Gram Words: odontogram to xerogram
Part 3 of 3.
Words that include: gram-, -gram-, -grammatic,
-grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic
(Greek: write, that which is written, a letter, a written record).
A personal record of bite forms of teeth used as personal identification.
A sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet.
A record made by a pedograph (an instrument for recording and studying gait or walk).
An imprint of the sole of the foot, made by resting the inked foot on a sheet of paper, or by pressing the greased foot on a plaster of Paris paste.
A series of five letters or characters.
A record of the heart sounds made by means of a phonocardiograph (an instrument, utilizing microphones, amplifiers, and filters, for graphically recording the heart sounds, which are displayed on an oscilloscope or analog tracing).
1. A graphic curve depicting the duration and intensity of a sound.
2. A written character or symbol representing a spoken sound.
3. A telegram that the sender dictates over the telephone.
A written character or symbol representing a phrase; specifically in phonography or other shorthand system, a conventional combination of signs or letters standing for a phrase.
Images representing things or ideas rather than words.
Film records of pneumarthrography (radiographic examination of a joint following the introduction of air, with or without another contrast medium).
1. A diagram or tracing of the movements of the chest in respiration, obtained by a pneumograph.
2. A message sent by pneumatic dispatch.
1. The record or tracing made by a pneumograph.
2. A radiographic record of pneumography (a general term indicating radiography after the injection of air).
3. A record of respiratory movements in graphic.
An imprint of the sole of the foot, showing the contour and the condition of the arch, or an outline tracing.
A figure or design consisting of many lines.
1. A formal set of procedures for conducting an activity.
2. To express (a task or operation) in terms appropriate to its performance by a computer or other automatic device; to cause (an activity or property) to be automatically regulated in a prescribed way.
An apparatus or an operation: capable of being programmed.
Predetermined or controlled by a program.
1. One who arranges something according to a program.
2. One who writes computer programs.
3. A device that automatically controls the operation of something in accordance with a prescribed program.
The recording of the movements and size of the pupils of the eyes.
A graphic record of the concentration of injected radioisotope within the cardiac chambers.
A graphical record of the varying radioactivity of a kidney into which a radioactive substance has been injected; also, a radiograph or autoradiograph of a kidney.
A plot of the shear stress versus the shear rate for fluid.
TA record of the hearts movements taken with the roentgenkymograph (an apparatus for recording the movements of the heart and great vessels or of the diaphragm on a single film).
Recording of cardiac vibrations as they affect the entire body by various techniques.
The record of a seismograph.
An outline of the shadow of an object filled in with black; a picture painted or produced in this style.
A diagrammatic representation of the valences and degrees of attractiveness and acceptance of each individual rated according to the interpersonal interactions between and among members of a group; a diagram in which group interactions are analyzed on the basis of mutual attractions or antipathies between group members.
A graphical representation, produced by a sonograph, of the distribution of sound energy among different frequencies, especially as a function of time.
A tracing produced by a spirograph that provides a continuous tracing of the movements of the lungs during respiration.
A record of pulse in graphic form.
A message sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch or communication; literally, written from a distance.
A thermograph that is electrically recorded at a distance; a self-registering telethermometer.
Consisting of four letters, it is a combination of four Hebrew letters, transliterated as YHWH or
JHVH, that stands for Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament. Since the third century B.C., devout Jews have considered this name to be ineffable (not to be uttered) and so not to be spoken.
The popular but incorrect Christian version of the Tetragrammaton, jehovah, is the result of a scholarly error; the insertion between the consonants J-H-V-H of vowel sounds which are not written in Hebrew.
1. A regional temperature map of the surface of a part of the body, obtained by an infrared sensing device; it measures radiant heat, and thus subcutaneous blood flow, if the environment is constant.
2. A photograph or image produced by infra-red radiation emanating naturally from the subject under study.
A record of urinary elimination in graphic form.
A radiogram of a vein after injection of a contrast medium.
A prerecorded video recording; a commercial video film or disc.
Radiography using a specially coated charged plate instead of x-ray film, developing with a dry powder rather than liquid chemicals, and transferring the powder image onto paper for a permanent record.