Aero- Words: “aero-odontalgia” to “aura”,
Part 2 of 2.
aero-, aer-, aeri- (Greek: air, mist, wind)
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Another term for aerodontalgia.
Inflammation of the ear caused by pressure changes when auditory tubes are obstructed. It occurs commonly in aviators and divers. Also known as barotitis.
Swelling of one or both parotid glands due to the introduction of of air into the glands. This may occur in those who play wind instruments; it also occurs in excessive nose blowing.
Any morbid state induced by a pronounced change in atmospheric pressure; e.g., altitude sickness, decompression sickness.
1. An upper region of the atmosphere, between the stratosphere and outer space, in which gas particles are so sparse as to provide almost no support for man's physiologic requirements or for vehicles that require air for burning fuel or where the air is so thin that aircraft can not opoerate properly.
2. A region at the upper level of the earth's atmosphere, regarded as the boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.
aeroperitonia, aeroperitoneum:
Distention of the peritoneal cavity caused by gas. The peritoneum is the membrane lining the abdominal cavity.
aerophagia, aerophagy, aerophagic:
1. An abnormal, spasmodic swallowing of air; often a symptom of hysteria.
2. An abnormal swallowing of air as seen in crib-biting and wind-sucking; also pneumophagia.
aerophil, aerophile:
1. Air-loving.
2. An aerobic organism (aerobe), especially an obligate aerobe.
aerophilia, aerophilic, aerophilous, aerophily:
1. Pollinated by wind; fertilized by airborne pollen.
2. Thriving in exposed windy habitats. 3. Requiring air for growth and development; aerobic.
Anyone who has an abnormal fear of drafts or contaminated air.
aerophobia, aerophobic:
1. An irrational fear of drafts or fresh air, often connected with the idea of harmful airborne influences.
2. A morbid dread of fresh air or of air in motion, such as drafts.
Aerating outgrowth or pneumatophore in certain ferns.
A device for supplying air to the lungs of an infant born not breathing or to workers in mines, under water, etc.
1. An epiphyte attached to the aerial portion of another plant. An “epiphyte” is a plant that lives on the surface of other plants but does not derive water or nourishment from them.
2. An epiphyte growing on a terrestrial plant and lacking direct contact with soil or water.
Treatment of disease by compressed (or rarified) air.
1. An organism or a substance carried by air, e.g., bacterium, pollen grain, etc.
2. Those organisms freely suspended in the air and dispersed by wind; aerial plankton.
An apparatus for measuring respiratory volumes by recording changes in body volume.
aerosat [ aero (nautical) + sat (ellite)]:
Any of a proposed system of satellites for use in air traffic control and maritime navigation.
aeroscepsy, aeroscepsis:
Perception by means of the air, said to be a function of the antennae of insects.
aeroscope, aeroscopic:
An apparatus for gathering bacteria, dust, etc. from the air, for microscopic examination.
Constant swallowing, thus taking saliva and air into the stomach; also sialoaerophagy.
Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by pressure difference within the sinus relative to ambient pressure, secondary to obstruction of the sinus orifice, sometimes due to high altitude flying or by descent from high altitude.
The production of gas in the tissues or organs of the body.
1. Liquid or particulate matter dispersed in the air in the form of a fine mist for therapeutic, insecticidal, or other purposes.
2. A product that is packaged under pressure and contains therapeutically or chemically active ingredients intended for topical application, inhalation, or introduction into body orifices.
Dispersion in air of a liquid material or a solution in the form of a fine mist, usually for therapeutic purposes, especially to the respiratory passages.
The scientific study of aerosol therapy.
1. The earth’s atmosphere and outer space.
2. Relating to the design, manufacture, and flight of vehicles or missiles that fly in and beyond the earth’s atmosphere.
In aeronautics, the area outside the atmosphere of the earth where manned flight is possible.
1. A dirigible, balloon, or other aircraft that is lifted and sustained by virtue of one or more containers filled with a gas lighter than air.
2. In biology, an air sac in an insect body or in the bones of a birds.
1. The branch of aeromechanics that deals with the equilibrium of air or other gases, and with the equilibrium of solid bodies, such as aerostats, floating in air or other gases.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air, e.g., dirigibles and balloons.
aerotaxis, aerotactic:
1. A movement of an organism in response to the presence of molecular oxygen.
2. The directed movement of a motile organism towards (positive) or away from (negative) an air-liquid interface, or a concentration gradient of dissolved oxygen.
aerotherapeutics, aerotherapy:
Treatment of disease by fresh air, by air of different degrees of pressure or rarity, or by air medicated in various ways.
aerothermodynamics, aerothermodynamic:
The study of the relationship of heat and mechanical energy in gases, especially air.
Treatment with currents of hot air.
Inflammation of the ear, especially the middle ear, due to failure of the eustachian tube to remain open during sudden changes in barometric pressure, which may occur during flying, diving, or working in a pressure chamber; also barotitis.
Able to survive or to grow slowly in an aerobic environment; said of certain anaerobic micro-organisms.
1. An instrument for measuring the partial pressure of the gases in the blood.
2. An instrument for estimating the tension or pressure of a gas.
aerotropism, aerotropic:
1. Movement of an organism toward (positive aerotropism) or away from (negative aerotropism) a supply of air.
2. In biology, the reaction to gases, generally to oxygen, particularly the growth curvature of roots or other parts of plants to changes in oxygen tension.
3. An orientation response to a gaseous stimulus.
A reference to atmospheric pressure (air) and the middle ear.
An apparatus for visual examination of the urethra after dilatation by air.
Visual examination of the urethra when distended with air.
aura (singular); aurae, auras (plural):
1. An invisible breath, emanation, or radiation.
2. A distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround a person or thing; atmosphere.
3. In medicine, a sensation, as of a cold breeze or a bright light, that precedes the onset of certain disorders; such as, an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine.
Etymologically, it comes from Latin aura "breeze, a breath of air" and from Greek "breeze, breath". Some scholars believe that Greek aura is closely related to aer, "mist, air".
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