Techno Words: agrotechnology to zymotechnology
techno-, techn-, tect-, -technic[s], -technique, -technology, -technical, -technically
(Greek: art, skill, craft; techne, art, skill, craft; tekton, builder).
The economic and technological triumphs of the past few years have not solved as many problems as we thought they would, and, in fact, have brought us new problems we did not foresee.
—Henry Ford II
The application of technology to agriculture.
Not having technical knowledge.
Ignorance of art, unskilfulness.
The practical application of discoveries in the biological sciences.
biotechnology, biotech:
1. The branch of technology concerned with the development and exploitation of machines in relation to the various needs of human beings.
2. The branch of technology concerned with modern forms of industrial production utilizing living organisms, especially micro-organisms, and their biological processes.
Bad art; a mischievous or harmful art.
The fine (beautiful) or ornamental arts.
The useful arts, especially agriculture, manufacturing, and commerce.
Euthenics (betterment of living conditions to secure more efficient human beings), mastery of the forces of nature as a step toward an ideal state.
The art of modifying and adapting the physical nature of the earth to the needs of man.
The application of scientific methods and engineering techniques to the exploitation and utilization of natural resources; such as, mineral resources.
hydrotechnic, hydrotechny:
Relating to or dealing with the technical management or utilization of water.
Pertaining to the techniques of medical practice.
iatrotechnique, iatrotechnic, iatrotechnis:
The art of medicine and surgery; the technique or mode of application of medical science.
The extensive mechanization of a society with a highly developed technology.
The art of working in metals.
1. The art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale especially to build microscopic devices; such as, robots.
2. A field of science whose goal is to control individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit. Now, current manufacturing processes are using lithography to imprint circuits on semiconductor materials.
In the popular press, the term nanotechnology is sometimes used to refer to any sub-micron process, including lithography; as a result of this, there are many scientists who are beginning to use the term molecular nanotechnology when talking about true nanotechnology at the molecular level.
neotechnic, neotechnics:
Denoting, or belonging to, the most recent stage of industrial development.
Of, pertaining to, or comprehending all the arts.
Fond of or devoted to the arts, esp. the industrial arts.
polytechnic, polytechnical:
Pertaining to, dealing with, or devoted to, various arts; especially in polytechnic school, an educational institution for giving instruction in various technical subjects.
The area of study concerned with the practical application of tested knowledge about the human mind or brain.
1. Of or pertaining to fireworks, or the art of making or managing them; of the nature of a firework. Also more widely, capable of being ignited for technical or military purposes.
2. Resembling or suggesting fireworks; especially said of a brilliant or sensational display of wit, rhetoric, etc.
1. A display of fireworks.
2. A device or material which can be ignited to produce light, smoke, or noise, e.g. for purposes of display or illumination.
One skilled in pyrotechny; a maker of gunpowder, etc., or of fireworks.
1. A display of fireworks; also a reference to lightning.
2. A device or material which can be ignited to produce light, smoke, or noise, e.g. for purposes of display or illumination.
One employed or skilled in pyrotechny; a maker or displayer of fireworks.
1. Military, the manufacture and use of gunpowder, bombs, fire-arms, etc.
2. The making and managing of fireworks for scenic display, for military use, or as signals, etc.
The metallurgy of iron.
A kind of information age update of gnosticism, a Christian heresy in which believers rejected the world of matter and yearned for gnosis, a flash of transcendent illumination in which individuals cast off the body and ascended to the real world of the spirit.
In electronics, a type of field-effect transistor having highpower applications.
1. Conditioned, determined, or shaped by advanced technology and electronic communications.
2. Associated with or marked by the changes brought about by modern technology and electronics.
1. Skillfully made or constructed.
2. A technical term, expression, point, or detail; a technicality.
3. The science or study of art or arts, especially of the mechanical or industrial arts.
4. The way the basics of something are treated or skill in handling a technique.
1. Of a person: Skilled in or practically conversant with some particular art or subject. Also specifically in the official designations of certain ranks in the armed forces of the U.K. and U.S.
2. Belonging or relating to an art or arts; appropriate or peculiar to, or characteristic of, a particular art, science, profession, or occupation; also, of or pertaining to the mechanical arts and applied sciences generally.
3. According to a strict interpretation of rules or words.
4. Used to describe a type of security analysis based on past prices and volume levels as well as other market indicators.
5. The meaning "of or relating to technology" appeared in 1800 [The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, Robert K. Barnhart, Editor. Also see technology for additional etymological explanations].
1. Technical quality or character; the use of technical terms or methods.
2. A technical point, detail, term, or expression; something peculiar or specially belonging to the art or subject referred to.
3. Information such as a detail or a term that is understood by or relevant only to a specialist.
4. A minor point arising from a rigorous interpretation of laws or rules.
In a technical manner; in relation to the arts and applied sciences, or to a particular art or subject; according to technical methods; in technical phraseology; in a technical sense.
1. A person conversant with the technicalities of a particular subject.
2. One skilled in the technique or mechanical part of an art, as music or painting.
3. A person qualified in the practical application of one of the sciences or mechanical arts; now especially, a person whose job is to carry out practical work in a laboratory or to give assistance with technical equipment.
4. A person who is skilled in specific industrial techniques.
A proprietary name for various processes of colour cinematography, especially those employing dye transfer and separation negatives.
