Grapho- Words Meaning Write, Record: hagiographist to kymograph,
Part 6 of 11.
Words that include: grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy,
-grapher, -graphia
(Greek: to scratch; write, record, draw, describe).
hagiographist, hagiographer:
Someone who writes about the lives of saints.
hagiography, hagiographic:
The writing about the lives of saints; saints lives as a branch of literature or legend.
haligraphy, halography:
A treatise or dissertation on the nature and quality of salts.
The accidental omission in writing or copying of one or more adjacent and similar letters, syllables, words, or lines; such as, tagme for tagmeme or mispell instead of misspell.
heliograph, heliography, heliographic:
1. Name given to an engraving obtained by a process in which a specially prepared plate is acted on chemically by exposure to light.
2. An apparatus for taking photographs of the sun.
3. An instrument for measuring the intensity of sunlight.
The description of the liver, its attachments and functions; radiography of the liver.
1. A description of serpents; such as, snakes.
2. A description of the herpes disease.
1. Spelling that differs from that which is correct according to current usage; incorrect spelling.
2. Irregular and inconsistent spelling.
hierography, hierographic, hierographical:
Sacred writing; hierograms and the art of writing them.
holograph, holography, holographic:
A letter or other document written wholly by the person in whose name it appears; wholly in the authors handwriting.
homalograph, homalographic:
In geography, delineating in equal proportion; applied to a method of projection in which equal areas on the earths surface are represented by equal areas on the map or chart.
homograph, homography, homographic:
1. A word of the same spelling as another, but of different origin and meaning.
2. The process of using a distinct character to represent each sound.
1. An instrument for transmitting sound under water and recording messages so received.
2. A graph showing the variation of level, speed of flow, or another quantity at some point on a river.
hydrography, hydrographic:
1. The science which has for its object the description of the waters of the earths surface, the sea, lakes, rivers, etc., comprising the study and mapping of their forms and physical features, of the contour of the sea-bottom, shallows, etc., and of winds, tides, currents, and the like. In earlier use, including the principles of Navigation. Also a treatise on this science, a scientific description of the waters of the earth.
2. The subject-matter of this science; the hydrographical features of the globe or part of it; the distribution of water on the earths surface.
An instrument for recording the flow or pressure of a fluid; e.g., the flow of urine or the pressure of spinal fluid.
hyetograph, hyetographic:
A chart showing the amount of rainfall.
The branch of meteorology that deals with the distribution and mapping of rainfall.
An instrument for automaticlly registering the variations in air humidity.
An instrument that records the temperature and humidity of the air on a single chart.
A description of the membranes of animal bodies.
The literary history and bibliography of hymns.
A ground-plan; the representation of the horizontal section of a building or of part of it (or, rarely, of some object resting on the ground); also, the plan or map of a place.
ichthyography, ichthyograph, ichthyographic:
A written description of fish.
iconograph, iconography, iconographic:
1. A drawing, engraving, or illustration for a book.
2. The description or illustration of any subject by means of drawings or figures; any book or work in which this is done; also, the branch of knowledge that deals with the representation of persons or objects by any application of the arts of design.
ideography, ideograph, ideographic, ideographical:
1. A form of writing in which a written symbol represents an object rather than a word or speech sound.
2. A character or figure symbolizing the idea of a thing, without expressing the
name of it, as with Chinese characters and most Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Modern signs are frequently ideographic; such as, with the diagonal lines used to express prohibition (e.g. no right turn; no smoking, etc.). Signs such as no dogs allowed and do not iron mix pictographs/pictograms and ideographs/ideograms.
idiograph, idiographic:
Ones private mark or signature; concerned with the individual, pertaining to or descriptive of single and unique facts and processes.
isography, isographic, isographical:
The imitation of another persons handwriting.
An instrument for tracing parallel lines at exactly equal distances.
Beautiful printing.
A process for making copies of original paintings, using a special press and treated canvas, which reproduces exactly the colour and texture of the brushstrokes.
kapnography, kapnograph:
Name for a mode of producing designs or pictures on a smoked surface of glass, etc.
kinematography, kinematograph, kinematographic:
A contrivance by which a series of instantaneous photographs taken in rapid succession can be projected on a screen with similar rapidity, so as to give a life-like reproduction of the original moving scene.
A picture representing objects in motion, produced by bringing separate pictures before the eye in such quick succession as to blend the images into one continuous impression.
kymograph, kymography:
1. An instrument for graphically recording variations of pressure of a fluid, esp.ecially of blood in the vessels of a living animal; a recording manometer; also called kymographion. Later used more widely; the instrument consists of a cylinder rotated by a clockwork or electric motor, together with a stylus designed to trace on a roll of paper wrapped around the cylinder a curve representing pressure variations or motion communicated to the stylus.
2. In radiology, an apparatus for recording the movement of the heart or other internal organs by moving an X-ray plate or film past one or more slits in a screen placed between it and the subject, so that movement of the organ in a direction parallel to a slit is recorded as a curve separating differently exposed portions of the radiograph.