Loqu Words: alalieniloquent to veriloquent
Words that include: loqu-, -loquence, -loquent, -loquently, -iloquent, -iloquently
(Latin: talk, speak, say)
alalieniloquent, alieniloquence:
Speaking discursively or straying from the point.
Speaking pompously, in a high-flown, turgid manner; a synonym of grandiloquent.
One who speaks with doubt or with two languages.
Similar to the sound produced by blowing or speaking into an amphora (two-handled vase), or other large vessel with a small mouth, as in amphoric resonance, cough, echo, voice, etc.
blandiloquent, blandiloquence:
Speaking in a flattering or mildly ingratiating way.
blesiloquent, blesiloquence:
Speaking with a stammer or lisp.
breviloquent, breviloquence:
Speaking briefly or concisely; laconic.
cacoethes loquendi:
An insatiable urge to talk.
Belonging to common speech; characteristic of or proper to ordinary conversation, as distinguished from formal or elevated language.
A form of speech or phrase proper to, or characteristic of, ordinary conversation; a colloquial expression.
A person who excels in the use of colloquialisms.
One who takes part in a conversation.
1. A conversation, dialogue, colloquy.
2. A meeting or assembly for discussion; a conference, council; specifically, an academic conference.
colloquy, colloquize:
A talking together; a conversation, dialogue.
dentiloquent, dentiloquence:
Talking through the teeth.
diversiloquent, diversiloquence:
Speaking in different ways.
doctiloquent, doctiloquence:
Speaking learnedly; such as an expert on some subject.
dulciloquent, dulciloquence:
Speaking sweetly or in a sweet manner.
eloquent, eloquently, eloquential:
1. Of persons possessing or exercising the power of fluent, forcible, and appropriate expression.
2. Of utterances or style characterized by forcible and appropriate expression.
1. The action, practice, or art of expressing thought with fluency, force, and appropriateness, so as to appeal to the reason or move the feelings of those who are recipients of such fluency.
2. The quality of being eloquent, as an attribute of speakers or writers, their utterances or style.
3. An alleged technical term denoting a company of lawyers; obsolete, rare.
fallaciloquent, fallaciloquence:
Speaking deceitfully.
fatiloquent, fatiloquence:
Declaring fate, prophetic.
flexiloquent, flexiloquence:
1. Speaking evasively or ambiguously.
2. Speaking with a doubtful or double meaning.
gaudiloquent, gaudiloquence:
Speaking with joy or happiness.
Shorthand; a word represented by a single sign; also, a letter or character representing a word (more correctly called a logogram). Examples of grammalogues include: &, #, ©, ®, ¶, and @.
grandiloquent, grandiloquence:
Speaking in a bombastic, flamboyant, or pompous manner.
inaniloquent, inaniloquence, inaniloquous:
Speaking foolishly; full of empty or idle talk.
largiloquent, largiloquence:
Full of words or excessive talking.
longiloquent, longiloquence:
Extremely long-winded.
loquacious, loquaciousness, loquacity:
Excessive talking; talkative; chattering, babbling.
loquent, loquence, loquency:
Speaking, talking.
magniloquent, magniloquence, magniloquently:
Speaking in a pompous manner; lofty and extravagant in speech; boastful.
melliloquent, melliloquence, melliloquently:
Literally, honey-tongued; a glib or fluent speaker.
mendaciloquent, mendaciloquence:
Telling artful lies or speaking lies.
multiloquent, multiloquence:
Talking a great deal; talkative.
1. Evil-speaking directed against a person or thing; abuse, detraction, calumny, slander.
2. Abuse or detraction as it affects the person spoken against; the condition of being spoken against; evil fame, bad repute; reproach, disgrace.
omniloquent, omniloquence:
Talking about everything; speaking about everything or on all subjects.
pauciloquent, pauciloquence, pauciloquency:
1. Using the fewest number of words to make the point.
2. Uttering few words or speaking in a brief manner.
A speech of very few words; using the fewest possible words to make a point.
planiloquent, planiloquence:
Speaking plainly.
pleniloquent, pleniloquence:
Full of talk; excessive talking.
polyloquent, polyloquence:
Talking about many things.
sanctiloquent, sanctiloquence:
Speaking solemnly, or about sacred or holy things.
Anything that promotes salivation.
sialoquent, sialoquence:
Spraying saliva when speaking.
I once
knew a fellow named Fritz,
Who spoke with conspicuous spritz.
Whatever hed say
Came out with a spray:
sialoquent spurts gave me fits!
—Chloe S. Yarmouth
From There's a Word for it! by Charles Harrington Elster
Prone to soliloquize.
Soliloquizing at great length.
soliloquy, soliquize, soliloquent, soliloquence:
1. An instance of talking to or conversing with oneself, or of uttering ones thoughts aloud without addressing anyone; a literary production representing or imitating a discourse of this nature.
2. The act of speaking to oneself; soliloquizing.
Speaking in soliloquy.
somniloquent, somiloquence, somniloquist:
Talking in ones sleep; talking while asleep.
stultiloquent, stultiloquence:
Babbling idiotically; talking foolishly.
suaviloquent, suaviloquence:
1. An urbane, sophisticated manner of speaking.
2. Speaking in a smooth way.
superbiloquent, superbiloquence:
Speaking in a proud, haughty manner.
tardiloquent, tardiloquence, tardiloquy:
Speaking slowly; talking in a slow way or drawing ones speech out at length; slow speech.
tolutiloquent, tolutiloquence:
Speaking characterized by fluency or glibness of utterance; rapid and ready of speech; fluency. From Latin tolutim, trotting along.
A crude way of speaking; not eloquent.
vaniloquent, vaniloquence, vaniloquy:
Speaking in a vain or egotistical manner; vain babbling.
veriloquent, veriloquence:
Speaking nothing but the truth.