Duct Words: induction to introductory,
Part 3 of 4.
Vocabulary words that include: duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation (Latin: lead, leading, bring, take, draw).
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1. The action of inducing by persuasion; inducement.
2. The action of introducing to, or initiating in, the knowledge of something; the process of being initiated; introduction, initiation.
3. The action of formally introducing a clergyman into possession of the church to which he has been presented and instituted, together with all rights, profits, etc. pertaining to it.
4. The bringing forward, adducing, or enumerating of a number of separate facts, particulars, etc., especially for the purpose of proving a general statement.
5. The action of bringing on, bringing into existence or operation, producing, causing. Chiefly used in medicine; such as, the induction of labor for birth.
6. The action of inducing or bringing about an electric or magnetic state in a body by the proximity (without actual contact) of an electrified or magnetized body.
1. Leading on (to some action, etc.); inducing.
2. Of the nature of, based upon, or characterized by the use of induction, or reasoning from particular facts to general principles.
3. Of the nature of, pertaining to, or due to electric or magnetic induction. Also inductive coupling, coupling between two electric circuits or devices that is due to their mutual inductance; so inductive-coupled, coupled in this way; inductive reactance, reactance due to inductance.
Inductive quality; power or capacity for magnetic induction.
1. One who introduces or initiates; or one who inducts a clergyman to a benefice.
2. Any part of an electric apparatus which acts inductively on another. Esp. one which induces an e.m.f. or current in another part (as in an inductor alternator).
3. A conductor or device in which an e.m.f. or current is induced;
earth inductor, a device for investigating the earths magnetic field, consisting essentially of a coil of wire that can be rapidly turned about an axis in its own plane so that a current is induced in it proportional to the component of the field normal to the axis of rotation.
4. Any substance that while reacting with one substance (the "actor") increases the rate at which this reacts with a second substance (the "acceptor" a substance that has an accelerating effect on a reaction but differs from a catalyst in being consumed.
1. To present for the first time.
2. To bring (a thing) into some sphere of action or thought; to bring in in the course of some action or in a literary or artistic composition; to add or insert as a feature or element. Sometimes with the notion of bringing in for the first time or as a new feature.
3. To bring into use or practice; to bring into vogue or fashion; to institute (a law, custom, etc.).
4. To usher in (a time, action, matter, etc.); to bring forward with preliminary or preparatory matter; to start, open, begin.
1. The action of introducing; a leading or bringing in; a bringing into use or practice, bringing in speech or writing, insertion, etc.
2. That which leads to the knowledge or understanding of something.
3. The action of introducing or making known personally; especially, the formal presentation of one person to another, or of persons to each other, with communication of names, titles, etc.
1. Introducing to something that follows; leading up to or on to something; preliminary.
2. A step leading on to something further; a preliminary step.