Phobia Words: “cacohydrophobia” to “cypriphobia”,
Part 5 of 13
Words that include: phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias,
-phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone)
A fear of drinking or of being contaminated in some way with bad water.
A fear of failure; literally, bad + planning + dread.
cainophobia, cainotophobia, centophobia, kainophobia,
An exaggerated fear of novelty or newness in general. Many people feel secure in their lives by doing things in the same way (and place) every day. They are very insecure and anxious when they are required to do something in a different way.
In botany, the inability of some plants to grow in lime-rich soil.
cancerphobia, cancerophobia, carcinomatophobia,
An excessive fear of cancer.
An excessive fear of heart disease.
An excessive fear of a meat diet or the mere sight of raw or cooked meat.
catagelophobia, categelophobia:
An excessive fear of being ridiculed or of being “put down” by someone. This is no doubt based on having a “low self-esteem”.
An abnormal fear of jumping (from both high and low places).
A strong antipathy to being ridiculed or criticized.
An excessive fear of sitting down.
catopthrophobia, catoptrophobia:
An excessive fear of mirrors that may be based on ancient fears and superstitions about reflections. The earliest “looking-glasses,” or mirrors, were the quiet waters of pools or ponds. Primitives believed that when a person saw his own image in a pool, or any other reflecitve surface, he didn’t just see a reflection, but his own soul looking back at himself.
Some people who have dysmorphobia fear looking in mirrors because seeing their reflections provokes anxiety about their physical condition.
Another theory says that in the past, catoptromancy, or mirror divination, was practiced and so probably encouraged fears of mirrors and images.
cenophobia, cenotophobia, kenophobia:
An abnormal fear of empty rooms, barren spaces, or of large spaces.
ceraunophobia, keraunophobia:
A fear of thunder and lightning as those which exist in storms.
chaetophobia, chaeotophobia:
An excessive fear of hair including hairy objects, animals, or people.
A fear of being squeezed.
cheimaphobia, cheimatophobia:
An abnormal fear of cold or frost, especially of winter; and of being cold, or a fear of cold things or cold air. Cheimaphobics may also fear the absence of adequate heat indoors and they may over dress for the circumstances. Some cheimaphobics avoid cold drinks and, especially, ice in their potables [drinkables].
chemozoophobous, chemozoophobe:
In biology, a reference to some plants that protect themselves from herbivorous animals by the production of noxious chemical substances.
cherophobia; also, the British spellings: chairophobia, chaerophobia:
A pathological fear of gaiety, happiness, or cheerfulness sometimes by anxieties that the happiness or gaiety are going to produce disaster or some other adverse event.
1. An excessive fear of snow or of snow storms; sometimes because it symbolizes death, poverty, and suffering.
2. In the myths of some cultures, the end of the world is predicted to occur in the winter, preceded by a heavy snow storm.
3. In biology, intolerant of snow-covered habitats.
An excessive fear of being a victim of cholera.
choreophobia, chorophobia:
An abnormal fear of dancing that may be caused by being touched, especially by someone of the opposite sex, which may be related to sexual fears.
chrematophobia, chrometophobia:
A fear of having money or wealth. This phobia is also linked to excessive concerns about cleanliness and avoidance of germs known to be carried on much-handled money. Many
chrematophobiacs will quit handling money all together or they will begin to wear gloves as a protection agains germs.
The fear of losing money is said to represent a phobia of losing the external validation of one’s self-esteem that may be provided if one has possession of a significant amount of money.
chromatophobia, chromophobia, chrematophobia:
1. An abnormal fear of certain colors.
2. Resistance to stains on the part of cells and tissues.
Discomfort concerning the duration or immensity of time (a common psycho-neurosis of prison inmates). It may be the most common anxiety disorder in prison inmates and is known as, “stir crazy” by inmates. It is characterized by panic, anxiety, and claustrophobia.
An irrational fear of eating, or loathing for, food; sometimes with a particular food or class of foods. In some religions, if a person eats a forbidden food by mistake, or is forced to do so, he/she may vomit or feel nauseous for days.
An intense fear of being shut up in a small or confined space; such as, closets, subways, tunnels, telephone booths, elevators, small rooms, crowds, caves, or other enclosed or confined spaces.
Claustrophobics react to the feeling of being hemmed in or trapped with severe panic or a feeling of suffocation. There is also the morbid fear of being below ground level; such as, in submarines or underground trains.
There are those who are afraid to be in a car or room in which they can’t open a window or in which the door is closed or the shades drawn. Some people get panicky if they must sit in the center row in a church, theater, or an airplane. A few can accommodate their fears, to some degree, by sitting at the end of the row or by the aisle.
As a result of being hemned in or trapped to any degree, claustrophobiacs may have severe panic and physiological symptoms including increased pulse beat. They often feel that they are suffocating and may have shortness of breath as if something were crushing their chests.
It’s estimated that more people suffer from claustrophobia than from any other exaggerated fear.
cleistophobia, cleithrophobia:
An intensive fear of closed spaces or of being locked in or of being in enclosed places.
cleptophobia, kleptophobia:
An excessive fear of having one's property stolen or of becoming a thief.
An excessive fear of stairs, of falling down the stairs, or of heights.
An abnormal fear or strong dislike of going to bed or of beds in general. Such phobics may have chronic insomnia, night terrors, sleepwalking experiences, or fear of bedwetting. There are even those who associate beds with the fear that they may fall asleep and never wake up.
clithrophobia, cleithrophobia, cleisiophobia:
A morbid fear of being enclosed or of closed areas; a form of claustrophobia.
An excessive fear of nettles, plant stings, or all kinds of insect stings.
Etymologically based on Greek koimeterion, It may be the most common anxiety disorder in prison inmates and is known as, “sleeping-room, burial-place”. An excessive fear of cemeteries. Those who fear cemeteries usually are also afraid of going to funerals, looking at tombstones or dead bodies, and just hearing about funerals. Some people will drive long distances out of their way to avoid going by a cemetery or walk on the other side of the street to avoid being close to one.
An abnormal fear of sexual intercourse.
An excessive fear of comets, especially when they may come closer to earth or are predicted to come in the future.
An intense dislike or exaggerated fear of computers or any association with them.
A fear of sexual abuse or of being touched or fondled by someone.
coprophobia, koprophobia:
A fear or revulsion of feces, excrement, or defecation.
A fear of constipation. Such phobics resort to taking laxatives regularly which can cause other physical complications.
Searching for what is feared; preferring that which one is afraid of.
An abnormal fear of steep cliffs (precipices).
An abnormal fear of being alone.
An excessive fear of cold, ice, or frost.
crystallophobia; hyalophobia:
An abnormal fear of glass or crystal.
An abnormal fear of computers, computerization, or anything related to computers.
An abnormal fear of bicycles.
An abnormal fear of sea swells, or waves.
cynophobia, kynophobia:
An excessive fear of intense dread of dogs or of rabies. Some people see dogs as both fearsome and unpleasant animals or as friends and protectors.
An excessive fear of sexual intercourse or of catching a venereal disease.
cyprinophobia, cyprianophobia:
A fear of lewd, immoral women; fear of prostitutes. Some men fear getting diseases from prostitutes, while others think they are evil and should be avoided.
cypriphobia, cypridophobia:
An abnormal or intensive fear of sexual intercourse or of getting a venereal disease. From a Greek word kypris, meaning Venus, the goddess of love.