Prefixes: a- and an- of English words,
Part 4 of 4.
“asemia” to “tritanopia”
a-, an- (Greek: a prefix meaning: no, absence of, without, lack of, not).
These prefixes are normally used with elements of Greek origin, a- is used before consonants and an- is used before vowels. It affects the meanings of hundreds of words.
There are too many words that use these prefix elements to list all of them on this site; however, there are some significant examples listed in this and the other groups provided.
Loss of the ability, previously possessed, to make or understand any sign or token of communication, whether of organic or emotional origin.
asepsis, aseptic:
1. A condition in which living pathogenic organisms are absent; a state of sterility.
2. Free from microorganisms that produce disease, fermentation, or putrefaction.
1. Reproduction without nuclear fusion in an organism.
2. Having no sexual desire or interest.
3. Having no sex; that is, genderless (neither male nor female).
An abnormal decrease of the iron reserve of the body.
Anorexia; no appetite for food.
Not social; indifferent to social values; without social meaning or significance.
Without a complete body; a fetus with only a rudimentary body.
1. Lack of awareness of the condition of all or part of one’s body.
2. Lack of somatognosis which is a general feeling of the existence of one’s body and of the functioning of the organs.
A plant in which there is no distinction between body and reproductive cells.
Failure of the formation or the emission of semen.
A stopping of the pulse; pathological changes caused by lack of oxygen in respired air, resulting in hypoxia and hypercapnia.
asplenia, asplenic:
Absence of the spleen.
Having no true spores; applied to microorganisms.
astasia, astatic:
Motor incoordination with an inability to stand.
astereognosis: Tactile amnesia:
Loss or lack of the ability to understand the form and nature of objects that are touched (stereognosis), a form of tactile agnosia.
A lack of or a lapse of posture consisting of momentary loss of a fixed position of the hands or arms followed by a jerking recovery movement that restores the limb to its original position; also known as flapping tremor.
asthenia, asthenic:
Lack or loss of strength and energy; weakness; debility or diminution of the vital forces.
Eye weakness or strain, often causing headache, ocular discomfort, etc.
A zone beneath the earth’s surface that lies beneath the lithosphere and consists of several hundred kilometers of weak material that readily yields to persistent stresses.
Having no mouth, as certain ciliates.
Congenital absence of the mouth.
A form of aphasia characterized by an inability to form or understand syllables, even while recognizing individual letters.
asymbolia, asymboly:
The loss of power to comprehend the symbolic meaning of things such as words, figures, gestures, and signs.
A lack or absence of symmetry; dissimilarity in corresponding parts of organs on opposite sides of the body that are normally alike.
Separate or distinct; not grown together.
Without symptoms; producing or causing no symptoms.
A straight line that a curve continually approaches, but never meets, even if the curve is extended to infinity.
asynchronism, asynchronous, asynchrony:
1. Operating at a rate determined by the system rather than at a regular rate of chronological time; without a fixed time pattern.
2. Describing the relationship of two or more systems that run at their own rates and interact at unpredictable times.
A pattern of language in which words and phrases are juxtaposed without grammatical linkage; seen in schizophrenic and other mental disorders.
Absence of continuity of structure.
asynergy, asynergy, asynergic:
Lack of coordination among various muscle groups during the performance of complex movements, resulting in a loss of skill and speed.
Profound mental dullness; stupidity.
Lack of proper and orderly embryonic development.
asystole, asystolia, asystolic:
Absence of a heartbeat.
A reference to muscle movements, irregular; lacking in coordination.
Loss of the sense of touch.
ataraxia, ataractic:
1. The absence of anxiety or confusion; imperturbability; untroubled calmness; inner harmony.
2. A tranquilizer; having a tranquilizing or calming effect.
An inability to form phrases and sentences despite the ability to enunciate individual words.
ataxia, atactic, atactiform:
1. Absence or lack of order; lack of coordination.
2. The inability of someone to coordinate muscle activity during a
voluntary movement; irregularity of muscular action.
Muscular weakness combined with incoordination.
A mental dread of disorder or untididness.
A reference to an event that occurs in the absence of widespread crustal deformations.
Absence of integration or successful completion.
atelia, ateliotic:
Imperfect or incomplete development.
Incomplete development which may refer to psychic infantilism or puerilism, to mental retardation, and/or to physical dwarfism (microsomia).
1. The belief that there is no God, or denial that God or gods exist.
2. Godlessness.
Not warm; said of springs with water that is below 15 degrees Centigrade.
Absorbing heat rays and not permitting them to pass.
Without fever or with no rise of temperature.
1. A name formerly given to absence of feeling or emotion, as seen in depression or the dysthymic disorder.
2. Apathy, emotional indifference, or unresponsveness.
3. Unconsciousness.
Sterility in the female.
Without offspring; non-reproductive; vegetative.
1. Literally, “not cutable”, not divisible.
2. Originally, any of the indivisible particles postulated by philosophers as the basic component of all matter.
3. A tiny particle of anything; jot.
Lack of tone or tension with reference to the muscles or bodily organs, etc.
Relating to or characterized by lack of tone or vital energy. It refers to the whole body, to a particular system of the body, or to single organs; especially to contractile organs.
Lack of normal tone (tension) or strength (in muscles, etc.).
The inability to locate a sensation properly; sensory inattention.
Not toxic; not caused by or associated with a toxin (poison).
Not inflicting or causing damage or injury.
The absence of hair either congenital or acquired.
The wasting away of tissues, organs, or the entire body.
A wasting away, especially of body tissue, an organ, etc., or the failure of an organ or part to grow or develop, as with insufficient nutrition.
Without blood or lymphatic vassels.
Not virulent.
Not contaminated by or associated with any foreign organisms, used in reference to pure cultures of microorganisms or to germ-free animals.
Insomnia, sleeplessness.
1. Devoid of living organisms.
2. Without life; specifically, designating or of the Early Precambrian (Archean) era, before life appeared on earth.
Absence of living spermatozoa in the semen.
Not occurring as one of a pair; having no mate, single.
A visual defect in which the retina fails to respond to the color green; so named from blindness to the color green, which is regarded as the second primary color.
Abnormal muscle fatigue or weakness.
A disorder originally thought to result from neural exhaustion, including such symptoms as chronic fatigue, weakness, and irritability.
A visual defect in which the retina fails to respond to the color red; so named from blindness to the color red, which is regarded as the first of the primary colors.
A visual defect in which the retina fails to respond to the color blue; so named from blindness to the color blue, which is regarded as the third primary color.