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leg-, lex (Latin: pertaining to the law, legal).

From Latin legalis and lex, legis, law; lex is singular while leges is plural.

illegal, illegality: Not legal or lawful; contrary to, or forbidden by, law.

To render illegal.
1. Not legitimate, not in accordance with or authorized by law; unauthorized, unwarranted; spurious; irregular, improper.
2. Not born in lawful wedlock; not recognized by law as lawful offspring; spurious, bastard.
In an illegitimate manner; unlawfully; without authority; spuriously.
1. Of or pertaining to law; falling within the province of law.
2. Belonging to or characteristic of the profession of the law.
3. Such as is required or appointed by law; founded upon law; deriving authority from law.
4. Something connected with law; a legal formality; a legal notice.
1. The complicated technical language of legal documents.
2. Language typical of lawyers, laws, legal forms, etc., characterized by archaic usage, prolixity (wordy and tedious), redundancy, and extreme thoroughness.
legalism, legalistic:
1. A strict and usually literal adherence to he law.
2. A disposition to exalt the importance of law or formulated rule in any department of action.
legalist, legalistic:
1. A stickler for legality.
2. One versed in the law; one who views things from a legal standpoint.
1. Attachment to or observance of law or rule.
2. In theology, insistence on the letter of the law; reliance on works for salvation, rather than on free grace.
3. The spirit or way of thinking characteristic of the legal profession; pl. points of manner or speech indicative of this.
4. The quality of being legal or in conformity with the law; lawfulness. In early use, legitimacy.
legalize, legalization:
To make legal or conformable to law; to invest with the authority of law; to authorize, justify, sanction.
In a legal manner; according to law, lawfully. Also, in a legal sense; from the point of view of law.
To perform the function of legislation; to make or enact laws.
1. The action of making or giving laws; the enactment of laws, lawgiving; an instance of this.
2. The enactments of a legislator or legislature; the whole body of enacted laws.
The power of legislating or making laws; the body in which this power is vested, the legislature.
One who makes laws (for a people or nation); a lawgiver; a member of a legislative body.
legislatress, legislatrix:
A female legislator.
A body of persons invested with the power of making the laws of a country or state; specifically, (U.S.) the legislative body of a State or Territory, as distinguished from Congress.
One well versed or skilled in the law; a jurist.
1. The fact of being a legitimate child.
2. The condition of being in accordance with law or principle. Now often, with respect to a sovereign's title, in a narrower sense: The fact of being derived by regular descent; occasionally the principle of lineal succession to the throne, as a political doctrine.
3. Conformity to rule or principle; lawfulness.
1. Of a child: Having the status of one lawfully begotten; entitled to full filial rights. Said also of a parent, and of lineal descent.
2. Conforming to law or rule; sanctioned or authorized by law or right; lawful; proper.
To render legitimate or lawful, in various senses; especially, to render (a child) legitimate by legal enactment or otherwise.
1. In medieval jurisprudence, a body or collection of various laws peculiar to a given nation or people; not a code in the modern sense, but an aggregation or collection of laws not codified or systematized.
2. In modern American and British jurisprudence, a system of body of laws, written or unwritten, or so much thereof as may be applicable to a particular case or question, considered as being local or peculiar to a given state, country, or jurisdiction, or as being different from the laws or rules relating to the same subject-matter which prevail in some other place.
3. In old English law, a body or collection of laws, and particularly the Roman or civil law.
4. Lex is used in a purely juridical sense, law, and not also right; while jus has an ethical as well as a juridical meaning, not only law, but right.
5. Other specific meanings of the word in Roman jurisprudence were as follows: Positive law, as opposed to natural. That system of law that descended from the Twelve Tables, and formed the basis of all the Roman law. The terms of a private covenant; the condition of an obligation. A form of words prescribed to be used upon particular occasions.
1. A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by a person, or a body or class of persons, beyond the common advantages of others; an exemption in a particular case from certain burdens or liabilities.
2. A bill of law in favor or against an individual (privus, "single, private" plus leg, stem of lex, legis, "law".