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Gamo- Words: “adelphogamy” to “geitonogamy”,
Part 1 of 2.

Words that contain: gamo-, gam-, -gamy, -gamous (Greek: marriage, union; wedding; pertaining to sexual union).

1. The mating of brothers and sisters, as in certain ants.
2. Marriage in which brothers have a common wife or wives.
A mature reproductive cell that does not fuse with another to form a zygote; a noncopulating germ cell.
A local interbreeding population of predominantly asexually reproducing individuals.
agamogenesis, agamogenetic:
Asexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction by development of a new individual from a single cell, following binary or multiple fission, or budding.
agamogenesis, agamogenetic:
The production of offspring otherwise than by the union of parents of distinct sexes (as by the simple division of a pre-existent living being, or the formation of buds, that become independent living beings); asexual reproduction.
A reference to a plant having female and neuter flowers in the same inflorescence.
An unmarried person.
agamy, agamic, agamous:
1. Absence or non-recognition of the marriage relation [literally, no marriage].
2. In biology, having no distinguishable sexual organs; asexual.
3. In botany, cryptogamous is used.
allogamy, allogamous:
1. Cross-fertilization.
2. Fertilization of the ova of one individual by the spermatozoa of another.
Marriage between a young woman and an older man.
Marriage between an older woman and a young man.
1. Marriage between persons of unequal age, especially when there is a considerable age difference.
2. In botany, the union of two unequal gametes in reproduction.
apogamy, apogamic, apogamous, apogamously:
Absence of sexual reproduction; asexual reproduction, agamogenesis; specifically, in ferns and other cryptogams, production of the perfect plant directly from a bud on the prothallus instead of by the usual sexual process.
autogamy, autogamic, autogamous:
1. Self-fertilization.
2. In biology, fusion of sister-cells or of pairs of nuclei within a cell.
A person who commits bigamy; someone who is married illegally to two people simultaneously.
Involved in or constituting an illegal marriage made when an existing marriage is still valid.
1. Marriage with a second wife or husband during the lifetime of the first; the crime of having two wives or husbands at the same time.
2. The crime of marrying someone while being legally married to someone else.
3. In law, the criminal offense of willfully and knowingly contracting a second marriage (or going through the form of a second marriage) while the first marriage, to the knowledge of the offender, is still subsisting and undissolved. The state of a man who has two wives, or of a woman who has two husbands, living at the same time.
4. Bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit (A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who at different times and successively has married two or three wives).
1. A community of wives or husbands.
2. The doctrine that every man is married to every woman in a certain community.
cleistogamy, cleistogamic, cleistogamous:
Applied to certain small inconspicuous permanently closed flowers, adapted for self-fertilization, occurring in various plants (e.g. Oxalis Acetosella, different species of Viola, etc.) on the same individuals as the normal larger brightly-colored flowers, which in such cases are either cross-fertilized or barren.
cryptogamia, cryptogamy:
A large division of the vegetable kingdom, being the last class in the Linnean Sexual system, and comprising those plants that have no stamens or pistils, and therefore no proper flowers; including ferns, mosses, algae, lichens, liverworts, horsetails, club mosses, and fungi.
1. Marriage a second time; marriage after the death of a first husband or wife.
2. In botany, the condition in which fertilization by the fusion of gametes is replaced by other processes, as in some fungi, the higher algae, and flowering plants.
dichogamy, dichogamous:
The condition in which the stamens and pistils (or analogous organs) of a hermaphrodite plant mature at different times.
One who marries a second time; especially, after the death of the first spouse.
digamy, digamous:
A second marriage; re-marriage after the death or divorce of the first spouse.
Marriage between persons of markedly different ages.
endogamy, endogamous, endogamic:
1. The custom of marrying only within the limits of a clan or a tribe.
2. Reproduction by conjugation between sister cells, the descendants of one original cell.
epigamic, epigamous:
Relating to the mating of animals and the characteristics of color, etc., that serve to attract the opposite sex during courtship.
exogamy, exogamous, exogamic:
1. The custom by which a man is bound to take a wife outside his own clan or group.
2. Sexual reproduction by means of conjugation of two gametes of different ancestry, as in certain protozoan species.
Having a sexual character; sexual.
gamogenesis, gamogenetic:
1. Sexual reproduction.
2. Generation by the conjunction of structures from different individuals.
1. In psychiatry, a morbid desire to marry.
2. An urge to make outrageous or extravagant proposals of marriage.
An abnormal fear of marriage.
A description of plants with sepals that are joined or partially joined together.
Fertilization by pollen of other flowers of the same plant.