Divination Words: “halomancy” to “chnomancy”,
Part 5 of 9
Words including: -mancy, -mancer, -mantic, -mantical (Greek: used as a suffix; divination, prophecy; to interpret signs so “practical” decisions can be made [related to -mania])
Divination refers to the methods or practices of attempting to foretell the future or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or with supernatural powers; prophesying or predicting the future; methods of "fortune telling".
Divination with the use of salt (one method was by interpreting the shape of salt which was thrown on a flat surface). Interpretation of the shapes which are formed after salt is thrown on a surface or by throwing salt into flames and observing the nature of the flames, their color, speed, and direction.
Divination by the “reading” the livers of sacrificed victims (animal and/or human).
hematomancy, haematomancy:
Divination with the use of blood.
Divination by observing and interpreting the sun.
Divination with water, tides, and ebbs.
Divination with sacrificial remains or sacred objects; by observing the things offered as sacrifices.
Divination with horse(s); the Celts kept white horses in consecrated groves; ancient Germans kept similar steeds in their temples. If on leaving the temple at the out-break of hostilities, the horses crossed the temple threshold with the left forefoot first, the prophecy was regarded as an evil omen and the war was abandoned. A horse’s pace was also interpreted.
Divination with water or other liquids; such as, tides and ebbs; by having a small boy tell what he has seen in the water. Interpreting the color and patterns of flowing water; sometimes ripples are studied as stones are dropped into quiet water.
Divination with wild swine; or by the tongue or the “tongue bone”.
Divination with the interpretations of personality and appearances of people by studying their footprints, posture, and position.
Divination by examining the heads and/or entrails of fish for prophetic signs or the next fish caught.
Divination of pictures or icons or with special images.
Divination with idols or images. The answers may come through dreams, by drawing lots, or anything else that believers may attribute to the power of such images.
Divination used by some of the Lombards in which lighted carbon was poured on the baked head of a goat as the names of those who were accused of crimes were called out. If crackling occurred as a name was called, it was assumed that the accused was guilty. The head of an ass was also used.
Divination by interpreting thunder and lightning.
Divination with lip reading.
Divination with the flame of a torch, candles, or substances which are burned in their flames. The actions and movements of the flames were interpreted and a flame with a single point was believed to indicate good fortune, but if it had two points, this signaled bad luck. Sparks were said to indicate news and sudden extinction of the flame meant disaster.
The ancient Egyptians held a “Feast of Lamps”, at which many rites were performed, including divination.
Divination with water in a basin into which plates of gold and silver were put with jewels. Sometimes a stone, or similar object, was thrown into a basin of water and the sounds it made as it dropped to the bottom were interpreted.
Another method involved placing water in a silver vase on a clear moonlit night. The light from the candle was reflected on the water by the blade of a knife and the diviner concentrated on the image formed in the water. In addition, other objects were dropped into the water; such as, melted metals (lead or tin), silver and gold, oil, wax, or egg whites.
libanomancy, livanomancy, knissomancy:
Divination by observing and interpreting incense smoke.
Divination by the study of reflections in still water.
Divination with rocks or stone charms of unusual origin or appearance, such as meteorites, which inspired the diviner with visions, or produced sounds that he alone could hear and interpreted as words.
Divination with mathematical logarithms.
Divination by the observation of words and discourse; with the use of magic words.
Divination with flames of three identical candles arranged in a triangle. Success was indicated by one flame burning brighter than the other two, a wavering flame indicated travel, a spiral flame meant plots by enemies, an uneven flame presaged danger, sparks called for caution, and a sudden extinction indicated severe loss or tragedy for the consultant or others involved in that particular divination.