Words Showing Similarities or Equivalence to Something Else: “belluine” to “cypseline”,
Part 2 of 7.
The suffix Greek > Latin: -ine is used to form hundreds of words that mean “similar to”, “resembling”, “like”, “characterized by”, or “of the nature of”.
Pertaining to or characteristic of beasts; brutal.
Pertaining to the birch, or birch-rod.
Designation of the group of bovine ruminants that includes the Oriental species, gaur, gayal, and banteng (forming the subgenus Bibos).
Similar to bisons; pertaining to or resembling the bison.
1. Of certain silkworms: producing two broods per annum.
2. There are multivoltines. Some species produce one, two, three, four, six, or even eight broods per annum, and in the commercial world are distinguished as, univoltines, bivoltins, trivoltins, quadrivoltins, etc.
1. Of the nature of silkworms.
2. Bombycidae is a family of broad robust moths (lepidoptera) from Asia that comprises about 100 species, including the domesticated silkworm that no longer exists in the wild; commercial silk is derived from the pupal cocoon.
Of or pertaining to oxen.; resembling a ruminant mammal of the genus Bos, such as an ox, cow, or buffalo. Applied figuratively to people or their behavior to mean “dull, stolid, stupid” and “listless.”
Similar to antelopes and hartebeests; formerly grouped in a sub-family Bubalinae or buffaloes of the genus Bubalus.
Like buzzards; of, pertaining to, or resembling the buzzard.
An imitation butter manufactured from oleomargarine (one of the constituents of animal fat) churned up with milk.
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by intrigue.
2. Scheming or devious; highly complicated, intricate and involved.
Similar to horses; of or belonging to horses; equine.
Of, relating to, or resembling a calyx (the outer protective covering of a flower, composed of a series of leaflike, usually green sepals).
Like camels; belonging to a camel, or to the camel tribe.
1. Having the qualities of a crab; crab-like.
2. Cancrine (or palindromic) verse: (Latin) verses which are the same when read either forwards or backwards, as “Roma tibi subito motibus ibit amor.”
1. Similar to dogs; of, belonging to, or characteristic of, a dog; having the nature or qualities of a dog; such as, of appetite, hunger, etc.: voracious, greedy, as that of a dog (according to the Oxford English Dictionary)
2. Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.
1. Like roebucks and deer.
2. Of or belonging to the genus Capreolus of Cervidae.
1. Similar to goats.
2. Of or pertaining to a goat; goat-like.
A reference to beavers. They are members of the family Castoridae, a species of semiaquatic mammals (Rodentia) that construct elaborate dams in small streams to form deep ponds; hindlimbs are larger than forelimbs, feet are webbed; tails are broad and spatulate; and they feed on the bark of trees.
1. Pertaining to vultures.
2. From the family Cathartidae consisting of New World vultures and condors. This family contains seven species of large carrion-feeding birds found in North and South America naked heads, often colored; wings are broad, up to 3.5 meters span; habits are solitary or gregarious, and monogamous; they usually nest on the ground or in tree hollows.
Of or belonging to the stem.
Of, or pertaining to, the family of monkeys of which the Cebus is the type.
Belonging to the spiny shark or ray.
cervine, elaphine:
1. Similar to deer.
2. Of or belonging to deer, elks, and moose; or the family Cervidae; of the nature of or resembling deer.
1. A reference to whales.
2. Like or resembling whales. They are of the family Cetacea that consists of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Pertaining to plovers, sandpipers, snipes, and woodcocks.
A reference to boars (wild pigs).
Of or pertaining to horses; now chiefly in reference to the flesh of the horse as an article of food.
1. Similar to storks.
2. Belonging to or having the characteristics of the suborder Ciconiae or storks.
1. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of a snake or serpent; snake-like.
2. Any of numerous chiefly nonvenomous snakes of the family Colubridae, including the king snakes and garter snakes.
1. Dove-like; resembling the dove as a type of innocence or gentleness.
2. Columbidae, a family that contains pigeons and doves of about 300 species of small to medium-sized terrestrial and arboreal birds found worldwide in woodland, forests, cities, and arid areas. They feed mostly on seeds and fruit, nest in trees, cliffs, on window ledges or lofts, or on the ground. The young are fed on what is called “crop-milk”.
1. Of the nature of crows.
2. Of or pertaining to a raven or crow; akin to a crow, of the crow kind. They are members of the Corvidae family that consist of crows, ravens, jays, and magpies. This family contains about 100 species of small to large passerine birds found in a variety of habitats; their plumage is uniformly dark, or with bold colorations. They are non-migratory, often aggressive, feed on a wide range of plant and animal materials, and they make nests of sticks in trees or on cliffs.
Pertaining to twilight; illuminated by twilight, dim, dusky.
1. Similar to hamsters.
2. The family Cricetidae consists of New World rats and mice, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings, voles; large cosmopolitan families of small terestrial to arboreal myomorph rodents comprising about 500 species; habits may be fossorial or semiaquatic, often nocturnal, feeding on a variety of plant material and insects.
Of, or consisting of, crocuses.
1. Of or belonging to the crocodile family.
2. The family Crocodylidae consists of small to very large amphibious carnivorous reptiles that contain twenty-two species in three subfamilies: Alligatorinae (alligators, caiman, from the New World), Crocodylinae (crocodiles, pantropical), and Gavialinae (gavials, from India and Burma) and may also be regarded as separate families.
Of or belonging to the rattlesnake family. The family Crotalidae consists of pit vipers and sidewinders with about 130 species of snakes (Serpentes) that possess heat-sensitive organs just behind the nostrils and feed on small vertebrates. Sometimes they are included in the family Viperidae.
Resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline.
1. Pertaining or related to the cuckoo; applied to a group of birds related to the cuckoos; also to the cuckoo-bees.
2. The Cuculidae family has about 130 species of birds (Cuculiformes) comprising of cuckoos and roadrunners. Cuckoos are found in woodland habitats worldwide, are commonly migratory, and many Old World species are nest parasites (dumping a smaller bird’s eggs out of the nest and replacing them by laying cuckoo eggs and leaving them to be cared for by the host bird). Roadrunners are terrestrial in open arid regions and feed on invertebrates, small vertebrates, and fruit.
Gourd-like, applied to a tape-worm.
1. Characteristic of mosquitoes.
2. From the Culicidae family, mosquitoes that are a cosmopolitan family of small dipteran insects (flies) of primary medical and veterinary importance which comprise about 3 000 species. Adults have piercing proboscis [noses] for feeding on nectar (males) or blood (females). Their larvae are aquatic, living suspended beneath the surface film of various water places. Some species transmit pathogens causing malaria, yellow fever, filariasis (caused by filarial worms), and dengue (an infectious tropical disease that is characterized by severe pains in the joints and back, with fever, and rash).
Pertaining to swans.
1. Pertaining to carp fish.
2. Belonging to the carp family, Cyprinidae, that includes carps, minnows, and barbs. They are a very large family of omnivorous or herbivorous freshwater cypriniform teleost fishes with worldwide distribution except for Australia, New Zealand and South America. They have bodies that are typically moderately compressed with thin lips, adipose fins are absent with about 1600 species, many are important as food-fish and used widely in pisciculture.
1. Showing the characteristics of swifts.
2. Of the family Cypselidae birds, comprising the swifts.