Bio Words referring to life :
biochron to biodynamics
Part 4 of 20
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical, -biotic (Greek: life; living, live, alive).
Dont confuse this element with another bi- that means two.
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A relatively short-lived fossil flora or fauna.
1. In geology, the study of the age of the earth based on the relative dating of rocks and geologic events by the use of fossil evidence.
2. The dating of biological events using biostratigraphic or
paleontological methods.
biocide, biocidal:
1. Destructive of life; particularly pertaining to microorganisms.
2. A chemical toxic or other lethal process that kills or destroys living organisms; such as, a pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide.
bioclast, bioclastic:
A single fossil fragment.
Free of living organisms.
Relating to the relationship between climate and living organisms, or to the study of bioclimatology.
An individual skilled in bioclimatology.
bioclimatology, bioclimatological, bioclimatics:
1. The study of climate in relation to living organisms and especially to human health.
2. The science of the relationship of climatic factors to the distribution, numbers, and types of living organisms (fauna and flora) of conditions of the natural environment (rainfall, daylight, temperature, humidity, air movement) prevailing in specific regions of the earth; an aspect of ecology.
The sum total of the living components of an environment.
biocoenosis, biocenosis, biocoenosis, biocenosis, biocoenose, biocenose:
An association of organisms forming a biotic community; the relationship that exists between such organisms.
biocoenology, biocenology:
1. The study of the associations of organisms that form biotic communities.
2. The qualitative and quantitative study of communities of organisms.
biocompatible, biocompatibility:
1. The compatibility of a donated organ or artificial limb with the living tissue into which it is implanted or with which it is brought into contact. Incompatibility leads to toxic reactions or immunological rejection.
2. Being harmonious with life; not having toxic or injurious effects on biological function.
A very fast computer made from biochemical substances instead of conventional materials. Its calculations are performed using biological processes instead of semiconductor technology.
The uptake of a heavy metal or chemical compound such as a pesticide from the environment and its accumulation in the cells of living organisms; such as, in a particular part of a plant or animal body.
The conversion of organic material into a source of energy, using biological processes or organisms.
A bureaucrat representing the interests of the biological sciences or environmental protection.
1. The science of communication and control within a living organism, particularly on a molecular basis.
2. The science of communications and control in animals.
1. One of the three main divisions of the biosphere: marine, freshwater, or terrestrial habitat.
2. The rhythmic repetition of certain phenomena observed in living organisms.
biodata, bio:
Biographical details, especially those supplied by candidates applying for jobs; a résumé.
biodegradable, biodegradability, biodegradation:
1. Anything that is susceptible to the decomposing action of living organisms, especially of bacteria; which are occasionally broken down by biochemical processes in the body.
2. Denoting a substance that can be chemically degraded or decomposed by natural processes (for example: weather, soil bacteria, plants, animals) without harming the environment. Also, biodeterioration.
biodegradation, biodegrade:
1. The series of processes by which living systems render chemicals less noxious to the environment.
2. The conversion of molecules from one form to another within an organism, often associated with change in pharmacologic activity; refers especially to drugs and other xenobiotics. Also, biotransformation.
A substitute for diesel fuel made wholly or partly from organic products, especially processed vegetable oils such as soybean oil and groundnut oil.
The science dealing with the integration of ecology and the genetics of human populations.
Capable of being decomposed into harmless elements without danger to the environment.
Detritus derived from the disintegration and decomposition of once-living organisms; further designated as phytodetritus or zoodetritus, depending on whether the original organism was vegetable or animal. Detritus is matter that is produced by or remains after the wearing away or disintegration of a substance or tissue.
1. In zoology, the existence of a wide range of different species in a given area or during a specific period of time.
2. In different contexts it may denote: the number of different species present in a given environment (species diversity); the genetic diversity within a species (genetic diversity); the number of different ecosystems present in a given environment (ecological diversity).
biodynamics, biodynamic, biodynamical:
1. That part of biological science that deals with vital force, or of the action of living organisms.
2. The science dealing with the force or energy of living matter.
3. The study of how energy, motion, and other forces affect living things.
4. The scientific study of the nature and determinants of all organismic (including human) behavior.
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