Dox Words: adoxal to unorthodoxy
Vocabulary words that include: dox-, -doxy, dog-, dogma-, dogmato-
(Greek: believe, belief; that which is thought to be true; opinion, doctrine, decree; praise; confidence)
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Not according to right reason; absurd.
Ignominy, shame; slander, infamy.
Holding wrong or evil opinions or doctrines.
Wrong opinion or doctrince, heterodoxy.
1. That which is held as an opinion; a belief, principle, tenet; especially, a tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down by a particular church, sect, or school of thought; sometimes, depreciatingly, an imperious or arrogant declaration of opinion.
2. The body of opinion formulated or authoritatively stated; systematized belief; tenets or principles collectively; doctrinal system.
3. A belief taught or held as true; any system of established principles and tenets.
4. An opinion asserted in a positive manner as if it were of the highest authority.
When I say everybody says so, I mean I say so.
(When I want your opinion Ill give it to you.)
—Ed Howe
dogmatic, dogmatical:
1. Positive and empatic in asserting opinions.
2. Asserted in a positive and emphatic manner, a dogmatic statement.
3. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of, dogma or dogmas; characterized by or consisting in dogma; doctrinal.
4. Proceeding upon a priori principles accepted as true, instead of being founded upon experience or induction, as dogmatic philosophy, dogmatic medicine, etc.
5. Of persons, their writings, etc.; asserting or imposing dogmas or opinions, in an authoritative, imperious, or arrogant manner.
1. Positive assertion of dogma or opinion; dogmatizing; positiveness in the assertion of opinion.
2. A system of philosophy based upon principles dictated by reasoning alone, and not relying upon experience; opposed to scepticism. More generally, a way of thinking based upon principles which have not been tested by reflection.
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity
opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment.
—Albert Einstein
One who dogmatizes, who asserts or lays down particular dogmas; especially, one who positively asserts or imposes his own opinions; a dogmatic person.
To make dogmatic assertions; to speak authoritatively or imperiously (upon a subject) without reference to argument or evidence.
The science of dogma.
To make dogmatic assertions; to speak authoritatively or imperiously (upon a subject) without reference to argument or evidence.
To make dogmatic assertions; to speak authoritatively or imperiously (upon a subject) without reference to argument or evidence.
Of or pertaining to opinion; depending on or exercising opinion.
Induced by ones own ideas, opinion, or belief about what should happen.
A writer who collects and records the opinions or placita of the Greek philosophers.
A collection of philosophical opinions.
Pertaining to or of the nature of a doxology; praising, glorifying.
A short formula (hymn or statement) of praise to God; especially, one in liturgical use; specifically, the Gloria in excelsis or Greater doxology, the Gloria Patri or Lesser doxology, or some metrical formula, such as the verse beginning Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Opinion; especially, in religious or theological matters.
heterodox, heterodoxal:
1. Of doctrines, opinions, etc.; not in accordance with established doctrines or opinions, or those generally recognized as right or orthodox (originally in religion and theology).
2. Of persons holding opinions not in accord with some acknowledged standard; as in theology or in other matters of belief or opinion.
1. The quality or character of being heterodox; deviation from what is considered to be orthodox.
2. An opinion or doctrine at variance with that generally received as true or right; a heterodox opinion; belief or doctrine not in agreement with what is generally accepted.
Of the same opinion.
A person of the same opinion or belief.
Holding new views.
A new doctrine or view.
1. Holding right or correct opinions, i.e. such as are currently accepted as correct, or are in accordance with some recognized standard; such as, in theology or other subjects (science, medical, etc.).
2. Of opinions or doctrines; right, correct, true; in accordance with what is accepted or authoritatively established as the true view or right practice; originally, in theological and ecclesiastical doctrine.
People are usually more firmly convinced that their
opinions are precious than that they are true.
—George Santayana
The quality of being orthodox; orthodoxy.
orthodoxy, orthodoxical:
The quality or character of being orthodox; belief in or agreement with what is, or is currently held to be; right, especially, in religious matters.
1. A statement or tenet contrary to received opinion or belief; often with the implication that it is marvellous or incredible; sometimes with unfavorable connotation, as being discordant with what is held to be established truth, and hence absurd or fantastic; sometimes with favorable connotation, as a correction of vulgar error.
2. A statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd, or at variance with common sense; though, on investigation or when explained, it may prove to be well-founded.
3. Often applied to a proposition or statement that is actually self-contradictory, or contradictory to reason or ascertained truth; and so, essentially absurd and false. More haste, less speed. is one example of a paradoxical statement..
1. Contrary to common opinion.
2. Apparently inconsistent with itself, or with reason, though in fact true; also, really inconsistent with reason, and so, absurd or irrational.
3. Exhibiting some contradiction with known laws or with itself; not in accordance with what is theoretically reasonable or possible; now said especially of natural phenomena that deviate from the normal or are hard to reconcile with known scientific laws.
The utterance or practice of paradox.
philodox, philodoxical, philodoxy:
One who loves his own opinion; an argumentative or dogmatic person.
pseudodox, pseudodoxy:
A false or erroneous opinion; holding false opinions.
undogmatic, undogmatical:
Not dogmatic; not committed to dogma; no longer influenced by or dependent on any normal religious observance.
Not orthodox; not in accord with approved standardized, or conventional doctrine, method thought, custom, or opinion.
1. An unorthodox opinion, doctrine, or method.
2. A group, or a body of people, holding unorthodox doctrines.