Gyno Words: “acrogynous” to “gynemimism”
Part 1 of 2.
Words from gyno-, gyn-, gynaeco-, gyneco-, gyne-, -gynia,
-gynic, gynec-, -gynist, -gynous, -gyny
(Greek: woman, women, female, females).
Many of the words from these Greek elements refer to botanic nomenclature.

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“gyno-woman” words.
Bearing female organs at the apex of the stem.
adynamogynous, adynamogyny:
Having non-functioning female reproductive organs or a reference to the loss of function of female sex organs.
Without a gynoecium.
Said of a plant ovary that lacks a pistil, or of a stamen that does not contact the ovary.
A male resembling a female, or possessing female features.
androgynous, androgyny:
1. Uniting the (physical) characters of both sexes, at once male and female; hermaphrodite.
2. A reference to men who are considered “womanish, effeminate”.
3. In botany, bearing both stamens and pistils in the same flower, or on the same plant.
4. Having both masculine and feminine characteristics, as in attitudes and behaviors that contain features of stereotyped, culturally sanctioned sexual roles of both male and female.
In botany, having the carpels (female reproductive structures in flowering plants) not equal in number to the sepals (the outermost whorl of a typical flower, probably representing a leaf modified as part of the protective outer layer of a flower).
apogynous, apogyny:
Pertaining to the loss of function in female reproduction organs.
2. Lacking, or having non-functional, female reproductive organs.
An abnormal fear of beautiful women.
decagynous, decagynia:
In botany, having ten pistils.
A blind ant with a large gaster and ovaries.
In botany, having two pistils.
digyny, digynia:
Fertilization of a diploid ovum by a sperm, which results in a triploid zygote [a fertilized gamete or a mature reproductive cell].
dodecagynia, dodecagynious, dodecagynous:
In botany, having twelve pistils.
Antipathy for, or hatred of, beautiful women.
Having the female flowers mature before the male flowers.
In botany, having eleven pistils.
In botany, having nine pistils.
epigynous, epigyny:
In botany, that which is placed upon the ovary; growing upon the summit of the ovary. Said of the stamens or corolla; hence of plants in which these are so placed.
A fertile female ant lacking wings and therefore resembling an ergate (a worker ant).
ergatogynomorphic, ergatogynomorph, ergatogynomorphous:
A reference to social insects in which worker and female characters are blended.
Having worker-like females, as in some social insects.
Having the style projecting prominently out of the flower. The “style” is the sterile portion of a carpel between the ovary and the terminal stigma [the apex of a carpel in flowering plants upon which the pollen grain germinates].
Having a naked ovary.
Female orgasm.
gynaeceum, gyneceum:
1. Women’s apartments in a house or a palace.
2. A harem.
gynander, gynandria:
1. A woman with male characteristics.
2. A male hermaphrodite.
3. An individual of a bisexual species, exhibiting a “sexual mosaic” of male and female characters as a result of the development of both types of sex tissue in the same organism.
In zoology, a social organization among insects differing from gynarchy in that the male takes part in establishing the colony.
In botany, the Linnaean system of plant classification that class distinguished by possessing stamens growing in the pistil and united with it.
gynandrism, gynandrous, gynandry:
A developmental abnormality characterized by hypertrophy of the clitoris and union of the labia majora, simulating in appearance the penis and scrotum.
An individual exhibiting gynandrism. A person with enough sexual characteristics of the opposite sex to be mistaken for a member of the opposite sex. Usually in reference to a woman resembling a male.
gynandromorph, gynandromorphic:
An individual of mixed sex; a sexual mosaic having some parts genotypically and phenotypically male and other female; gynander.
1. An abnormal combination of male and female characteristics.
2. The presence of male and female sex chromosome complements in different tissues; sex chromosome mosaicism.
Having, or possessing, both male and female anatomic characteristics.
Pertaining to a hermaphrodite or a pseudohermaphrodite.
The tendency for a female to posses certain masculine characteristics.
In botany, having stamens abnormally converted into pistils.
Governments run by a woman or women.
gynarchy, gynarchic:
1. Government by a woman or women.
2. In zoology, a form of social organization among insects; such as, ants, bees, and wasps, in which only the female parent takes part in establishing the colony.
Occlusion of some part of the female genital tract, especially occlusion of the vagina by a thick membrane.
Any female organism but, without qualification, it usually refers to a fertile female or queen in a colony of social insects.
Holding women as the center of thoughts or activities.
gynecic, genaecic:
Pertaining to the female sex or associated with women.
The female part of a flower; also called the pistil.
1. Government by a woman; a state in which women are legally capable of the supreme command; e.g. in Great Britain (Queen).
2. Government by a woman, or women; sometimes in a depreciative sense; “petticoat rule”.
Any agent, such as female sex hormones, that induces the development of or stimulates female somatic or behavioral characteristics.
1. Stimulating the development of female characteristics.
2. Giving birth predominantly to females.
3. Obsolete term meaning productive of female characteristics.
gynecography, gynography:
Radiography of the female genital organs using air or other gas injected intraperitoneally as a contrast medium.
gynecoid, gynecoidism:
1. Resembling a woman in form and structure.
2. In biology, a worker ant that lays eggs.
3. In zoology, a reference to or designating an individual that functions as a fully developed female; although structurally incomplete, as an egg-laying worker ant.
One who worships women.
The worship of a woman or women.
gynecologic, gynecological:
Relating to gynecology.
gynecologist, gynaecologist:
A physician specializing in the diseases of women, especially those of the female reproductive system.
gynecology, gynecologic, gynaecology, gynaecologic:
1. The study and treatment of diseases and disorders of the human female reproductive system.
2. The medical specialty concerned with diseases and the hygiene of the female genital tract, as well as endocrinology and reproductive physiology of the female.
3. The branch of medicine that devotes itself to the care and prevention of genital tract disorders in women and which for the most part is not concerned with pregnancy. It is also associated with public-health functions, and includes family planning, preconception counseling, genetic counseling, and sexual therapy.
gynecomania, gynaecomania:
A morbid or excessive desire for women; satyriasis.
gynecomastia, gynecomasty, gynecomazia:
1. Enlargement of the male breast, in a minority of cases accompanied by galactorrhea. In a few cases, breast development is so marked as to require corrective mastectomy.
2. Excessive development of the male mammary glands, due mainly to ductal proliferation with periductal edema; frequently secondary to increased estrogen levels, but mild gynecomastia may occur in normal adolescence.
3. Also called mammary feminism (older term), gynecomasty (seldom used), gynecomastism (rarely used), gynecomazia (rarely used).
gyneconitis, gynaeconitis:
In Eastern Christianity, the part of the church reserved for women, formerly the galleries, now chiefly the narthex.
gynecopathy, gynecopathic; gynopathy, gynopathic:
Any disease of, or peculiar to, women.
gynecophobia, gynephobia:
A morbid fear of women or of the society of women.
Pertaining to a male with a feminine voice.
1. Characterizing social insects that become functional females (queens) if given special care and feeding during their larval development, otherwise becoming infertile, neuter adults (workers).
2. In zoology, possessing the complete series of female instincts; worker ants.
The measurement of uterine contractions, usually during labor. An older term.
A government run by a woman or women.
Occurring more often in women.
A hunger for, or a strong desire for, women or female companionship as after a protracted deprivation or separation; such as, returning soldiers, sailors, male-prison inmates, etc.
1. Adoption of feminine manners by a man.
2. The full-time miming of a female by a male. It appears to be much more widespread than its counterpart in the female, andromimesis, and it has been reported in many different cultures.

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