Pan-, Panto- Words: pan to panic,
Part 1 of 2
Words that include: pan-, panto-, pant-
(Greek: all, every, entire).
In Greek mythology, a god of nature, pastures, flocks, and forests; believed to have a human torso and head, and the hind legs, ears, and horns of a goat. The Roman equivalent of this Greek god is Faunus.
Relating to the nations of North, Souith, and Central America; collectively or in cooperatiion with each other.
The vague belief that the world is somehow identified with the devil or is ruled by Satan.
A cure-all; a remedy claimed to be a curative of all diseases. From Greek panakeia, universal remedy, from Panacea, Aesculapius daughter.
Inflammation involving all the coats of a blood vessel.
Mass hysteria.
A universal realm; such as, "the starry panarchy of space" or "the panarchy of created things".
An inflammatory disorder of the arteries characterized by the involvement of all structural layers of the vessels; endoperiarteritis.
1. Inflammation involving all the tissues of a joint.
2. Inflammation of all the joints of the body.
panatrophy, pantatrophia, pantatrophy:
1. Atrophy [wasting away] of all the parts of a structure.
2. General atrophy [wasting away] of the body.
1. A reference to or affecting the entire autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) nervous system.
2, The self-controlling, functionally independence, of the entire autonomic nervous system.
Relating to all the primary germ layers.
Inflammation of all the structures of the heart.
In photography, sensitive (though not equally so) to light of all colors in the visible range.
Surgical excision (removal) of the entire colon.
Having a mastery of all subjects, universally accomplished.
Literally, entirely flesh; a soft, fleshy, mallet-shaped organ that forms two different glandular elements situated behind the stomach.
A reference to the whole circle of science.
A decrease in the number of all formed elements of the blood. Also: panhematopenia.
A reduction in all cellular elements of the blood.
1. A set of documents containing all the laws of a country or society.
2. A comprehensive treatise on a subject.
pandemic, pandemicity: Etymologically, "all of the people".
A disease affecting the majority of the population of a large region; such as, a disease that is epidemic at the same time in many parts of the world. AIDS is currently considered to be pandemic, but have also traditionally included such diseases as cholera, plague, and influenza.
The quality of being pandemic.
Coined by John Milton as the name for the capital of Hell in his poem Paradise Lost, in 1667; in which he wrote: Meanwhile the winged heralds
throughout the host proclaim a solemn council forthwith to be held at Pandaemonium, the high capital of Satan and his peers. Milton formed the word from the Greek prefix
pan-, all and
daimon, demon; hence place of all the demons. The
modern use of
pandemonium for uproar, chaos; noisy and chaotic came about in the mid-nineteenth century.
When capitalized, Pandemonium refers to the capital of Hell; and when it is written in lower case, it refers to noisy and chaotic.
1. Pandora means "gifts from all" and was so named because "all of the gods" had contributed (gifts) to her creation and beauty.
2. In Greek mythology, the first mortal woman created by the gods, who was sent to earth with a jar (or box) full of evils with the purpose of avenging Prometheus' theft of fire. She opened the jar out of curiosity, therefore releasing the evils (disease, labor, pain, and many others) into the world and although she tried to close the lid as quickly as she could, the only thing she could keep from escaping was hope.
A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.
A diffuse inflammation of the brain affecting both the gray and white matter of the brain, resulting in progressive loss of (all) mental and motor functions.
A cystoscope that gives a wide (over all) view of the bladder.
panesthesia, panesthetic:
The total sum of the perceptions of an individual at a given moment.
Pangaea, Pangea:
A vast continental area or supercontinent comprising all the continental crust of the earth which is postulated to have existed in late Paleozoic or Mesozoic times before breaking up into Gondwanaland and Laurasia.
A sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet; pangrammatic.
Excessive sweating over the whole body surface. Also called panidrosis.
A hydrometer that can be used to measure the relative density of any liquid.
Moist all over.
Defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland.
Excision of the entire uterus including the cervix uteri.
The total excision of the uterus and vagina.
1. Etymologically, terror caused by the god Pan. The ancient Greeks believed that he lurked in lonely spots, and would frighten people by suddenly appearing or by making noises. English acquired the word via French panique and modern Latin panicus from Greek panikos, of Pan.
2. In medicine, an acute anxiety, terror, or fright that is usually of sudden onset, may be uncontrollable, and may require sedation. Symptoms of a panic attack may include any of the following: shortness of breath or a smothering sensation, palpitations and tachycardia, trembling, sweating, choking, nausea or abdominal distress, numbness or paresthesias, hot flashes or chills, chest pain or discomfort, a fear of dying, and a fear of losing ones mind or of doing something uncontrollable.