Phono Words: “earphone” to “neurophonia”,
Part 2 of 5
Words that include: phono-, phon-, -phone, -phonia,
-phonic, -phonetic, -phonous, -phonically, -phonetically,
(Greek: sound, voice, speech)
Any device that converts electrical energy into sound waves and is worn over or inserted into the auditory opening; such as the ear.
echophony, echophonia:
A duplication of the voice sound occasionally heard during auscultation of the chest.
egophony, aegophony:
1. A modification of the voice resembling bleating heard on auscultation of the chest in certain diseases (as in pleurisy with effusion).
2. A peculiar broken quality of the voice sounds, like the bleating of a goat, heard about the upper level of the fluid in cases of pleurisy with effusion. From Greek aig-, aix, goat plus -phony; more at aegis.
The record obtained by electrocardiophonography.
A method of electrically recording the sounds of the heart.
An instrument (as a theremin) that produces musical tones by means of oscillating electric circuits; adjective, electrophonic; adverb, electrophonically.
etherphone, aetherphone:
A purely melodic instrument of the electronic family typically played by moving the right hand between two projecting electrodes with the left hand controlling dynamics and articulation; also known as a theremin.
An apparatus that emits a continuous hum whose pitch is changed by interference of brain waves transmitted through oscillators from electrodes attached to the scalp and that is used to diagnose abnormal brain functioning.
An exclamatory sentence or an especially striking summary comment concluding a discourse.
euphonious, euphonous:
A pleasing sound; having euphony.
To make euphonious.
1. Pleasing or sweet sound, the acoustic effect produced by words so formed and combined as to please the ear; especially, a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound or striking the ear as being appropriate to the meaning; opposed to cacophony.
2. Tendency to greater ease of pronunciation resulting in regularly observed combinative changes that seem to be caused by increased speed of utterance and economy of effort; as an adjective, euphonic.
3. The quality of having a pleasant sound; the pleasing effect of sounds free from harshness; chiefly with reference to combinations of words in sentences, or of phonetic elements in spoken words.
4. In recent philological use often the tendency to greater ease of pronunciation, as shown in those combinatory phonetic changes formerly ascribed to an endeavour after a pleasing acoustic effect.
fall phonometer, fallphonometer:
An instrument used in experimental psychology designed to furnish sounds whose intensities are in known ratios by permitting balls to drop from different heights upon plates of metal or slate.
Of, having, or belonging to a French-speaking population, especially in a country where two or more languages are spoken.
A trademark referring to an instrument designed to detect vibrations passing through rocks, soil, or ice.
A trademark referring to an instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus or needle following a spiral groove on a revolving circular disc or cylinder.
A trademark used for a phonograph that uses wax records.
Pertaining to a male with a feminine voice.
handyphone, “handy”:
The German term for what is otherwise known as a “cellphone”, a “cellularphone”, or a “mobilephone”.
A singing or sounding of the same melody by two or more voices or instruments usually with some modifications (as in rhythm or ornamentation) by one or both of the performers.
1. The change of voice at puberty.
2. Any abnormality in the voice sounds.
1. One of two or more words pronounced alike (“sound-alikes”)but different in meaning or derivation and spelling (as all and awl; to, too, and two; rite, write, right, and wright; as well as, cite, sight, and site); also called a homonym.
2. A character or group of characters pronounced the same as another character or group; when used as an adjective, it is homophonic and homophonous.
Wood you believe that I didn’t no
About homophones until too daze ago?
That day in hour class in groups of for,
We had to come up with won or more.
Mary new six; enough to pass,
But my ate homophones lead the class.
Then a thought ran threw my head,
“Urn a living from homophones”, it said.
I guess I just sat and staired into space.
My hole life seamed to fall into place.
Our school’s principle happened to come buy,
And asked about the look in my I.
“Sir”, said I as bowled as could bee,
“My future rode I clearly see.”
“Sun”, said he, “move write ahead,
Set sail on your coarse, Don’t be misled.”
I herd that gnus with grate delight.
I will study homophones both day and knight.
For weaks and months, through thick oar thin,
I’ll pursue my goal. Eye no aisle win.
—By George E. Coon from The Reading Teacher; April, 1976.
An electroacoustic transducer for listening to sound transmitted through water; such as, detection of submarines by hydrophone and underwater seismic surveying by hydrophone.
An increase in the percussion sound or of the voice sound in ausculation.
Overuse of the voice, as by excessive loudness or tension of the vocal muscles.
An abnormally weak voice due to incoordination of the muscles concerned in vocalization.
Having a high clear voice.
A sound or group of sounds denoting an idea, i.e. a spoken word.
Relating to spoken words as sounds denoting ideas.
idiophone, idiophonic:
A musical instrument (as a bell, gong, rattle) the source of whose sound is the vibration of its elastic constituent material unmodified by any special tension (as in a drum); also known as an autophone and idiophonic.
A telephone system (as in an airplane, tank, ship, or office building) for intercommunication between points within a small area.
Phonetic feature shared by some but not all of the speakers of a dialect, language, or group of related languages.
A machine combining a kinetoscope (a projector that creates an illusion of motion) and a phonograph synchronized so as to produce the illusion of motion in a scene with accompanying sounds.
A term for a clear and sonorous state of the voice.
1. A communication-system transmitter in which the vibration-receiving diaphragm is strapped to the throat over the larynx from which it receives speech vibrations directly.
2. A microphone designed to be placed or attached to the throat so as to pick up the voice directly with little intrusion of other sounds.
leptophonia, leptophonic:
A weak voice.
A trademark that refers to a tape recorder.
1. A cone-shaped device used to intensify or direct the voice; for example, a cheerleader’s megaphonepower megaphone.
2. Someone who expresses or publicizes others’ opinions or ideas; as an adjective, megaphonic.
Having a powerful voice.
A musical instrument (as a drum or kazoo) having a tightly stretched membrane as a vibrator or resonator and made to vibrate by percussion or by friction; as an adjective, membranophonic.
An instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording speech or music; as an adjective, microphonic.
An abnormally weak voice due to incoordination of the muscles concerned in vocalization; hypophonia.
A stethoscope with a diaphragm attachment for magnifying sound.
Laryngeal spasm occurring in public speakers as a result of overuse of the voice. From Greek mogis, “with difficulty”.
A melody for one voice, especially if unaccompanied.
A device that makes it possible to hear the sound of a muscular contraction.
A spasm or tic of the muscles of phonation causing involuntary sounds or cries.
Elective mutism with the loss of one’s voice during the night.
An elective mutism with the loss of one’s voice during the day but not at night.