Cryo- Words Meaning Cold: cryalgesia to cryolysis
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Words that include: cryo-, cry-, kryo-, kry- (Greek: cold, freezing).
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cryalgesia, cryalgia:
Pain caused by cold (freezing).
cryanalgesia, cryanalgia:
The relief of pain by application of cold with a cryoprobe to peripheral nerves.
1. Localized application of cold as a means of producing regional anesthesia.
2. Inability to perceive cold.
1. A subjective sensation of cold.
2. Sensitiveness to cold.
The removal of a body part, such as a wart, by freezing (transliteration: freeze bath or freeze wash).
A facility for freezing and preserving semen and body tissues at low temperatures, usually by immersion in liquid nitrogen at -196.5 degrees Centigrade.
A specialist in the effects of low temperatures on biological systems.
1. The study of the effects of low temperatures on living organisms or biological systems; especially, warm-blooded animals.
2. The study of life and its constituents below its normal living temperature, including cryogenic temperatures (below -80 degrees Centigrade).
In physiology, the carrying on of bodily functions at low temperatures.
Usually a fiberglass-stainless steel capsule (tank) where a deanimated body is placed for cryonic storage.
Cessation of contractions of the myocardium produced by cooling the heart during cardiac surgery.
One who applies the instrument that causes the destruction of tissue by freezing.
Any substance, such as liquid air or carbon dioxide snow, or a low temperature instrument, the application of which causes destruction of tissue by freezing.
A freeze-drying procedure that involves conduction heat transfer to the frozen solid secured on a metallic surface.
Those regions of the Earths surface perpetually covered by snow.
1. A dark, finely textured dust powder carried by wind and deposited on a snow or ice surface; also, kryokonite.
2. Depressions containing cryoconite that absorbs solar radiation, thus causing the melting of the neighboring glacier ice.
3. Organisms and wind-blown detritus that induce surface melt pits in glaciers.
A field of engineering that studies the design and functioning of electronics systems, circuits, and devices at temperatures approaching absolute zero (0 K or -270 degrees Celsius).
Removal of cataracts by the adhesion of a freezing probe to the lens; now rarely done. It is accomplished with an instrument (cryoprobe) whose extremely cold tip forms an adhesion (iceball) with the lens, thus permitting removal of the lens.
An instrument (cryoprobe), artificially cooled, for extraction of the lens by freezing contact.
An abnormal type of fibrinogen very rarely found in human plasma; it is precipitated upon cooling, but redissolves when warmed to room temperature.
Fixation processes for microscopy carried out at low temperature to improve the quality of fixation. Often very low temperatures and fast cooling are used to prevent formation of ice crystals. Cooling rates of 10,000 degrees per minute may be used and liquid nitrogen or even liquid helium temperatures used. Especially for preparing specimens for scanning EM. Frequently no chemical treatment is used.
A freezing substance used to produce very low temperatures.
1. Pertaining to or causing the production of low temperatures.
2. Relating to cryogenics.
3. Cryogenic lake, a lake formed by local thawing in an area of permanently frozen ground.
The science concerned with the production and effects of very low temperatures, particularly temperatures in the range of liquid helium
A serum globulin (invariably an immunoglobulin) that precipitates at low temperatures.
The presence of abnormal quantities of cryoglobulin in the blood plasma.
cryohemia, cryohemic:
1. A mixture of ice and a salt combined in a proportion designed to have the lowest possible melting point.
2. A eutectic mixture, especially one having water as one of its constituents.
Destruction of hypophysis by the application of extreme cold.
1. The cooling of an area in order to injure or to destroy it. This is done for therapeutic reasons.
2. A lesion (injury, wound, or infected patch in a skin disease) produced by exposure to cold; such as, frosbite.
With reference to its icy appearance, a fluoride of sodium and aluminum found in Greenland and used in the molten state in the electrolytic production of aluminum.
In hydrology, the study of the nature, structure, and development of underground ice, especially in permafrost regions.
1. In hydrology, the scientific study of snow and ice.
2. In mechanical engineering, studying and researching refrigeration at low temperatures ranging down to absolute zero.
Cryolophosaurus ellito:
Frozen crested reptile.
Destruction by cold.

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