh of certain fish.
A poisoning that results from the ingestion of the flesh of poisonous fish, in contrast with ordinary bacterial food poisoning that might result from the ingesting (eating) of nonpoisonous fish contaminated by bacteria.
ichthyosaur, ichthyosaurus, ichthyosaurous, ichthyosaurian:
A prehistoric reptile with a long snout and paddle-shaped limbs that lived in the sea during the Mesozoic era.
An order of highly specialized marine reptiles in the subclass Diapsida, characterized by an elongated snout and a fish-shaped body, and generally very fishlike; some authorities group them in a separate subclass, Ichthyopterygia, because of their great divergence from the basic reptilian pattern; Middle Triassic to Cretaceous.
ichthyosis, ichthyotic, ichthyotoxic:
1. A keratinization disorder identified by dryness and noninflammatory fishskin-like scaling of the skin.
2. A disease that causes the skin to become dry, thick, and scaly. ichthyotomist:
A dissector or anatomist of fishes.
The dissection of fish.
The study of natural toxins produced by fish, their cause, detection, and effects, and the treatment of conditions produced by them.
ichthyotoxin, ichthyotoxism:
Any natural toxin or poison that is produced by fish.
The taxidermy or stuffing (mounting) of the skins of fishes as zoological specimens or as trophies for those who catch fish to hang up on their walls.