Homo Words: homonym to homozygote
Part 2 of 2.
Words that include: homo-, hom- (Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same).
Dont confuse this Greek homo- element with the Latin homo- which means mankind.
This Greek prefix forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to hetero-.
homonym, homonymic, homonymous:
1. A word that is spelled or pronounced in the same way as one or more other words but has a different meaning.
2. Someone with the same name as another.
3. In biology, a taxonomic name that is the same as one already designating a different species or genus and cannot therefore be used.
A Homonymic Poem
A pretty deer is dear to me,
A hare with downy hair,
A hart I love with all my heart,
But barely bear a bear.
Tis plain that no one takes a plane
To get a pair of pears,
Although a
rake may take a
To tear away the tares.
Although a
rake may take a
May write and still be wrong;
For write and rite are neither right
And dont to right belong.
Beer often brings a bier to man,
Coughing a coffin brings,
And too much ale will make us ail,
As well as other things.
Quails do not quail before a storm,
A boats bow will bow before it;
We can not reign in the rain at all
No earthly power reigns oer it.
Tis meet that man should mete out meat
To feed ones sunny son;
The fair should fare on love alone,
Else one can not be won.
I would a story here commence,
But you might think it stale;
So well suppose that we have reached
The tail end of our tale.
—Author unknown
The sameness of feeling; sympathy.
Having the petals alike or the same.
homophobia, homophobic, homophobiac:
1. A fear or hatred of boredom; that is, a fear of doing the same thing over and over again.
2. Some people are incorrectly using these terms to mean: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay, and lesbian people, and their culture; however, it should be homosexualphobia.
1. A word that is pronounced in the same way as one or more other words but is different in meaning and sometimes spelling, as are hair and hare.
2. A letter or diphthong that has the same sound as one or more other letters or diphthongs.
1. In linguistics, sharing the same sound.
2. In music, relating to parts of music in which they move together in simple harmonization.
1. The quality of having the same pronunciation as one or more other words with a different origin and meaning.
2. Music of a largely chordal style in which there is no independence of voice parts, but rather a simple harmonization of a melody.
Having leaves or leaflets all alike.
The condition of being of the same race.
Used to describe a tissue graft that is obtained from a member of the same species as the recipient.
homoplasy, homoplasia:
Structural resemblance due to parallelism or convergent evolution rather than to common ancestry.
Having uniform polarity.
homopteran, homopterous:
An insect so called because it has wings of a uniform texture and which has the ability to suck plant juices through its mouthparts; such as, the cicada, scale insect, or aphid.
Characterized by equal statistical variances.
homosexual, homosexuality:
1. Someone who is sexually attracted to members of his or her own sex or sexually attracted to members of the same sex.
2. A reference to sexual attraction or activity among members of the same sex.
homosexualphobia, homosexualphobiac:
The correct term for showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay or lesbian people, and their culture.
homosporous, homospory:
Having only one kind of spore; isosporous.
A condition in which all the flowers of a species have styles of similar length.
A similarity of composition, arrangement, or fossil content among rock strata of different ages or locations.
homothallism, homothallous, homothallic:
A mode of reproduction in fungi and algae in which each thallus produces both male and female sex cells and is self-fertilizing.
A reference to a flower fertilized by its own pollen.
homotherm, homothermal, homothermic, homothermism, homothermy:
1. The maintenance of a constant body temperature despite changes in the environmental temperature; also, homeotherm, homeothermal, et al.
2. Having a uniform temperature, which does not vary with that of its surroundings, as warm-blooded animals.
homotonous, homotonously, homotony:
Having the same tone or sound.
Requiring only one host in the life cycle; said of certain parasites.
Pertaining to the same animal or the same species.
homozygote, homozygous, homozygosis, homozygosity:
Having two identical genes at the corresponding loci of homologous chromosomes.