Psych- words: psychogeriatric to psychomotility,
Part 5 of 7
Words that include: psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic,
-psychical, -psychically
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes;
the human soul; breath of life)
A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.
Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness; and literally, "that which breathes".
A reference to mental illness in old age, commonly denoting a patient or a hospital.
A psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of emotional problems and mental disorders of the elderly.
The branch of psychiatry concerned with changes in mental functioning associated with old age; and with mental disorders ooccurring in people over the age of 65. Also called geriatric psychiatry and geropsychiatry.
A reference to the perception and interpretation of taste.
psychognosis, psychognosy, psychognostic:
Any penetrating study of the psyche, especially as concerned with each individual character.
Acting as a stimulant to the emotions.
A chart depicting personality characteristics.
1. A chart that lists personality traits.
2. A history of the personality of an individual.
psychography, psychographic:
The literary characterization of an individual, real or fictional, that uses psychoanalytical and psychological categories and theories; a psychological biography or character description.
The combined use of psychology (especially psychoanalysis) and history in the writing, especially of biography.
The retention of childlike mental or character traits into adulthood.
psychokinesis, psychokinesia:
1. Explosive or impulsive maniacal action caused by defective inhibition; considered by some to be the basis of impulse disorders.
2. The influence of mind upon matter, as the use of mental "power" to move or distort an object.
3. In para psychology, claimed or alleged influence exerted on a physical object by a subject without any intermediate physical energy or instrumentation. In other words, moving objects with apparent mental power.
An obsolete term for psychic force.
The neural energy operative in any mental activity.
Sexual arousal and gratification obtained from mental imagery alone.
1. Excessive reverence for the soul.
2. Worship of departed spirits.
An intense mental depression that has a sudden onset; sudden mood changes accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inertia; also known as psychic seizure.
Mind-relaxing; tranquilizing.
That group of psychotropic agents whose effect is primarily on mental functions rather than on psychomotor activity. Included are minor tranquilizers, antidepressants, and hallucinogens.
1. The study of linguistics as it relates to human behavior.
2. Study of a host of psychological factors associated with speaking; including voice, attitudes, emotions, and grammatical rules, that affect communication and tunderstand, predict, and often to change the behavior of living organisms, with a particular emphasis on human behavior in its origins, development, and expression during the lifetime of the individual.relating to psychology.
1. Someone who is trained in methods of psychological analysis, therapy, and research.
2. A specialist in psychology licensed to practice professional psychology (e.g., clinical psychologist), or qualified to teach psychology as a scholarly discipline (academic psychologist), or whose scientific specialty is a subfield of psychology (research psychologist).
1. The science dealing with mental processes, both normal and abnormal, and their effects upon behavior; both introspective (self-examination) and the objective studying of the minds of others.
2. The profession (for example, clinical psychology), scholarly discipline (academic psychology), and science (research psychology) concerned with the behavior of humans and animals, and related mental and
physiological processes.
Contemporary psychology seeks to describe, understand, predict, and often to change the behavior of living organisms, with a particular emphasis on human behavior in its orgins, development, and expression during the lifetime of the individual.
A reference to a drug; such as, LSD that can disturb or disrupt certain emotional reactions that have become fixed in the unconscious or can block normal channels of response, primarily in psycholytic therapy which is a kind of therapy that combines controlled use of low dosages of such drugs with psychotherapeutic instruction for the patient and subsequent discussions.
1. Someone who is specially trained to administer mental tests, the results of which are integrated with other kinds of personal data, about health or sensory deficiencies, for example, to assist decision-making concerning the individual as a whole; as in psychiatric diagnosis, school placement, and appropriateness for vocational or military training.
2. A person skilled in the application of statistical analysis of previously gathered psychological data.
That branch of psychology centering on the study of various mental measurements, making use of psychological tests designed to reflect differences among individuals on one or more of the several dimensions of mental ability; such as, intelligence, aptitudes, interests, manual abilities, special abilities, or disabilities.
It includes the devising or standardization of various tests and the development or application of statistical techniques that are particularly appropriate for the analysis of mental test data.
1. The measurement of psychological variables; such as, intelligence, aptitude, behavior, and emotional reactions.
2. The discipline pertaining to psychological and mental testing, and to any quantitative analysis of an individual's psychological traits or attitudes or mental processes.
Physical movement that reflects or shows evidence of mental activity.