Thermo Words: haematothermia to synthermal,
Part 2 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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haematothermia, haematothermal, hematothermia,
A warm-blooded animal.
hekistothermic, hekistotherm, hekistothermy:
1. An organism living above or beyond the tree line and frequently in areas of heavy snow.
2. A plant with a requirement for a temperature of less than 10ºC in the warmest month, typically occurring in regions with a mean annual temperature below 0ºC; sometimes used to refer to those organisms living above the tree line in areas of heavy snow.
3. A plant that can grow in very cold environments, as the arctic and antarctic lichens and mosses.
heliotherm, heliothermic, heliothermia, heliothermy:
1. An organism that warms its body in the direct rays of the sun.
2. A reference to organisms that maintain a comparatively high body temperature by basking in sunlight.
hematherm, hemathermal, hemathermous, hemathermia,
Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature; warm-blooded animal.
Loss of sensibility to heat and cold affecting one side of the body.
heterotherm, heterothermic, heterothermal:
Having a temperature which varies with that of the environment; such as, plants and cold-blooded animals.
homeotherm, homeothermal, homeothermic, homeothermy:
1. Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature.
2. Maintaining an almost constant body temperature; warm-blooded; homothermous, etc.
homoeotherm, homoeothermic, homoeothermal, homoeothermy:
Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature.
homoiothermic, homoiotherm, homoiothermal, homoiothermy:
A reference to animals that regulate their body temperatures independently of ambient temperature fluctuations; warm-blooded.
homothermic, homotherm, homothermal, homothermy:
Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature.
hydromegathermia, hydromegatherm, hydromegathermy:
A reference to organisms dwelling in tropical rain forests.
hydrothermal, hydrothermia, hydrothermally:
1. A reference to hot water.
2. Applied to the action of heated water in bringing about changes in the earth's crust.
3. A reference to hot water on or beneath the surface of the earth.
hygrothermal, hygrothermia, hygrothermally:
Relating to moisture and heat.
An instrument that records the temperature and humidity of the air on a single chart.
Extreme sensitiveness (pain) to heat.
hyperthermic, hyperthermal, hyperthermia, hyperthermy:
1. Therapeutically induced hyperpyrexia.
2. Characterized by excess heat; of very high temperature.
3. The condition of having a body temperature substantially above the normal either as a result of natural causes or artificially induced (e.g. for therapeutic purposes).
Extreme sensitiveness to heat.
The use of abnormally high body temperature, especially that which is induced for therapeutic purposes.
hypothermia, hypothermal, hypothermy:
1. A body temperature significantly below 98.6ºF (37ºC).
2. The condition of having a body temperature substantially below the normal, either as a result of natural causes or artificially induced (e.g. for cardiac surgery).
1. Somewhat warm.
2. Relating to reduction of body heat.
Measurement of uterine temperature.
inductothermy, inductotherm:
Artificially producing fever by means of electromagnetic induction.
isobathytherm, isobathythermal, isobathythermic:
A line connecting points having the same temperature in a vertical section of any part of the sea or ocean.
isogeotherm, isogeothermal:
A line or surface (usually imaginary) connecting points in the interior of the earth having the same temperature; an isogeothermal line.
isotherm, isothermal, isothermally:
1. Having the same temperature.
2. Of, pertaining to, indicating, or corresponding to equal temperatures.
3. Occurring at a constant temperature; pertaining to or involving a constancy of temperature with time.
4. A line connecting points having the same temperature in a vertical section of any part of the sea.
An alcohol-filled thermometer of specified design that is heated above ambient temperature and then allowed to cool; the time taken to cool between specified temperatures is a measure of the heat content of the environment that takes into account air movement as well as temperature. The bulb may be silvered to minimize radiation effects or blackened to maximize them.
megathermic, megatherm, megathermia, megathermy:
1. An organism requiring a very high temperature.
2. A plant favoring warm habitats, and with a requirement for a minimum temperature of 18ºC in the coldest month.
megistothermic, megistotherm, megistothermy:
A plant requiring a very high temperature for growth.
meiothermic, meiotherm, meiothermy:
A plant of a temperate habitat.
mesothermic, mesotherm, mesothermy:
1. A reference to organisms that live in temperate zones.
2. A plant that lives in intermediate temperature conditions, with a minimum of 22ºC in the warmest month and a range of 6-18ºC in the coldest month.
mesothermophilous, mesothermophile, mesothermophily:
A reference to organisms that favor or prefer to live in temperate zones.
microthermic, microtherm, microthermy:
1. A reference to organisms requiring a minimum of heat.
2. A plant requiring relatively cold habitats with a minimum temperature of 6ºC in the coldest months and a range of 10-22ºC in the warmest months.
3. A plant that is native of an arctic or alpine region.
microthermophile, microthermophilic, microthermophilous,
Thriving and favoring boreal regions (cool or cold temperate regions of the northern hemisphere).
Evenness of bodily temperature; absence of an evening rise in body temperature.
Relating to the increased temperature in muscular tissue resulting from its contraction.
normothermia, normothermic:
1. Environmental temperature that does not cause increased or depressed activity of body cells.
2. Characterized by or occurring at a normal body temperature.
paleogeotherm, paleogeothermal:
A pattern of temperature variation that existed in the earths crust at some time in the past.
The investigation of the temperature of climates and oceans in past ages.
The ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.
Instrument for applying heat to the pelvic organs.
philothermic, philotherm, philothermia, philothermy:
Thriving in, and preferring, a warm climate.
photothermal, photothermy:
Related to radiant heat; pertaining to the heating effect of light-rays.
Application of hot air to the body under varying degrees of pressure.
poikilothermic, poikilotherm, poikilothermal, poikilothermia,
poikilothermy, poikilothermism:
1. Animals whose body temperatures vary according to the temperature of the environment.
2. Cold-blooded; a reference to organisms having no mechanism for internal temperature regulations so that their body temperatures fluctuate with that of the immediate environment.
3. Varying in temperature according to the temperature presented in the environment; denoting the so-called cold-blooded animals; such as, the reptiles and amphibians.
Diathermy effected by heat from radiant sources.
stenothermic, stenotherm, stenothermia, stenothermal:
1. Tolerant of a narrow range of environmental temperatures or an organism capable of tolerating only a narrow temperature range.
2. Thermostable through a narrow temperature range; able to withstand only slight changes in temperature.
stenothermophilic, stenothermophily:
Tolerant of, or having a fondness for, only a narrow range of high temperatures.
In physics, having greater energy than that associated with thermal excitations.
1. Having the same temperature.
2. An isotherm connecting places having the same temperature at the same moment of time.

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