Seismo Words: aseism to thalassoseisma
Words including: seismo-, seism-, -seism, -seisms, -seisma, -seismically, -seismical, -seismal, -seismic
(Greek: to move back and forth; to shake, to move violently)
aseism, aseismic:
1. Resistant to the destructive effects of earthquakes.
2. No earthquake; without shaking (as exists with an earthquake).
A specialist in the measuring of starquakes.
Measuring starquakes. The stars that asteroseismologists study are constantly vibrating, sending compression waves richocheting through their interiors to the surface, where they manifest as changes in the stars brightness. from Asteroseismology, an intriguing new field, in Omni, magazine, February, 1994, page 22.
baryseisma, baryseismic:
An earthquake of deep origin recordable at seismographic stations the world over.
An earthquake occurring at very deep levels in the earth.
bradyseism, bradyseismic:
The slow upward and downward motion of the earths crust.
cineseismography, kineseismography:
A photographic system for recording and measuring abnormal involuntary movements; its great advantage is that it obviates the need to attach any devices to the subject.
coseism, coseismic:
A line drawn about an epicenter through all the points affected by the same seismic shock.
Another term for an earth quake.
The study of sun quakes.
isoseismal, isoseismic:
Connecting points on a map at which the intensity of an earthquake-shock is the same.
Strong trimmers in the lithospheric part of the earth.
macroseism, macroseismic:
A major earthquake.
megaseism, megaseismic:
A violent earthquake.
meizoseismal, meizoseismic:
Pertaining to the points of maximum disturbance in an earthquake; a curve traced through these points.
microseism, microseismic:
An almost imperceptible earth tremor caused by a violent sea storm or an earthquake and detected only by a microseismometer.
Nonrhythmic spasmodic muscular contractions.
The detailed study of landforms across fault zones, analysis of deformed layers of sediment in the walls of trenches excavated across active faults and the determination of the age of carbonaceous material found in the sediments, using radiometric techniques. Specialists have gone back into earthquake history, not in terms of years or decades, but in terms of centuries to arrive at long-term patterns.
An instrument for recording the beginning or first trace of an earthquake shock.
Tremors (quakes) resulting from volcanic eruptions.
seismesthesia, seismaeshesia:
The perception of vibrations; being aware of vibrations or motions.
seismic, seismotic:
A reference to earthquakes or surface waves produced with acoustic or sonic energy for geophysical explorations of minerals, oil, etc.
1. The intensity, frequency, and distribution of earthquakes in a specific area.
2. The likelihood of an area being subject to natural earthquakes.
seismism, seism, seismically:
An earthquake.
A recording of cardiac vibrations as they affect the entire body, by various techniques.
seismocardiography, seismocardiographic:
The analysis of movements of the chest as a means of studying those of the heart.
A chronograph for determining the time at which an earthquake shock appears.
seismogenic (zone): A reference to a
region that is prone to seismic activity.
The record of an earthquakes vibrations and intensity made by a seismograph.
seismograph, seismographic:
1. An instrument for recording vibrations of the Earth, particularly of earthquakes or artificially induced energy for the exploration of underlying rock formations and the interior of the Earth.
2. Any of various devices for measuring and recording the vibrations and intensities of earthquakes.
The scientific measuring and recording of the shock and vibrations of earthquakes; seismology.
Of or pertaining to seismology.
A specialist in the science of earthquakes and their effects.
A catalogue of earthquake observations; a detailed account of earthquake phenomena.
seismology, seismologic:
1. The study of earthquakes, including their origin, propagation, energy manifestations, and possible methods of prediction.
2. The branch of geology that studies earthquakes and their effects and attendant phenomena.
3. A branch of geophysics that refers to studies of earthquakes or to seismic exploration for oil, gas, minerals, engineering information, etc.
The Earth is a dynamic planet that is continuously, if ever so slowly, changing. Earthquakes are one of the major forces causing those changes.
An earthquake may be defined as a sudden motion or trembling in the earth caused by the abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain. Numerous variables affect the timing, the extent (magnitude), and exact location of an earthquake; therefore, they are difficult to predict.
seismometer, seismometry:
A special seismograph equipped to measure the actual movement of the ground.
seismonasty, seismonastic, seismonic:
A growth movement of a plant in response to a non-directional shock or mechanical vibration stimulus.
seismoscope, seismoscopic:
A simple form of seismometer; a contrivance for detecting or indicating the occurrence of an earthquake shock, sometimes also indicating (without measuring) the intensity or direction of the earthquake waves.
seismotactic, seismotaxis:
A directed response of a motile organism to mechanical vibration or a shock stimulus.
1. Of, pertaining to, or designating features of the earths crust; such as faults, which are associated with or revealed by earthquakes.
2. Designating or pertaining to structural features of the earth that are associated with, or revealed by, earthquakes.
1. Very rapid tapping of the surface effected by using an instrument, usually with an elastic tip.
2. The treatment of disease by vibration, as by vibratory massage.
seismotropic, seismotropism:
An orientation response to mechanical vibration or a shock stimulus.
teleseism, teleseismic:
An earthquake that occurs in a part of the world far away from a recording station.
An earthquake at sea or a seaquake.