Duct Words: produce to viaduct,
Part4 of 4.
Vocabulary words that include: duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation (Latin: lead, leading, bring, take, draw).
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1. The amount produced, yielded, or derived; the proceeds; the return, yield.
2. The thing (or things collectively) produced, either as a natural growth or as a result of action or effort; product, fruit.
3. Agricultural and natural products collectively, as distinguished from manufactured goods.
4. To bring forward, bring forth or out; to bring into view, to present to view or notice; to offer for inspection or consideration, exhibit. Often used for bringing forward witnesses, as well as evidence, or vouchers, in a court of law.
5. To bring forth, bring into being or existence.
6. To bring (a thing) into existence from its raw materials or elements, or as the result of a process; to give rise to, bring about, effect, cause, make (an action, condition, etc.).
One who or that which produces; in various senses.
1. Capable of being produced, brought forward, or presented to the eye or mind; adducible; procurable, obtainable, available.
2. Fit to be produced or introduced; presentable.
3. That which can be produced or extended in length.
4. That which may be caused or brought about; capable of being brought into being, generated, or made.
1. In mathematics, the quantity obtained by multiplying two or more quantities together. Also, more widely, applied to other mathematical entities (as events, matrices, permutations, sets, tensors, vectors, etc.) obtained by certain defined processes of combination of two or more entities, the processes not necessarily being commutative and the entities combined not necessarily being of the same kind.
2. A thing produced by nature or a natural process; also in a collective sense; such as, produce, fruit.
3. That which is produced by any action, operation, or work; a production; the result. Now freq. that which is produced commercially for sale.
4. That which results from the operation of a cause; a consequence, effect.
5. In chemistry, a compound not previously existing in a body, but formed during its decomposition.
1. The action of producing, bringing forth, making, or causing; the fact or condition of being produced.
2. That which is produced; a thing that results from any action, process, or effort; a product.
3. The action of bringing forward or exhibiting. In Law, the exhibiting of a document in court. to satisfy production, to produce and submit a document called for by a court of law (and thereby to admit the title of the pursuer and competence of the court).
4. Designating a vehicle or appliance made in the ordinary course of production, as opposed to one made for testing or other special purposes.
1. Having the quality of producing or bringing forth; tending to produce; creative, generative.
2. That which causes or brings about, that results in; causative. Always with of.
3. That which produces readily or abundantly; fertile; prolific.
1. In economics, the rate of output per unit of input, used especially in measuring capital growth, and in assessing the effective use of labor, materials, and equipment.
2. The rate at which radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers.
1. To bring down, diminish to a smaller number, amount, extent, etc., or to a single thing.
2. In chemistry, to decompose (a compound); to resolve into a simpler compound or into the constituent element.
3. To decrease one's weight, to slim down to a lower weight.
A reducing agent.
1. The act or process of bringing something down in extent, amount, or degree; diminish.
2. The action or process of making a copy on a smaller scale.
1. To bring again into material existence; to create or form anew; specifically, in biology to form (a lost limb or organ) afresh; to generate (new individuals).
2. To bring about again; to effect, exhibit, or present anew; to repeat in some fashion.
3. To repeat in a more or less exact copy; to produce a copy of (a work of art, picture, drawing, etc.), now especially, by means of engraving, photography, or similar processes.
4. To create again by a mental effort; to represent clearly to the mind.
1. The action or process of forming, creating or bringing into existence again.
2. The process, on the part of certain animals, of reproducing parts of the organism which have been destroyed or removed.
3. The process of producing new individuals of the same species by some form of generation; the generative production of new animal or vegetable organisms by or from existing ones; also, the power of reproducing in this way.
4. A copy or counterpart; in recent use especially, a copy of a picture or other work of art by means of engraving or some other process. Also, in more recent use, an article of furniture, etc., in a style reproduced from an earlier period.
Of the nature of, pertaining to, or effecting, reproduction.
1. To lead (a person) astray in conduct or belief; to draw away from the right or intended course of action to or into a wrong one; to tempt, entice, or beguile someone to do something wrong, foolish, or unintended.
2. To induce (a woman) to surrender her chastity.
3. To lead astray from proper conduct, responsibility, loyalty, etc.
4. To entice someone to participate in sexual intercourse when not married, especially for the first time.
1. The action or an act of seducing (a person) to err in conduct or belief; allurement (to take some course of action).
2. The persuading (of a subject, soldier, etc.) to desert his allegiance or military service.
Tending to seduce.
A woman who seduces.
To take away or remove surreptitiously or fraudulently.
The action of subduing or fact of being subdued; subdual, subjection.
1. To conquer and subjugate; vanquish, defeat.
2. To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion.
3. To make less intense or prominent; tone down.
1. To speak evil of, especially (now always) falsely or maliciously; to defame, malign, vilify, slander, calumniate, misrepresent; to blame, censure.
2. To cause humiliation or disgrace to someone by making malicious and false statements.
3. To harm the reputation of someone through false and malicious statements.
A defamer, slanderer, calumniator.
A device that converts energy from one form to another, as a cell that converts sunlight to electricity.
2. Any device by which variations in one physical quantity (e.g. pressure, brightness) are quantitatively converted into variations in another (e.g. voltage, position).
The transfer of genetic material from one cell to another by a virus or virus-like particle.
An elevated structure, consisting of a series of arches or spans, by means of which a railway or road is carried over a valley, road, river, or marshy low-lying ground.