A love for or fondness of technicalities.
A Russian technical college.
The adoption or imposition of technical methods.
1. Manner of artistic execution or performance in relation to formal or practical details (as distinct from general effect, expression, sentiment, etc.); the mechanical or formal part of an art, especially of any of the fine arts; the manner of execution or performance in any discipline, profession, or sport; also, skill or ability in this department of ones art; mechanical skill in artistic or technical work.
2. Loosely, a skilful or efficient means of achieving a purpose; a characteristic way of proceeding; a knack, a trick.
3. The procedure, skill, or art used in a particular task.
Language in which technical jargon or terms are overused, with the effect of making straightforward information difficult to impossible to understand.
1. A social system in which scientists, engineers, and technicians have high social standing and political power.
2. A philosophy that advocates the enlistment of a bureaucracy of highly trained engineers, scientists, or technicians to run the government and society. 3.The control of society or industry by technical experts; a ruling body of such experts.
technocrat, technocratic:
1. A bureaucrat who is intensively trained in engineering, economics, or some form of technology.
2. A proponent of government by technicians.
3. A member of a technocracy, a technologist exercising administrative power in government, etc.
Someone who is a technical expert in, or obsessively enthusiastic about, information systems.
The written description of the arts, forming the preliminary stage of technology.
Someone who is versed in technology.
To modify or modernize something by introducing technology.
1. The methods and tools that a society has developed in order to facilitate the solution of its practical problems.
2. A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; the scientific study of the practical or industrial arts.
3. The terminology of a
particular art or subject; technical nomenclature.
4. The study, development, and application of devices, machines, and techniques for manufacturing and productive processes.
5. When the word
technology is said to have appeared first in 1615, it meant "discourse or treatise on the arts", and was borrowed from Greek
technologia, "the systematic treatment of an art, craft, or technique"; originally referring to grammar. The transferred sense of "science of the mechanical and industrial arts" and "practical arts collectively", is first recorded in English in 1859. [
The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, Robert K. Barnhart, Editor].
See this technology-advances link for information about some of the latest important technological applications that are having a global impact on societies everywhere; for example, some topics include: IF (Information Technology), biometrics, GPS (Global Positioning Systems), nanotechnology, RFID (radio frequency identification), robotics, WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System), and Wireless Communications are all presented in this technology-advances link.
A mania for technology.
The practical application of the principles of the arts, forming the final stage of technology.
Someone who is comfortable with and adapts readily to new technology or computerization.
1. A person who has a special anxiety or fear of technology.
2. Someone who is intimidated and confused by new technology and computerization.
An abnormal fear of or resistance to new technology and computerization..
Place where high-technology industries are located.
1. A society dominated by technology.
2. A town or city that has a great deal of advanced technological industries, especially connected with computing and electronic engineering.
1. The technological aspect of human activity.
2. In ecology, a collective term for all those aspects of the physical environment that have been created or altered by humans.
Stress arising from working in an environment dominated by (especially computer) technology.
1. A network of controlling technocrats in an organization or society.
2. A group of technologists or technical experts that controls the workings of industry or government.
An ideal place where everything is run with technological precision and convenience. Could this describe Bill Gates home in which he had extraordinary technological devices incorporated to control
many aspects of his residence?
- Security system (automated and personnel) is redundant. Hidden cameras everywhere including interior stone walls. Sensors in the floor can track a person to within six inches. System is monitored at the Microsoft campus.
- Gates house is all polished wood and vaulted ceilings. Miles of fiber-optic cable are strung inside the walls and crawl spaces. Video screens capable of displaying computer images, standard television or high-definition TV are everywhere; but the technology is unobtrusive, even the electrical outlets and phone jacks are hidden away.
- Gates insisted on saving a 140-year-old maple adjacent to the driveway. The tree is monitored electronically 24 hours a day via computer. If it seems dry, it gets just the right amount of water automatically delivered.
- If one wishes, music will follow a person throughout the house; even at the bottom of the pool.
- Entry gate senses when his car approaches and opens fully by the time he arrives.
- There are fifty-two miles of communication cable in the building, largely fiber optic, running throughout the house, linking computer servers powered by the Windows NT operating system.
- In each room, touch-sensitive pads control lighting, music, and climate.
- Visitors will wear small electronic pins, which will let the computers know who and where they are. Lights and other settings will adjust automatically.
- Floors throughout the house (and the driveway) are heated.
- His master bathtub can be filled to the right temperature and depth by Gates as he drives home from work.
- I wanted craftsmanship but nothing ostentatious, Gates said. I wanted a house that would accommodate sophisticated, changing technology but in an unobtrusive way that made it clear that technology was the servant, not the master.
- This has to be considered a good example of a technotopia!
Pertaining to the invention or making of gods; also, belonging to theotechny.
1. The branch of technology and engineering concerned with the installation, maintenance, and replacement of industrial plant and equipment and with related subjects and practices.
2. Use of various skills to extend the life of industrial equipment.
One who invents gods.
The introduction of divine or supernatural beings in the construction of a drama or epic; such beings collectively.
zootechny, zootechnic:
The art of rearing and using animals for any purpose.
zymotechnics, zymotechny:
The art of fermentation.
The scientific study of the principles of zymotechny.