Verb Words: verbal agraphia to verbum sap.,
Part 2 of 2
Words that include: verbo-, verb-, verbi- (Latin: word)
verbal agraphia:
Agraphia (a mental inability to write properly) in which single letters can be written, but not words.
1. A verbal expression; a word or vocable.
2. Predominance of what is merely verbal over reality or real significance.
3. The uncritical or undisciplined use of words, especially without any attempt to analyze their meanings or values.
1. Someone who is skilled in the use of words, but often at the expense of ideas and reality.
2. One who is skilled in the use or knowledge of words.
3. Someone who tends to concentrate on words or language rather than on things such as facts, feelings, or ideas.
Of, pertaining to, or characterized by verbalism.
1. The quality of being (merely) verbal; that which consists of mere words or verbiage.
2. Verbal expressions or phrases.
3. The quality appropriate to a verb.
Capable of being expressed in words; able to be verbalized.
1. The action of verbalizing or the fact of being verbalized.
2. A verbal expression or statement.
3. In psychiatry, the state of being verbose or diffuse, commonly encountered in an extreme degree in patients with the manic form of manic-depressive psychosis. In a more general sense, verbalization refers to the expression in words of thoughts, wishes, phantasies, or other psychic material that had previously been on a nonverbal level because of suppression or repression. Verbalize is often used in a pseudoerudite way when talk about is meant.
1. To say something in words.
2. To use many words; to talk diffusely; to be verbose.
3. To express in words.
4. To make a word that is another part of speech, e.g., a noun or adjective, into a verb.
One who registers stimuli or thoughts mentally in verbal terms rather than in visual images; one who verbalizes.
1. Word for word; in respect of each word.
2. In or with (mere) words, without accompanying action or reality.
3. So far as words (only) are concerned.
4. In actual words; by means of words or speech.
5. In speech, as contrasted with writing.
6. With the function of a verb.
verbal noun:
A form of a verb ending in -ing used as a noun, e.g., dancing in she teaches dancing.
1. Having to do with words.
2. An inventor or coiner of words.
A game in which letters are formed into words; also, one in which a word is changed into others by re-arrangement of its letters.
To reproduce word for word.
1. Word for word, literal, and in precisely the same words.
2. With reference to a copy of a document or passage in a book, or to the report of a speech, etc.
3. With reference to a translation.
4. Corresponding with, or following, an original word for word.
5. Able to take down a speech word for word (in shorthand).
6. Of a speaker, usually reported, or worth reporting, word for word.
7. A full or word-for-word report of a speech.
verbatim et litteratim:
Word for word and letter for letter; accurately rendered. Sometimes this phrase is written as: verbatim et litteratim et punctatim; or as, Word for word and letter for letter and point for point.
1. Wordiness, long-windedness, blather, or garrulity.
2. Wording of a superabundant or superfluous character, abundance of words without necessity or without much meaning; excessive wordiness.
3. Diction, wording, verbal expression.
Tending or liable to destroy the sense or value of a word.
1. The deliberate distortion of the sense of a word (as in punning).
2. May also refer to a person who distorts the sense of a word.
3. The killing of words; such as, a liar, book-burner, or someone who misuses words.
4. One who mutilates or destroys a word.
4. The act of destroying the sense or value of a word; the perversion of a word from its proper meaning.
Someone who coins words.
A word, as an infinitive, gerund or participle, which has some verbal characteristics but lacks the power of forming sentences.
verbify, verbified, verbifying:
To convert (a noun, etc.) into a verb.
1. To repeat the same word, phrase, or sentence over and over again.
2. To go on repeating the same word or phrase in a meaningless fashion, as a symptom of mental disease.
1. The habit of frequently repeating favorite words or expressions.
2. In psychiatry, a manifestation of stereotypy, consisting of the morbid repetition of words, phrases, or sentences; also called cataphasia or autoecholalia. A patient with the catatonic form of schizophrenia kept repeating muscle, muscle, muscle, in reply to all forms of questioning.
Using words as verbs.
A type of synesthesia in which certain words evoke a sensation of color.
Someone who worships words.
The worship of words.
1. A reference to either excessively rapid (pressured) speech or to an excessive amount of speech.
2. An abnormal talkativeness; a psychotic flow of speech.
A term in psychology to describe the condition of the person who never listens except when money talks.
One who is inordinately interested in words.
1. Fear and dislike of words.
2. Someone who is abnormally afraid to speak or who has an excessive hatred of speaking.
An excessive flow of words.
1. Using an excessive number of words; writing or speaking for an abnormally long time; long-winded., loquacious, vociferous, and effusive.
2. Something that is expressed in an unnecessary number of words; prolix, wordy.
A situation in which there is someone who always knows what to say, but never when to stop
saying it
In a verbose manner; wordly.
The character or quality of being verbose; verbosity.
The state or quality of being verbose; superfluity of words; excessive wordiness, prolixity (wordy and tedious).
verbum sap.; verb. sap.:
Short versions of Verbum sapienti sat est (A word is sufficient to a wise person). A phrase used in place of making a full statement or explanation, implying that an intelligent person may easily infer what is left unsaid, or understand the reasons for reticence (inclination to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself).